

  8a unit1 friends
  课题: comic strip and welcome to the unit(第一课时)
  班级: __________ 姓名:_________
  1. 谈论人的外貌个性,复习描述人的单词和表达法
  2. 谈论各自的朋友,掌握描述人物相貌和品质的知识.
  3. 掌握下列词汇和短语.
  nothing, bowl, honest, secret, special, believe, magazine, good-looking,musical,
  have something to drink, nothing else, make somebody special/happy,
  have problems, share one’s joy
  (tall, short, fat, slim, pretty, strong, big, small, clever, good-looking, hard-working, brave, honest, friendly, helpful, polite, kind, shy,musical)
  1. what does your friend look like?
  2. what kind of person is your friend?
  一. 读p.6对话回答问题:
  1. hobo is hungry. what does eddie give him?
  2. what does hobo want at last?
  3. can hobo eat any more food? why?
  4 .will eddie share his pizza with hobo?
  二. 思考
  what qualities are(not) important for a good friend ?
  finish part b and give some reasons.
  三. 谈论你的好友的品质
  1.what makes your friend special?
  2.write something about your best friend to the "teenagers’ magazine.
  my friend is _____________________________________________
  四. 要点点拨
  1. have something to drink/eat 有一些喝的 / 吃的
  e.g. 我有些事要告诉你. i have _______ ________ ________ you.
  我有许多作业要做. i have ___________________________________.
  2. can i have some more food? 我能再吃点食物吗?
  e.g. 我想再要些蛋糕. i want _______ _______ cakes.
  3. there is nothing else: 意思是there is no other things
  e.g. 我不需要别的东西了. i need ________ _________.
  i don’t need _________ _________.
  4. share sth. with sb. 和某人分享……
  e.g. 我和妹妹住一个房间. i _________ a room _________ my sister.
  5. have problem with…..有……的问题
  我在英语上有些问题.i have some ________ ________ my english.
  6. believe what he /she says =believe his /her words 相信他所说的
  7. make sb. do, 使得我大笑 make ______ _______
  make sb.+ adj. (make + 宾语 + 形) make 作使役动词
  使得我开心 make _______ _______
  描述你的朋友,问同学们他/ 她是谁?
  一. 根据中文或首字母完成句子
  1. don’t talk to him, please keep____________ (秘密)
  2. the present is very _____________(特殊的), i’ll keep it for ever.
  3. i bought a _____________(杂志)named reader.
  4. toney is m______________. he can play the piano very well.
  5. she is an h______________ girl. we all believe her.
  6. daniel is a g___________ boy. he is very handsome.
  二. 单项选择
  1. it’s getting hot. you need to drink ____________ water.
  a. one more b more some c some more d any more
  2. i’m hungry. can i have something _______ , please?
  a. eat b. to eat c eating d. eats
  3. let tom play with your toys, jack. you must learn to_________.
  a. work b. make c. save d. share
  4. lily is _______ honest friend. she shares happiness and worries with me.
  a. the b a c. an d. /
  5. i don’t think there is _________ we need to do tonight.
  a anything else b else anything c. something else d nothing else
  6. grandfather died last week. that made us __________.
  a happily b sadly c sad d happy
  unit1 friends
  课题: reading (第二课时)
  班级: __________ 姓名:_________
  1 学习用形容词描述朋友的外貌和个性
  willing, ready, singer, almost, eyesight, smart, sense, bored, joke, fit, advertisement, true
  as slim as, be willing to do, be ready to do, someone in need, want to be a singer, travel around the world, have poor eyesight, because of, make someone look smart, feel bored or unhappy, tell funny jokes, make me laugh, walk past, a true friend, keep a secret, say a bad word about, knock off
  1 读以上单词,理解他们的意义。
  2 试着用这些问题去描述你的朋友。
  what does your friend look like?
  what kind of person is your friend?
  what does your friend like?
  what made you become good friends?
  betty:is betty slim?
  what kind of person is she?
  what does she want to do when she grows up?
  max:how tall is max?
  why does he have poor eyesight?
  what kind of person is he?
  may:is may pretty?
  why is she a true friend?
  2 读课文完成下列表格
  3 再读课文完成 p10 c1部分,判断正误。
  4讨论: what do you think the best friend should be like?
  what kind of person would you like to be?
  一、 所给词的正确形式填空
  1 jay zhou is a famous ________ (sing).
  2 he is ______(will) to help others.
  3 he is very good at telling f_______ stories.
  4 he has big eyes, but his ______(eye) is poor.
  5 elsa is tall and she has________(直的) hair.
  6 he is ______(慷慨的) and all the children like him very much.
  7 who is your ______ (真正的)friend.
  8 we can enjoy some interesting _______(广告) on tv.
  are you a friend?
  what are qualities of a good friend? trustworthiness(值得信赖) is a great quality to look for a friend. but in order to have good friends, you have to be a good friend. are you a friend? do people trust you? do they tell you their secrets? what do you do with their secrets? if you tell a’s secrets to b, then b would find it hard to trust you with their secrets. b may be thinking, "since(既然) you told me about a’s secrets, you would be telling somebody else my secrets," then a would find out that you haven’t kept his secrets and not open his heart to you any more. maybe it’s the end of your friendship. so if you want to be a good friend, you need to hold your tongue(舌头) and zip(关上) your lips.
