Blowin In The Wind歌词 How many roads must a man walk down before they call him a man? How many seas must a white dove sail before she sleeps in the sand? How many times must the canon balls fly before they re forever banned? The answer, my friend, is blowin in the wind The answer is blowin in the wind. How many years&nb歌词马太福音 24:35诗篇 25:5希伯来书 9:26-28玛拉基书 1:13-14以赛亚书 29:11-13罗马书 14:10路加福音 12:13-15罗马书 2:1约翰一书 4:9-10以赛亚书 29:13-14罗马书 12:1以赛亚书 26:20-27:1申命记 31:6歌罗西书 2:13-14约翰福音 20:29腓立比书 3:18-19马太福音 19:27-30帖撒罗尼迦后书 1:7-8约翰福音 6:26-27以赛亚书 11:1-10约翰一书 5:14-15路加福音 7:36-39马太福音 28:18-19启示录 20:6启示录 19:16诗篇 92:12-15路加福音 21:14-15雅各书 5:16-18怎能出埃及记 15:25