快好知 kuaihz

remember when歌词
歌曲推荐:风车幻想 曾几何时我年轻过你亦如此 Remember when I was young and so were you 时光静止你我除爱别无所知 And time stood still and love was all we knew 我之初恋,亦是你的 You were the first, so was I 你我缠绵后你潸然泪下 We made love and then you cried 曾几何时 Remember when 曾几何时你我山盟海誓怡然漫步 Remember when we vowed the vows and walked the walk 心灵相交,共创美好,已然艰辛 Gave our hearts, made the start, it was hard 我们经历成长,生活坎坷 We lived and learned, life threw curves 有过快乐,有过心酸 There was joy, there was hurt 曾几何时 Remember when 曾几何时旧人故去新人坠地 Remember when old ones died and new were born 世事变迁,分分合合 And life was changed, disassembled, rearranged 你我相聚,散去 We came together, fell apart 我们心碎彼此 And broke each other's hearts 曾几何时 Remember when 曾几何时轻轻小脚拍出动人乐曲 Remember when the sound of little feet was the music 周复一周你我随舞 We danced to week to week 重燃爱火,找到信任 Brought back the