Down To Earth歌词 Down to Earth - Justin Bieber I never thought that it d be easy, Cause we re both so distant now, And the walls are closing in on us and we re wondering how, No one has a solid answer, But we re just walking in the dark, And you can see the look on my face it just tears me apart. So we fight, (so we fight) Through the hurt, (through the hurt) And we cry and cry and cry and cry, And we live, (and we live) And we learn, (and we learn) 歌词女生歪唱网上男人不可靠天俯广场见网友找富婆时事播报-乱劈财川谱爆笑【尽忠报国】川普英语过八级[英语老师要挨锤]〖失恋的人必听〗江南版--世上只有妈妈好<江南>歪唱!贪污啊!【川普歪唱】の来成都耍嘛川谱爆笑【回心转意】【搞笑翻唱】有钱就是拽海南话【打奖】老鼠爱大米老鼠爱大米 《川普搞笑》战士歌唱东方红VS方言版重庆城渝北人魅力之都-重庆遵义搞笑歌神-说了你也不求懂【恐龙的勇气】重庆歪唱贵阳话版【大哥歪唱】成都搞恶版__迪吧争荣__梦幻西游の人妖情未了,老周川普歪唱【光棍与寡妇】川谱〖重庆打工妹的一天〗重庆男悲痛(蠢驴-春泥)狂吼版东轰破[云南十八怪]搞笑【两只蝴蝶】之【孩他娘】贵阳话版斗牛相亲[东北RAP]-超搞笑没钱的岁月里!