funding造句181. Under the new government much of the funding for the performing arts would be cut.
182. Yet as constraints on funding begin to bite a new dynamic is becoming apparent.
183. Dirks relayed this news to some of his clients, who sold Equity Funding Corps shares before the fraud was publicly disclosed.
184. More than 190 theatres and touring companies will receive substantial rises from spring next year, with some having their funding quadrupled.
185. Here, the District had few branches and had failed in its bid to secure funding for its own tutor-organiser.
186. Monetary reform initially dawdled along so slowly that the International Monetary Fund has suspended its bail-out funding.
187. The project's organizers hope the government will continue funding it next year.
188. Meanwhile, funding for road construction, as well as other transportation alternatives, has declined.
189. These lines are used if a company is unable to sell commercial paper, the primary source of short-term funding for corporations.
190. Much more problematic, in practical terms, is the resistance by public bodies to funding what are seen as subversive cliques.
191. It now seems certain that, whichever party comes to power on 5 March, the latest funding measures will be upheld.
192. Riggs said Clinton administration representatives agreed to the further funding restriction in return for congressional leaders' blessing of the spending bill.
193. Now Mr Fallon is preparing a consultative document so the Churches can comment before the new rules for capital funding are finalised.
194. The largest obstacle facing reservation crime-fighters is a lack of funding for more officers, basic equipment and detention facilities.
195. The education programme is dependent on foreign aid, and the US Agency for International Development had been approached for funding.
196. Local authorities will have until the end of September to put in bids for funding.
197. Now regional health chiefs have decided against funding the service themselves.
198. This line had originally been due to open by the end of 1996, but was delayed by the shortage of funding.
199. The funding of this financing is subject to certain conditions, including the consummation of the Equity Tender Offer.
200. The state's original funding level was $ 3 million, creeping up to $ 5 million and then $ 6 million.
201. But Democratic legislators say the tax cut would cut school funding by more than $ 3 billion.
202. When government cash was withdrawn they applied to several charitable foundations for funding.
203. The Senate approved a plan for federal funding of local housing programs.
204. There are few more cost-effective ways to invest relatively small sums of money than reinstating the support funding for tourism.
205. Debt funding worth £690m for this original acquisition was securitised through a bond issue by Nomura shortly after privatisation.
206. Jones is also determined to increase funding for basic research,[www.] which he says the previous government allowed to run down.
207. During the month-long crisis which followed, the government was maintained by a series of stop-gap funding measures.
208. As soon as the funding is in place, perhaps this spring, the Perriseaus plan to break ground.
209. We recommended funding for the full amount of their request for acquisition, which was $ 212, 500.
210. Thus Southwark, which exports 70% of adults needing residential care, will not receive adequate funding to pay for future placements.