快好知 kuaihz





Dear Bieber,

Words cannot express how excited I feel at this moment when I hear that you are going to visit China, and it is also my honor to recommend Beijing, one of the most popular traveling cities, to you.

Beijing, as the capital of 7 dynasties, is full of ancient relics. Architectures, towers and sculptures which reflect the profoundness of history can be seen everywhere.

Moreover, snacks in Beijing, such as Roast duck, Soybean cake and Stewed Liver will offer a wonderful experience of tastes. Besides, you will be surely welcomed in this strange city, because people here are always friendly and warm-hearted.

When it comes to the way of traveling, you can choose a group tour. However, to get more fun, you might as well select self-service tour. I sincerely hope that you could take my recommendation into consideration and that you could enjoy your staying in Beijing.

Truly yours,Li Ming


To Whom It May Concern:

XXX born in 1991, has finished study in Hunan University of science & technology this year. I am writing with great pleasure to recommend him to work in your honored company.

Among the 30 students in his class,I consider Mr. X is pretty good both on learning ability and personality.

Apart from his diligence and acute thinking capability,he is skilled at combining the theoretical knowledge with practice and exploring the solution of problem practically.He is good at interpersonal communication and team work which was verified in his daily performance.

Mr. X is a conscientious and thorough student.

He prepares every thing very seriously and carefully. He also chosen as Vice-chairman of Student Union from so many candidates.And during his term of office,the Student Union runs well and hold several major activities for students successfully.Due to his excellence, he gained the scholarship for three years.

Of course he would not forget the duty of a student which is to learn more knowledge and get certificate for the coming working.During his study,his performances were always impressive and convincing.

I know that she will grasp every chance to satisfy his strong desire for working.I am sure you will have no regret in having him as an employee in your company.

If you need any further information,please contact me.

Yours sincerely,



Dear Dean Koogan:

This letter is intended to serve as a college recommendation for Ezra Edlarruti. I have been acquainted with Ezra for four years but came to know him well last year, as he was in the one class that I taught, a thirteen-student junior English class.

Students and faculty often remark that Ezra is blessed with considerable talent. What many of them overlook is how hard Ezra works to cultivate his talent, whether it be the development of his heautiihl voice f.r an operatic performance or of his writing skills as he works through an essay.

In over twenty-five years of teaching, I ha known other students with talent equivalent to Ezra"s. Many of them lacked his good nature and humility, and few demonstrated the genuine intellectual curiosity that Ezra has exhibited over and over.

When I decided to set up a debate on Henry David Thoreau"s "Civil Disobedience," it was Ezra who was most helpful in creating a resolution that would lead to that appreciation. Ezra, to no one"s surprise, then agreed to argue on any side of the debate.

Ezra is a motivated young man of numerous talents and considerable self-discipline. He is fun-loving, likable, enthusiastic, trusting and trustworthy.

Gary Youstis

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