快好知 kuaihz

Something Just Like This歌词
Something Just Like This (Live) - 马伯骞 Like this Just like this Just like this Just like this Just like this Just like this Just like this Yeah我已陷入困境 我完全忘了本命 Yeah可能是太年轻 更多苦 我要去面临 已睁不开眼睛 我内心不再坚定 我初心早已变形 我已踏 入这个陷阱 New day 又要起床 刷牙洗脸今天随便一过 我又开始迷茫 天天挥洒汗水不知为何 往大街那么一望 那么多人盲目上班挤在公交车上 生活毫无欲望 面目表情沮丧 毫无力量 就像行尸走肉一样 曾经什么都没有 父母成为护身符 处处都没用 哎败家子是我的称呼 Well今天 my glory 并不靠 我的父母 表示骄傲 Well超爱各种舞台 每天都在通宵练歌 因为害怕失去 想方设法过多掠夺 想方 设法从我以前解脱 成长 之路苦恼还是挺多 遗忘 此时此刻保持拼搏 理想 每日每夜必须紧握 Yeah真的好累 自己整个人快崩溃 不管我会不会 伤痕累累或者变得残废 cuz I want something just like this I want something just like this I want something just like this Now I want something just like this I want something just like this Well I want something just like this I want something just like this Boy I want something just like this Veema done get it with the spirit hit the pause button right quick We raw all the way don't do it for the fame or I might slip Mixed in with the jazz music with the rap music 突然反驳说慢 哥们歌词那么烂 真的好累 自己整人快要崩溃 不管我会不会 伤痕累累或者变得残废 死都不半途而废 now cuz I want something just like this I want something just like this I want something just like this Boy I want something just like this I want something just like this Boy I want something just like this I want something just like this Boy I want something just like this I want something just like this Boy I want something just like this I want something just like this Boy I want something just like this I want something just like this Boy I want something just like this I want something just like this Boy I want something just like this this this this I want something just like this