快好知 kuaihz

31. The printer isn't exactly cheap at £200. 32. She has all the gen on cheap flights. 33. I'm distrustful of such cheap goods. 34. This is a cheap and simple process. However there are dangers. 35. "For heaven's sake!" Dot expostulated. "They're cheap and they're useful.". 36. With competition from cheap imports, the British coal industry is facing a serious crisis. 37. The company provides cheap Internet access. In addition, it makes shareware freely available. 38. Unlike many other politicians, he refuses to indulge in cheap jibes at other people's expense. 39. Some insurers have wised up to the fact that their clients were getting very cheap insurance. 40. There was strong smell of cheap perfume in the car. 41. Cheap goods are available, but not in sufficient quantities to satisfy demand. 42. It's an economy to buy good shoes; they cost more, but they last much longer than cheap ones. 43. Importers flooded the market with cheap toys just before Christmas. 44. The availability of cheap long - term credit would help small business. 45. He was flabbergasted when we told him how cheap it was. 46. He had called her a cheap little tart. 47. I got this dress cheap in a sale. 48. Most of the hotels are not that cheap . 49. They served breakfast all day and sold it cheap. 50. Remember the old adage — buy cheap, buy twice! 51. That was a cheap trick to play on her. 52. She's expert at making cheap, but stylish clothes. 53. Those cheap seats will fetch in the people. 54. French farmers are in revolt over cheap imports. 55. She's too cheap to take a cab. 56. Bella will sleep with anyone for a cheap thrill. 57. Violins like this don't come cheap. 58. I bought some flowers that were going cheap. 59. We found a cheap and cheerful cafe . 60. The cheap wine will rot your stomach.