快好知 kuaihz

(31) He didn't actually accuse me of stealing, but that was the implication. (32) They accuse the authorities of intimidating others to stop them joining their ranks. (33) Bisset protested that it was wrong to accuse Burke of inconsistency, because of the change of his arguments. (34) It would not be fair to accuse the authorities of doing nothing. (35) Minority voices on both sides will complain and accuse their governments of selling out. (36) You can't just accuse me without backing that accusation up. (37) Sergei Solov'ev was wrong, however, to accuse the tsar of conducting the war with a lack of resolution. (38) It is thought impolite to accuse voters, sometimes called people, of having in any way failed. (39) Clash looms over air traffic control Many critics of Railtrack accuse it of putting profits above passenger safety. (40) The retailers accuse the two credit-card companies of illegally tying their debitcard products to their credit cards. (41) Critics of opponents to development frequently accuse them of being blinded by nostalgia and motivated by personal vested interest. (42) His slide work caused many to accuse him of using an easier-to-use valve trombone. (43) Ramaphosa's own transformation into a tycoon has disappointed some blacks, who accuse him of desertion. (44) People accuse the whites of being prejudiced, but blacks can be just as bad. (45) Envious village elders would instigate whispering campaigns against them, or accuse them directly of witchcraft. (46) I was also frightened that she wrote to accuse me of disturbing her peace. (47) Boris Fyodorov survived the attack and returned to accuse senior Kremlin aides of siphoning cash out of the fund. (48) No one could ever accuse Glass of a lack of ambition. (49) Do you suppose he has to accuse us of aggression and pull out all stops on cheap emotionalism? (50) Student leaders accuse him of failing to understand the system. (51) Critics accuse the company of acting too slowly in notifying residents of the chemical leak. (52) Critics accuse him of having a blind spot on issues of ethics. (53) Few other Democrats were so bold as to accuse Clinton publicly of playing politics with the issue. (54) The company has turned over to plaintiffs' lawyers about 30 complaints in which customers accuse New Hanover of racism. (55) Human rights activists accuse the United Nations of appeasing the militia. (56) In fact she almost expected them to accuse her of causing the conscience-prodding dip into their pockets. (57) Residents say they understand that agents have an important job, but they accuse the feds of lies, intimidation and harassment. (58) Q: How do you respond to those critics who accuse the movie of being over-directed? (59) The anti-globalisation movement will accuse the Bretton Woods twins, whose goal is to end poverty, of causing it. (60) The vision of the vain, silly girl she had been seemed to accuse her in some obscure way.