Answers歌词 Anwser - 尚雯婕 I close my eyes tell us why must we suffer Release your hands for your will drags us under My legs grow tired tell us where must we wander How can we carry on if redemption s beyond us To all of my children in whom Life flows abundant To all of my children to whom Death hath passed his judgement The soul yearns for honor and the flesh the hereafter Look to those who walked before to lead those who walk after Shining is the Land&歌词深爱.九月七号 悼念我们不死的神预感时枯萎亡魂悲情童话We Are One 听了这主打单曲 相信你和我一样都会喜欢她尽管如此幸福的事宫雅欣当爱没了退路high歌爱情有没有来过这里天與地 「天と地と」繁花落尽追忆 似水流年此歌 送给 「單 曲 循环」 音乐响起 让耳朵跟着跳舞哐哐哐主题曲甘く果てしなく倾城一梦走散韶华逝 华音流韶主题曲卓绝录 华音流韶 推荐版Whatever it takes 有歌词哦寒声箜篌引天之彼岸 华音流韶叫兽.我就是要WOW 很叼的有关WOW的饶舌歌曲哥特式小丑.自己做决定Me & You ★ ★ 吐 血 推 荐 ★ ★这 样 的 节奏 会 吸 引 住 你 的 耳朵 吗