Dancing Days歌词 Those Dancing Days Are Gone №№ Come, let me sing into your ear; Those dancing days are gone, All that silk and satin gear; Crouch upon a stone, Wrapping that foul body up In as foul a rag: I carry the sun in a golden cup. The moon in a silver bag. Curse as you may I sing it through; What matter if the knave That the most could pleasure you, The children that he gave, Are somewhere sleeping like a top Under a marble flag? I carry the sun in a golden cup. The moon in a silver bag.歌词Never again绝对震撼你耳朵的摇滚 你定会喜欢你想要怎么挂遠い夏空SS闪电部队在前进 震撼MGMT kids 电子味很浓暮光之城插曲 很唯美 很喜欢Somnus 罂粟花我痛苦的:爱植物大战僵尸主题曲ダブルラリアットGotta Be Love 温柔R&B女生His smile 仅献给你钢之炼金术师FA OP Again震撼旋律Lost in Paradise 弥漫在城市风尘中的优雅安妮宝贝新书 月 中好听的曲子 她曲调旋于忧伤的节奏感(深情)英曲 私 I Can Take Itカウントダウン霸气女声高唱(狂野节奏)啸 she is my sin感觉很好本人认为比原版好(什么关系)心动的声音 男版是非题很旧很旧的歌 但是够味一直听 经历像才会喜欢 私 阴天无与伦比的纯摇滚 亢 Frei酒馆小调麻花辫惡魔也有天使的小翅膀草莓布丁邂逅的那天别在我离开之前离开 动人的旋律江安