快好知 kuaihz

I miss the taste of a sweeter life 怀念从前那甜蜜的谎言的日子 I miss the conversation 怀念那对白 I'm searching for a song tonight 今晚我像个傻瓜一样歌唱 I'm changing all of the stations 我不断地改变自己的安身之所 I like to think that we had it all 我想念我们过去曾做的一切 We drew a map to a better place 我们总是会遗忘烦恼活的逍遥自在 But on that road I took a fall 但我不会逃避我那么的幽默乐观 Oh baby why did you run away 哦宝贝你为什么要逃离 I was there for you in your darkest times 我会守在你最黑暗的时刻 I was there for you in your darkest nights 我会守在你最灰暗的夜晚 But I wonder where were you 但我会好奇 When I was at my worst down on my knees 当我无助的时候 你在哪里 我跪下哀求你回到我身边 And you said you had my back so I 你却不在我身边 Wonder where were you 我会好奇你身处何处 When all the roads you took came back to me 当我无助的时候 So I'm following the map that leads to you 所以我沿着通向你的地图寻找 The map that leads to you 通向你的地图寻找 Ain't nothing I can do 无助的我不知道该怎么做 The map that leads to you 通向你的地图寻找 following following following to you