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Here are five different vegetables that do not go well together when eaten:

1. Tomatoes: While tomatoes can be a versatile ingredient in many dishes, they may not pair well with certain vegetables due to their high acidity. Tomatoes should be avoided in combination with cucumbers or melons, as the contrast in flavors may be unappealing.

2. Onions: Onions are commonly used as a savory ingredient in various dishes. However, they may not be the best choice to pair with fruits like apples or strawberries. The strong flavor of onions may overpower the delicate flavors of these fruits.

3. Brussels sprouts: Brussels sprouts have a distinct and slightly bitter taste, which may clash with sweet vegetables like carrots or bell peppers. Their flavors are better suited to be paired with savory ingredients such as bacon or garlic.

4. Cauliflower: Although cauliflower is a versatile vegetable, it may not be ideal to pair with vegetables such as beets or cabbage. These vegetables have a strong flavor profile and combining them with cauliflower may create a conflicting taste.

5. Radishes: Radishes have a crisp and slightly spicy flavor, which might overpower the taste of mild vegetables like lettuce or cucumber. It is best to enjoy radishes on their own or in combination with other robust ingredients, like avocado or feta cheese.


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