Without you歌词 No I can t forget this evening Or you face as you were leaving But I guess that s just the way The story goes You always smile but in your eyes Your sorrow shows Yes it shows No I can t forget tomorrow When I think of all my sorrow When I had you there But then I let you go And now it s only fair That I should let you know What you should know I can t live If living is without you I can t live I 歌词溜走的星球太空探索*让人崩溃的歌&歌词..♧♧ゞ如果爱情不能完美东游记 主题曲 逍遥游等风的日子中国人 是中国人必听哦全世界都在下雨 谁能共享这淡淡的忧伤les ﹏ 疼 愛╮丢失的拥抱운명을 거슬러HITA 天涯路不还 最终版HITA 等候HITA 殇别离HITA 诗经·蒹葭HITA 送君别HITA 华胥梦HITA 今朝在咫尺小吹超人 漫画主题曲It Wasnt Me.﹑ 喔丝米完整版≈°My Heart Will Go On 维也纳童声合唱团版留心相守桜.★★★★这首说唱也不顶ˉ涐不在ST混啦★★★月光传说之完整钢琴版这里是北京★★★★★很不错的一首说唱★★★★不顶太没良心了留一点光亮 Demo甜心辣舞中的I believe动感的哦~