快好知 kuaihz

Starry starry night //星光 星光闪耀的夜晚 paint your palette blue and grey //让调色板描绘出你深深地忧郁和晦暗 look out on a summer s day //让那双洞察我灵魂深处的眼睛 with eyes that know the darkness in my soul //面朝着夏日的白昼 Shadows on the hills //在这如雪般的画布上 sketch the trees and the daffodils //勾勒出丘陵的投影 catch the breeze and the winter chills //描绘那树丛和水仙花 in colors on the snowy linen land //捕捉微风和冬季的寒意 And now I understand //而此刻我才懂得 what you tried to say to me //你想对我诉说的那些故事 and how you suffered for your sanity&n