Family Tree歌词 Forgotten things remembered The tigers eat their young The body stayed but inside the head The mind was on the run A conspiracy of silence The only way out of pain Is turn around, run through it man Too wet to come in from the rain, Tell them... I know they were doing it to you But don't try doing it to me Let me歌词以弗所书 3:14-19诗篇 113:4-8彼得后书 3:15-16常与主相交哥林多前书 14:14-19以弗所书 3:17提摩太前书 5:9-10撒母耳记下 18:33哥林多前书 3:2路加福音 17:26-29腓立比书 3:7-8这就是你的智慧以赛亚书 62:6-7诗篇 78:52-54约翰福音 20:15哥林多后书 6:17约翰福音 14:21-24马可福音 1:34-45彼得后书 1:4被试探却安全稳妥路加福音 9:23-24约翰福音 17:24-26罗马书 12:6希伯来书 13:8罗马书 1:2-4以赛亚书 50:4哥林多前书 10:17开我的眼列王记下 6:17罗马书 5:14-21