the way we were歌词 memories light the corners of my mind misty water color memories of the way we were scattered pictures of the smiles we left behind smiles we gave to one another fore the way we were *can’t it be that it was all so simple then o歌词诗篇 127:3-5主曾亏欠你吗?列王记上 8:56提摩太后书 2:21列王记下 23:22-23彼得前书 2:20-21罗马书 8:11十架下的祷告出埃及记 3:1-2彼得前书 4:7希伯来书 4:1-3路加福音 18:1-8提多书 3:6马太福音 16:18-19罗马书 1:9-10约翰福音 13:2教友联合民数记 10:33哥林多后书 1:18-19在这时代创世记 15:13-14加拉太书 2:4-5约翰福音 8:31-32寳架清影加拉太书 6:14民数记 21:16-18马可福音 10:28-30将你的重担卸给主希伯来书 12:1使徒行传 6:5-15雅歌 1:4我乃属耶稣出埃及记 17:6帖撒罗尼迦后书 2:10-11历代志下 26:19要遍传福音使徒行传 12:7