Story歌词 I heard about your story from a friend To let go and make an end that s what you did You left some words saying now it would be good You knew they d cry but you hoped they understood Things you ve had to face what you have seen To make it through each day you tried Without the tears They tried to help but they didn t see you crawl They knew you fought but they never Thought you d fall They never thought you d fall. Tell them please how could they know Hurts&n歌词【大话西游3】胡彦斌-潇湘雨【传奇世界】蓝沁-传奇世界【LUNA】s.h.e-可爱万岁【QQ自由幻想】陈楚生-自由幻想【诛仙】任贤齐-诛仙恋【街头篮球】潘玮柏-背水一战【龙】张杰-龙鳞【热血江湖】香香-泉水【天下2】张杰-天下【武林群侠传OL】南合文斗-武林英雄【剑侠情缘2】韩红-剑侠情缘【梦幻西游】张韶涵-惊天动地【完美世界】水木年华-完美世界【剑侠情缘1】羽泉-这一生只为你【红楼梦】曲泉丞-梦红楼【王者世界】BY2-勇敢【封神榜】沙宝亮-多情人间【剑侠情缘3】御剑江湖【永恒之塔】Yozoh -Forgotten Sorrow【QQ飞车】T.A.T.U-Loves Me Not【征途】张杰-征途【梦幻诛仙】胡歌-敢不敢爱【地下城与勇士】风一样的勇士【新诛仙】董贞-情醉【穿越火线】龚格尔-Crossfire为什么不早点说爱我跟着我说嘻哈 - Baby MonkizAkon&潘玮柏-Be With YouGin & Juice - SNOOP DOGG 史努比狗狗