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Media and policy sources frequently cite natural resources as a primary driver of tensions in the South and EastChinaSeas. In reality, the region’s hydrocarbon potential is moderate, with speculative reserves most likely dwarfed by expected regional energy demand growth and by the capacity of traditional hydrocarbon producers. Rather than functioning as fundamental drivers themselves, resource issues function primarily as focal points for more powerful underlying drivers of domestic political legitimacy, popular nationalism, and regional order. Further, fisheries and hydrocarbon blocks serve as political instruments of a wider strategy that involves establishing presence and precedent in disputed sea space. As such, while joint development potential will continue to vary from project to project and may tactically alleviate some tensions, fundamental concerns over who owns and controls above-surface features make joint development unlikely to more comprehensively ameliorate tensions. Several factors suggest that the role for resource issues will likely grow over time: sharply rising energy demand and plateauing supply; increasing capabilities of state-owned energy firms to conduct offshore operations; increasing demand for fish and concordant pressure to fish further from shore; and increases in the volume of maritime traffic and proximity. These issues could lead to both increased domestic political pressure and increased opportunities for accidents and miscalculation.


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