Traces Of Sadness歌词 Verse 1: He walked through the neon light His future s bout to burn His face was a mask of violence He d just reached the bitter end - That point of no return There was nothing left to reach Chorus: Just traces of sadness (All the tears remained uncried) Just echoes of madness (All his fantasies had died) He buried his daydreams (But the歌词i need you 我需要你Boom Boom Boom.﹑♧。 是Boom不是bum≈°Someone’s Watching Over Me思念 那忧伤的马头琴......悲伤的曲子 听了绝对想听第二次 听的人想哭原声说唱(诗歌) 对不起我不爱你 幻.贊贊♥不錯的抒情女声 Ce Frumoasa E Iubirea很有节奏♥心情舒畅 Jason Mraz I m YoursI Can ’t Stop Feeling非常舒服的音乐鼓楼东大街心之寻 蒙古语战车 Engel夜愿版 歌剧魅影 震撼重庆森林里面王菲一直在听的一首歌动力火车最好的一首歌天空.宦游BURY{超智游戏(one outs)主题曲op)}彼岸花开成海 此地 荒草丛生很安静很安静的钢琴曲 我 等候你敷衍花時雨音子★☆个人比较喜欢的一首日文歌~LONG ROAD若者 墨宝系列菊花台葬容若手嶌葵版MOON RIVER诛仙·敕勒歌 清弄版