Catholic造句61 Anna had me baptized by a Catholic priest.
62 Are they Catholic or Protestant?
63 I was brought up a Catholic and I know the value of honesty.
64 The pope has ordered the Roman Catholic archbishop of Cardiff to be replaced until he recovers from deep vein thrombosis.
65 Certainly, Mr Patten, a Roman Catholic, ought to be able to appreciate casuistry.
66 Far from winning concessions, however, they will find what they are doing is abhorrent both to the Protestant and Catholic communities.
67 Now that it is no longer traitorous, popular antagonism towards the Catholic church has become open.
68 According to Catholic Church statistics, there were about 25, 000 baptisms in Havana in 1989.
69 This was a predominantly Protestant force which soon came to be regarded as repressive and bigoted by the Catholic minority.
70 There is a Roman Catholic church with a Virgin Mary statue out front.
71 The Catholic Church, for one, is not about to give the operation its blessing.
72 The Catholic sector is unable to accept such a view.
73 The majority Roman Catholic Church fills half of the airtime and over 30 Protestant denominations share the rest.
74 A Catholic child in Northern Ireland does not have to live such a life.
75 Ann became a Catholic as an adult and entered the book trade working at a Catholic bookshop in Exeter.
76 And this, the archdiocese believes, is sometimes done at the expense of Catholic doctrine.
77 At first they were protected by Catholic rulers, and seen as penitents entitled to alms and succour.
78 Colleges and Catholic schools at a time when both are increasingly aware of the need to co-operate more closely with each other.
79 She devoted herself to Catholic charities in the 1980s, selling her Hollywood home and jewels to finance her work.
80 Mr McGuinness is keen to channel money to parents who want to start schools that bring Protestant and Catholic children together.
81 It was holiday time for the Catholic children of Greenhill.
82 In the latest round, two student leaders of the pro-democracy movement were released yesterday, as was a Roman Catholic bishop.
83 It is a truism of Catholic thinking that grace builds on nature.
84 Walesa had secured the backing of virtually all of the country's political and social organizations, including the Catholic Church.
85 The Puritans had no more interest in astronomy or physics than in the fine points of Catholic theology.
86 He was now a young Anglo-Catholic who acquired the Catholic sense of divine rights in the Church which no State can touch.
87 He had heard stories of Ireland from the cradle, as most Catholic children had.
88 Their remain a minority of Catholic children aged 5-16 and a majority aged 16-19 who do not attend Catholic schools.
89 Catholic biblical scholars, theologians and many active lay groups had good reasons to be grateful.
90 The 5,000 mostly Catholic villagers are upset that the changes they have made are not appreciated.