Cowboy歌词 Cowboy. Cowboy. Well I m packing up my game I m a head out west Where real women come equipped with scripts fake breasts Find a nest in the hills, chill like Flint Buy an old droptop find a spot to pimp I m a Kid Rock it up down your block With a bottle of scotch watch lots of歌词大侠霍元甲 - 叶振棠上上签 (花木兰片尾曲)(国)_周华健鬼迷心窍 (末代皇帝主题曲)(国)_李宗离春天多么远我只爱你一个人大号是中华 - 徐小明射雕英雄传 - 林穆伤心太平洋 (神雕侠侣主题曲)(国)_任西游记 (西游记主题曲)(粤)_张卫健兄弟 (武状元苏灿主题曲)(国)_任贤齐刀剑若梦 (倚天屠龙记主题曲)(国)_周神话·情话 (神雕侠侣主题曲)(粤)_周难念的经 (天龙八步主题曲)(粤)_周华Dont Be Afraid 不要害怕China White - 王力宏我等候你+飞的理由最后的一抹微笑给我一个答案海角天涯处处是天地最真实的我不曾懂你魔窟逃往深沉之夜火场逼供谅解热恋生日舞会