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【已领】What Your Eyes Say About Your Personality

标题:What Your Eyes Say About Your Personality




The face is the portrait of the mind. The eyes, its informers. –. Latin ProverbThe eyes have always had a special significance all over the world –. From being called the windows of the soul to the enigmatic ‘evil eye’. Of the Arabs. Captivated by them, a gazillion poems have emerged from the minds of poets and despots alike.

Expressive and deep, the eyes of a person are said to reveal all to one who can read them. From a person’s health condition, to his/her intention and nature, can all be deduced by observing them by their color, clarity. Shape. Body language experts too say they can tell a lot just by observing the many nuances made by the eyes, often involuntary.

If you want to know too, what little and big things about your personality your eyes are capable of divulging to the world, here is the answer.

Look at your face, as compared to the rest of your features. Do your eyes (without any sort of makeup) look big or small? It"s a bit subjective. Ask a friend, if possible (lovers don’t count as they"re bound to sugarcoat their answer).

Large Eyes

you"re very open and receptive to both, emotions and information coming from conscious as well as sub-conscious channels, like dreams and aura. Passion defines you. A general feeling of warmth surrounds you, making you a very approachable person. You also have a creative bent of mind. Take care though, your trusting nature can make it very easy for a deceitful person to take advantage of you.

Small Eyes

Focus and precision are words you swear by. you"re known to be sharp and a stickler for details. Intelligence and far-sightedness mark you. You like to delve deep into things, gaining expertise in almost anything you set your mind on. you"re often wary of strangers, which, unfortunately means that many people presume you"re cold and arrogant.

Look at the corner and center of your eyes. Observe how the eyelids curve around them. Almond-shaped eyes are those that taper gradually, giving a almond-like shape to your eyes. On the other hand, rounded eyes are very wide in the center. Curve rather abruptly.

Almond-shaped Eyes

Almond-shaped eyes are often prized for their exotic and mystical appearance. If you possess these, then you"re a very attentive and cautious person. you"re able to keep your composure in the most taxing of situations. you"ve a very balanced outlook toward life. Don’t usually show your emotions, though deep down you"re warm and compassionate.

Round Eyes

Blessed with creativity and a vivid imagination, you"re often lost in a world of your own. Strong idealism is also a hallmark of these eyes. Is moodiness and impracticality. You often get carried away by your emotions. Find it tough to keep your thoughts and feelings to yourself. Fortunately, you also possess a charm which endears people easily, even when your sharp tongue has hurt them over and over again.

Ideally, the distance between your eyes should be one eye-width. But, most of us have less than that (close-set eyes). More than that (wide-set eyes).

Close-set Eyes

People with close-set eyes often have a deep respect for old, worldly traditions. History fascinates them. They like to follow every little custom of their ancestors and family. Unfortunately, this also means they"re very resistant, even stressed, by small changes in their lives. they"re also very focused, disciplined. Detail-minded people, prone to be a bit short-tempered. Ultimately very successful.

Wide-set Eyes

If you"ve wide-set eyes, then you love to explore and experiment –. Be it the newest trends in fashion or the latest lifestyle options (think the all-natural home-birthing moms). Extremely broad-minded and flexible, you often find it a bit of a chore to stick to a routine. Impulsive and adventurous, you"ll do well in places that offer lots of freedom and choices, even touching fame with those innovative ideas of yours.

If the distance between your eyes is exactly one eye-width, it means you"re a very balanced person, with a good outlook toward life. A healthy attitude toward people.

Prominent eyes are often called protruding or bulging eyes. Look as if they"re coming out of the face. By contrast, deep-set eyes form a bit of a hollow. Have a sunken appearance.

Deep-set Eyes

Idealistic, intense. Very romantic, are the traits associated with people who have deep-set eyes. Although, when it comes to revealing their inner feelings, they"re very private. One of their many passions is to observe people –. Brilliantly analyzing their every little gesture.

Prominent Eyes

People with these type of eyes are often very sensitive. Like to surround themselves in a protective circle of close friends and associates. Still, many people find them very approachable, warm-hearted and friendly, as they love meeting new people. One thing about them, though, is that they"re great worriers and by nature. Quite pessimistic.

Look at the corners of your eyes, they"ll have a slight upward or downward slant, perhaps, again consulting with your friend.

Upward Slanting Eyes

Upward slanting eyes are also called cat eyes. If you"re lucky enough to have them, then it can mean you"re a very ambitious, determined person. Nothing and no one can stand in your way when you"ve set those eyes on something. you"re also a very fun and interesting person to hang around with –. People often fall in love with your witty remarks and optimism. Unfortunately, some also view you as rather opportunistic and selfish.

Downward Slanting Eyes

People with downward slanting eyes are very dependent on their close ones. They"ve a pessimistic streak, which often makes it difficult for them to take any decision themselves. they"re easily dominated. Find it very difficult to say ‘no’. To anything. The silver lining here, though, is that they"re very easy to get along with. Often have deep, life-long friends.

Droopy Eyes

These are politely called sleepy eyes. Better known as the ‘drunk’. Eyes. The person possessing these is often thought to be sensual and warm. The various pleasures of life are their main weakness. They often end up over-indulging themselves.

Hooded Eyes

Hooded eyes have a slight bulge on the upper eyelids, right after the crease. The eyes often appear smaller than they actually are, due to the ‘hood’. they"re known to be super-helping people, though shy away from asking help themselves. They might appear cheerful on the outside. Actually, something is always troubling them on the inside. They also find it difficult to stand up for themselves. End up in a job far less beneath their capabilities.

These are a few things a person can understand about you by just looking at your eyes –. The windows to your soul, as per Chinese face reading. Keep in mind though, that other features like the chin, cheeks, lips, etc., should also be taken into consideration for more accurate results. Makeup alters the shape and size of your eyes. Make sure there is none when you analyze them. Have fun and do tell which shape your eyes are, in the comments.

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