unique造句61. Thatcher is unique among her predecessors in having given the English language a brand new ism, created from her own name.
62. This tension makes such unique transcendency the ultimate concern rooted in reality.
63. Madsebakke - unique iron Age rock carvings.
64. Psychology takes subjectivity, unique individual consciousness, as its object.
65. Each neighborhood has its own unique character.
66. Each national market will have its unique characteristics.
67. You will be allocated a unique reference number.
68. A unique combination, offering an unequalled nationwide service.
69. They have a unique perspective on compassionate capitalism.
70. But downtown is unique and requires different calculations.
71. Each constituent group has its unique role and set of interests.
72. The potential complication impairment of growth in Crohn's disease is unique to pediatric patients.
73. But for the curious wine enthusiast, Madeira offers a unique taste sensation.
74. Inmos Transputers are unique because they combine a processor, communications links and memory on a single chip.
75. The unique beaded cord is remarkable strong and won't snag or jam even round tight corners.
76. This unique ability to determine how to process the data is usually referred to as self-organization.
77. He saw the unique characteristics of adolescent thought and personality as a normal outgrowth of development.
78. A consultant had urged the executives to view Texaco as a jar of different-colored jelly beans, each one unique and valuable.
79. Such a state of affairs provides the seller with a unique opportunity to exploit the relatively weak bargaining position of the investor.
80. A maze of paths with unique wooden seats and bridges enables the weathered and moss-covered rocks to be seen at their best.
81. All these diverse atmospheres merge together beautifully to create a most delightful and unique East Lindsey market town.
82. It is as unique in its way as was the original White Paper.
83. Like microelectronics, biotechnology is one of those unique, so called generic, technologies which cut across traditional boundaries between industrial sectors.
84. Peer interviewing is a unique experience for most job applicants.
85. The new work environment includes unique learning requirements that classroom training alone can not meet.
86. The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique.Walt Disney
87. Included in a separate category are those allowed entry because they proved they have unique employment skills.
88. But every cave is unique - none will have formed in exactly the same way.
89. This may well be a unique combination which will produce a slightly different organism with new characteristics.
90. By no means the most beguiling feature about this outstanding car,[http:///unique.html] but a unique offer that could be a trend setter.