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NRDC 公众参与环境保护快讯(2009年2月23日)

 " ("环境法公众研究网www.greenlaw.org.cn本网站由美国自然资源保护委员会(NRDC)提供了一个网络平台,用来探讨有关中国环境法,政策法规,以及公众参与。)中国项目与中国环境文化促进会(CECPA)共同创办。如您对网站有任何建议和反馈,请发送至feedback@greenlaw.org.cn.谢谢 !





Greenlaw.org.cn is a web forum for discussion of China"s environmental laws, policies and regulations, and the growing power of the public in China"s environmental protection. The site is operated by the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) China Program in partnership with the China Environmental Culture Promotion Association (CECPA).  Please feel free to contact us at feedback@greenlaw.org.cn. Thanks!



 我们的中文网址是(Visit our Chinese-language site at) http://www.greenlaw.org.cn.



我们的英文网址是(Visit our English-language site at) http://www.greenlaw.org.cn/enblog.



  (Shanghai Government website courts public comments, despite lingering flaws)






While upgrades to the Shanghai government website allow for the public to leave comments and view government information on a variety of topics, a thorough evaluation of the website by reporters from the New People"s Daily has found several flaws. Among the problems, noted the newspaper, was slow access and missing content for many links. (Source: New People"s Daily)



 河北:不按规定公开政府信息予以追责 (Hebei province issues public information accountability measures)






The Hebei Provincial government has issued the "Open Information Disclosure Accountability Measures (trial)." The measures are designed to supplement the national information disclosure law and explicitly hold public officials accountable for failure to disclose information within the legal limits prescribed by national law. (Source: Hebei Daily)



  (Zhangzhou PX Plant Environmental Impact Assessment documents disclosed)






A reporter has managed to obtain the official EIA documents that approve the construction of a Paraxylene (PX) plant in Zhangzhou. The plant was originally scheduled for construction in Xiamen, but a long campaign carried out by local citizen groups disrupted the construction and forced its migration to another location. (Source: South China Weekend News)



 人(Chinese courts handled over 3060 people in environmental and natural resource damage cases in 2008)






Highlighting the increasing problem of environmental pollution and its damage to individuals and the local environment, local procuratorates around China handled environmental damage cases involving a total of 3060 people in 2008. Of these cases, 528 could be considered "serious" environmental cases. The total damage from such incidents handled by the courts was estimated to be at least 330 million RMB. (Source: Investigative Daily)



 "环境官司"让人不敢打受害方胜诉难亟待关注 (Environmental Lawsuits Remain Difficult to Carry Out)



海门市麒麟镇居民丰叶兰日前向法院起诉,状告麒麟中学食堂产生的噪声及油烟影响其正常生活。该案件是海门市去年初实施律师参与环境信访以来,群众以司法途径维护环境权益的第一案。 2008年初,海门市环保举报中心开展了律师参与环境信访活动,实施环境维权的法律咨询和援助。然而活动开展近一年,咨询后愿意走司法途径解决问题的基本没有。另据有关资料显示,我国每年的环保纠纷案件有10多万件,但真正通过诉讼渠道解决的不足1%。…(来源:新华网)



This Xinhua article examines the current legal climate for environmental lawsuits and investigates why Chinese law leads to so many incomplete cases. It looks at evidentiary requirements, existing torts law, and how environmental lawyers have tried to adapt existing legal strategies to a relatively new and evolving legal field. (Source: Xinhua)




环境法公众研究网 - http://www.greenlaw.org.cn


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