快好知 kuaihz

241. He said du Pont frequently carried a. 38-caliber pistol on the estate and abused cocaine and alcohol. 242. They often fought each other and attacked humans until slain by a brave hero, frequently at an ancient site. 243. For his own good she frequently reminded him of the horrors and deprivations that would befall him there. 244. The characteristic is looked that resembles stockily but actually insincere, frequently quarrels with the same table of Pakistan. 245. In old times we find things were frequently valued according to the number of cattle. 246. Under the centuries - long feudal serfdom, the Tibetan serfs were politically oppressed, economically exploited and frequently persecuted. 247. In the Pacific Theatre during World War II, coconut water was frequently used in the field as an emergency plasma transfusion for wounded combatants. 248. Using register for frequently-used variables: this tells the compiler that the register variable is going to be frequently used, so it should be allocated to a register with a very high priority. 249. The mechanism most frequently appears to be due to automaticity. 250. Methyl orange and phenolphthalein are other indicators frequently used by chemists. 251. Epigastric discomfort or pain is a common symptom and is most frequently of intra - abdominal origin. 252. Chemical industry equipments are essential production equipments for the chemical manufacturers, how to antisepticize is a question being discussed frequently. 253. However, the frequently serious accident of mine has caused the seriously personnel casualty and the economic loss.