Wake Up Alone歌词 wake up 猪鼻插葱http://lrcgc.com 制作 you know the way but you stop(in the middle) you know the truth but you found yourself blind you breath everyday but you don't know why you've found you're hopeless but you don't scream help am I alone? or... you feel the same way I feel... you gotta find a way someday... wake up and see around...歌词马太福音 22:4-6彼得前书 2:23以弗所书 2:16-22马太福音 11:28-30约翰福音 8:34-36马太福音 10:5-7哥林多后书 12:10约翰福音 18:36马太福音 5:11-12希伯来书 10:5-10马太福音 5:10彼得前书 5:10哥林多后书 7:11约翰福音 16:13哥林多前书 15:24-25哥林多后书 4:16-17路加福音 23:40-43路加福音 24:47-49诗篇 139:23-24使徒行传 2:17-18诗篇 25:16-17犹大书 1:12传道书 2:22-23箴言 3:5-6歌罗西书 2:6-7约翰福音 14:12哥林多前书 13:4-7以弗所书 2:10诗篇 106:20