The Abduction歌词 The undead King, the Jackal, invokes a creature from the Azrael's womb His cries from the high of the tower make to tremble the ground ...with his power The clouds race to cover the sun not to let see who now walks Under the Jackal's command flies toward the golden ...towers of Kaledon he grow mist and it walks between the childr歌词李宇春 - 差生如果我没有爱过 - 谭维维孙俪 - 扯线木偶天上智喜-Here春光乍泄 - 江美琪梁文音-我不是你想像的那么勇敢卓文萱-爱的城堡TMD我爱你 - 李宇春阿信 - 洋葱大宇&郭可盈&陈豪&廖碧儿 - 心花放黄靖伦-月光刘欢 - 家园后弦-上天派我遇上你我在你眼里到底算什么 - 潘晓峰王力宏 - 世界的梦想潘玮柏 - 红遍全球陈浩民 - 男人之痛BOBO - 那时候的我们麦当娜&贾斯汀 - 4 Minutes张学友 - 红遍全球爱得太多 - 张亚飞金莎 - 迷恋男人不该让女人流泪 - 苏永康林峰 - 浮生若水Alan&魏晨-加油你有ME龙的梦想 - 海鸣威黄品冠&梁静茹 - K歌情人弦子-浪漫窝遇上你是我的缘 - 阿鲁阿卓