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(61) a splashy half-page ad. (62) It says in the ad that the bathroom is spacious and well-appointed. (63) The actress often forgot her lines but was very good at ad libbing. (64) The ad was run in the paper for a week. (65) I don't want to go on working here ad infinitum. (66) I have to explain A, then B, and C, and so on ad infinitum. (67) Considerable remains survive of the great city walls begun by Theodosius in AD 413. (68) I lost my notes and had to ad lib the whole speech. (69) The speaker has to ad - lib his speech when his papers suddenly blow off the podium. (70) The Council meets on an ad hoc basis to discuss problems. (71) The ad plays on our emotions, showing a doctor holding a newborn baby. (72) Frank answered my ad in the Voice. (73) Robin Barda for the minors' guardian ad litem. (74) An ad campaign brought to life. (75) William Helfrecht for the guardian ad litem. (76) Hotchkis's dinky ad budget translates into low annual fees. (77) Annual ad revenue is more than $ 150 million. (78) Pheifer manages several accounts for the ad agency. (79) We discussed it ad nauseam. (80) Is this ad for Absolut Vodka for real? (81) The ad was inappropriate for a family audience. (82) One last ad for the summer un-vacation scrapbook. (83) Karen Davies, solicitor, for the guardian ad litem. (84) Well, said Malcolm, did you read the ad? (85) DNA can copy itself within a cell ad infinitum. (86) Ad campaigns are used to both bolster sales and improve corporate image. (87) But informal, ad hoc networks may then appear and disappear as the net is rearranged. (88) Then in January 1991 I saw Roslin's ad in Nature. (89) Out of these ad hoc sessions came a bold plan to drill a hole into the earth. (90) AD/M-19 leaders accused the government, in accepting this ruling, of letting political decisions be taken by judges.