Assassin歌词 Muse - Assassin 制作 War is overdue The time has come for you To shoot your leaders down Join forces underground Lose control In increasing pace Wantonly waste Intention erased Whatever they say These people are torn Wild and bereft Assassin is born (yeah) Appose and disagree Destroy Demonocracy Lose control In increasing pace Wantonly waste Intention erased Whatever they say These people are torn Wild and bereft Assassin is born (yeah) 制作 END歌词Gone going - 黑眼豆豆愿望-胡彦斌你 - 李贞贤周杰伦 - 黄金甲北鼻与底儿 - 张含韵赵冠宇 - 爱上鲨鱼的人鱼不要爱她 - 李孝利花样-松隆子听袁惟仁弹吉他 - S.H.E放开你的心-王力宏女朋友 - Avril lavigne见习爱神-Twins乖乖 - 樱桃帮反转地球-潘玮柏1,2,3,4 - 高耀太Destiny - 岛谷瞳俞思远 - 暗恋情书夏天的浪花 - 张惠妹Twinkle - 罗志祥狠狠爱 - 徐若萱你现在_RainHey Girl-李孝利永不退缩-任贤齐So Good - 张惠妹好想对你说 - 何润东白雪 - Eru好心情 - S.H.E张韶涵 - C大调双人舞 - 潘玮柏