快好知 kuaihz

61. Eliot's argument, never entirely convincing in its own age, had by the 1940s ceased to convince altogether. 62. The actor gives his usual gruff delivery, meant to convince us he's honest. 63. The only way they can market their products is to produce literature detailed enough to convince the prospective buyer. 64. We Raika are trying to convince government to set up armed posts along the migration route to protect us. 65. No, of course he wouldn't, she tried to convince herself. 66. Saturday you have to convince a partner or boss of the value of an action plan. 67. If he hadn't managed to convince her during the past eighteen years, he was unlikely to succeed this morning. 68. I can't remember what he said to convince me, but I obeyed his request. 69. We need to convince both the parent and the child that there is something attractive to offer. 70. You have failed in your attempt to convince me of the coincidence between the bourgeois and the human. 71. How can you convince potential customers that you're reliable, and will deliver the goods that you promise? 72. In some ways, I needed that glimpse to convince myself that he was really dead. 73. We may convince others by our arguements, but we can only persuade them by their own.Joseph Joubert 74. We countered with a successful campaign to convince the young lawyers section to take a pro-ERA stance. 75. But she manages to convince Todd that he is the one for her. 76. An informant may, therefore, negotiate with others to convince them that she or he is ill and deserves attention. 77. But his more immediate task is to convince the left to campaign for him. 78. The government is trying to convince the public that it's getting tough on corruption. 79. It may yet be possible to convince manufacturers, governments and the public that energy saving is worthwhile for its own sake. 80. I am convinced that only my genuinely clear conscience let me convince the adults around me that I was totally innocent. 81. McMahon had failed to convince the manager on his five previous appearances. 82. President Kim failed to convince his opposition that he meant to consult with them freely in order to ride these twin tigers. 83. It will be hard to convince voters it was a badly written law. 84. Certainly, it was not difficult to convince some patients of the desirability of going to Carville on a purely voluntary basis. 85. He creates disorder and manages to convince people only he can resolve it. 86. It had been hard to convince the Imperial's sommelier of the necessity for the presence of porter and ginger beer. 87. But Jimmy manages to convince Ron to think more sensibly. 88. How many more deaths will it take to convince the authorities of the need to test drugs more thoroughly? 89. Was there any point in even wasting her breath trying to convince him? 90. Seeing him lying in a coffin with a stake through his heart might go some way to convince me.