快好知 kuaihz

A Song For You歌词
I ve been so many places in my life and time 一生中去过如此多的地方 I ve sung a lot of songs I ve made some bad rhyme 已经唱过很多歌,做过很多拙文 I ve acted out my love in stages With ten thousand people watching 面对人山人海的观众,抒发过自己的情怀 But we re alone now and I m singing this song for you 但是现在就我们两个人,我想特别唱这首歌给你一个人听 I know your image of me is what I hope to be 我知道你对我的期望,我也希望那样去做 I ve treated you unkindly but darlin can t you see 平日,我对你有点漠然,但是亲爱的你要知道 There s no one more important to me 你对我来说意味着一切 Darlin can t you please see through me 亲爱的,请你看看真正的我 (现在的我不需要在台上的那些伪饰) Cause we re alone now and I m singing this song for you 因为现在就我们两个,这首歌我只为你而唱 You taught me precious secrets of the true love witholding nothing 你让我领悟到真爱的宝贵之处在于毫无隐瞒 You came out in front and I was hiding 以前,你出现在眼前而我在逃避 But now I m so much better and if my words don t come together 但是,现在我明白了一切.如果我有点词不达意 Listen to the me