awake歌词 Stay Awake Hayley Westenra.stay awake, don't rest your headdon't lie down upon your bedwhile the moon drifts in the skiesstay awake, don't close your eyes.though the world is fast asleepthough your pillow's soft and deepyou're not sleepy as you seemstay awake, don't nod and dreamstay awake, don't nod and dream. 歌词编辑:活在當下歌词约翰福音 4:12-13我的眼睛已经看见罗马书 4:17加拉太书 6:14约翰福音 4:20-24歌罗西书 3:13使徒行传 1:8希伯来书 2:1耶利米书 33:20-21约翰福音 12:49-50约翰一书 1:1灵里生活雅歌 5:6约翰一书 1:10腓立比书 4:18-20哥林多前书 4:5加拉太书 4:4-5马太福音 1:21歌罗西书 1:20-22约翰一书 4:18神掌权历代志下 20:12耶利米书 48:11希伯来书 6:4-8路加福音 10:29-30讚父奇爱何西阿书 2:14-15路加福音 2:8-11以赛亚书 55:12罗马书 5:17加拉太书 5:25以赛亚书 9:6-7诗篇 126:1-4