Burned Alive歌词This Was A Triumph 这是一次大胜利
I''m Making A Note Here: 我要做点记录:
It''s hard to overstate 难以用语言表达
my satisfaction. 我的满足
Aperture Science 光圈科技(游戏里把主角当小白鼠的那个公司)
We do what we must 我们的做我们必须做的
because we can. 因为我们可以做大
For the good of all of us. 为了我们美好的一切
Except the ones who are dead. 除过那些死掉的人
But there''s no sense crying over every mistake.在每次犯错后,哭也是毫无意义的
You just keep on trying 继续尝试
till you run out of cake. 直到蛋糕快被吃完
And the Science gets done. 直到我们的科技完成
And you make a neat gun. 你充当一头小白鼠
For the people who are 为了那些仍然活着的人
Still Alive
I''m not even angry. 我甚至都不生气
I''m being so sincere right now. 我现在是如此的纯真
Even though you broke my heart. 哪怕你使我心碎
And killed me. 而且杀了我
And tore me to pieces. 将我撕成碎片
And threw every piece into a fire. 扔进烈火里
As they bu