快好知 kuaihz

Gotta believe theres a magic waySlipping into your mind, Brightening up your day Everything will be okay 变化世界 每秒变更 你说不兴奋 苦恼太多 答案太少 天天伤脑筋 闭上眼睛 盖上耳 控诉四周灰暗 何妨潜入心中相信 好的将变真 变法每分 每秒变新 说也觉得吸引 变法太多 无穷无尽 可否不要等 来快去放开 你那脑筋 远远也可走进 全程投入 只须相信 真的可发生 Gotta believe theres a magic way Slipping intoyour mind, Brightening up your day you gotta believe theres a magic way To chase away your nightmare When you say everything will be Okay Rap:Tell me what you need as i wave my magic wand just want to make you smile and give you everything you want Magic