Halo歌词 it was your hair that did it it was your hair that lit the fuse a golden-brown halo like sunlight peeling through trees i ask you for the time but i am asking for so much more a moth to your light bulb you made my heart beat faster paralyse me with your kiss wipe those dirty hands on me maybe we re looking for the same thing maybe you re the one who ll complete me oh how beauteous your lips and eyes and your fingertips the&nbs歌词越爱越寂寞 - 刘艺杰会有天使替我爱你 - 林浩威伤心城市 - 冷漠造物弄人 - 冷漠寂寞替身 - 冷漠为心爱的人唱一首歌 - 李明翰爱的感觉 - 蓝雨为什么你要离开我 - 欢子爱到痛处就分手 - 何龙雨寂寞犯的错 - 张嘉杰爱上你我傻乎乎 - 郭玲你幸福你快乐 - 姜玉阳怪我爱得太狂野 - Free Party我爱上一个网络女人 - 李奇生我多想抱着你哭 - 高进别在我离开之前离开 - 雷诺儿我不是公主 - 凤凰传奇原来心疼是种惩罚 - 东来东往、朱玲菲不敢爱 - 邓灵网络诱惑 - 崔治国偷偷的哭 - 陈玉建娜就是我 - 朱娜那时候哥还小 - 周桐同包容 - 郑源爱情码头 - 郑源爱你最美 - 张嘉洵缘分惹的祸 - 安东阳拿什么救赎 - 宇桐非擦肩而过 - 宇桐非