here we lie歌词 Here We Lie Morning bleeds me pale Words feel so numb Im frozen in a place of time Im stuck to where I left A modest wish has come true A thought I never meant For a light that was so bright The night sets forever Turn your face towards the one thats deranged Tell me the truth, Im not here For a light that&n歌词雅歌 4:12是否困倦路加福音 22:31-32以赛亚书 50:8-9约翰福音 20:13-15耶稣大爱深不可测腓立比书 3:8马太福音 12:33-37希伯来书 7:25以赛亚书 50:4-6腓立比书 4:8以赛亚书 29:7-8马太福音 24:29-30路加福音 13:11-13约翰福音 16:33马太福音 10:16-18以赛亚书 49:7-9以赛亚书 53:7路加福音 10:38-42每想到你雅歌 4:16罗马书 8:19-23启示录 13:9-10以赛亚书 42:1-3加拉太书 4:10马太福音 7:3-5希伯来书 9:28民数记 14:24彼得后书 2:20-22以赛亚书 42:6-9使徒行传 20:28-30哥林多前书 9:7-12