  ( ) 1. trustworthiness is a great quality of a good friend.
  ( ) 2. we are good friends, so i can tell you somebody else’s secrets.
  ( ) 3. if you tell me somebody else’s secrets, i think you will tell my secrets to somebody else, too.
  ( ) 4. "friendship" means "友谊" in chinese.
  ( ) 5. only when you are a good friend, you can have more good friends.
  unit1 friends
  课题: reading2 ,exercises (第三课时)
  班级: __________ 姓名:_________
  1 学习用形容词描述朋友的外貌和个性
  willing, ready, singer, almost, eyesight, smart, sense, bored, joke, fit, advertisement, true
  as slim as, be willing to do, be ready to do, someone in need, want to be a singer, travel around the world, have poor eyesight, because of, make someone look smart, feel bored or unhappy, tell funny jokes, make me laugh, walk past, a true friend, keep a secret, say a bad word about, knock off
  (1)she is as slim as i am.
  ( as +adj+ as 一样/ not as … as不及/比不上/不如)
  他象我一样细心. he is ________ ________ _______ me.
  hobo没eddie胖。hobo is not as fat as eddie.
  (2) be willing to do =be ready to do 乐意做某事
  he is willing to stay with us for the holiday.
  many people are ready to live in the country today.
  (3) someone in need 需要帮助的人们
  we will ______ ______ for the people ________ _________.
  (4) travel around the world when she grows up她长大时想周游世界
  你长大时想干什么 what do you want to do ______ ______ ______ ______.
  (5) because of doing / because of sth. = because + 句子
  he didn’t come to school on time because of ______ (有雨).
  he didn’t come to school on time because of _______ _______ (有雨).
  he didn’t come to school on time because ________ _______(天下雨).
  (6) have a sense of humour/time/duty/beauty……有幽默/时间/责任/美感
  our teacher has a sense of humour, and often makes us laugh.
  he is often late, and he has no sense of time.
  (7) something worries me = something makes me worried
  (8) say a bad word about sb.说某人坏话
  it’s not polite to say a bad word about someone behind him.
  he never says a bad word about anyone.
  (9) keep a secret保密
  nobody else knows it. keep it a secret.
  (10) knock over 撞倒=knock off
  he knocked over the cup on the table.
  a bus knocked him over when he crossed the road.
  (11) walk past 路过/经过
  walk through 穿过/穿越(中间) walk across 横过(表面)
  1.jack practises singing every day because he wants to be a s__________.
  2.i’m w__________to help you if you have any problems.
  3.he often tells us funny stories. he really has a good s_______ of hunour.
  4.my brother is good at maths. how s_________ he is!
  5.how boring the film is! i feel b_____________.
  6.v________ for me, please. i want to be your friend.
  7.elsa is tall and she has ___________(直的) hair.
  8.father christmas is ________ (慷慨的) and all the children like him very much.
  9.he often tells me _________(笑话) when we have dinner together.
  10.we can often see ______________ (广告)on newspaper.
  1. 李小姐极富幽默感。
  miss li _______ a ______ ________ of humour.
  2. 男孩子们正在那边看广告,女孩子们呢?
  the boys ______ ______ the ______ over there. what ______ the girls?
  everyone ________ he is very________. but he doesn’t ______ ______.
  our maths teacher _______ _______ _______ and _______ round glasses.
  he never ______ ______ ______ about anyone.
  betty wants _____ ______ a singer when she _______ _______.
  i never feel _______ or _______ when he is together with me.
  8. 我们成为好朋友已经很长时间了。
  we have been good friends ________ _______ ________ ________.
  unit1 friends
  课题: vocabulary (第四课时)
  班级: __________ 姓名:_________
  1 运用形容词描述人的体格特征及外貌。
  2 运用合适的形容词来修饰男孩和女孩
  3 thin,square,handsome
  下列形容词分别可用来描述什么: slim, thin, fat, strong short, tall, long, short, straight, should-length, brown, black, square, round, big, small, black, brown, blue, good-looking, smart, clever, handsome, funny, strong, beautiful, lovely, pretty, smart, slim
  高度 _________________________________________________________
  头发 _________________________________________________________
  脸 ___________________________________________________________
  眼睛 _________________________________________________________
  男孩 __________________________________________________________
  女孩 __________________________________________________________
  一 根据以下问题复习课文.
  1 what is betty, max or may like?
  2 what kind of friend is betty, max or may?
  3 who do you like to choose as your best friend?
  4 can you tell us something about your best friend?
  二 呈现
  1 请几位学生站在班级前面,让大家描述他们的外貌
  2 请学生说出自己各部位的特征和性格.
  三 练习
  四 活动
  一 词语辨析
  beautiful handsome
  1 mary’s brother is a ________ young man. he is tall and strong.
  2 what a _________ picture it is! i’d like to take it.
  too much much too
  3 don’t eat _______, or you’ll get __________ fat.
  4 this car is ________ expensive. i’m afraid i don’t have ________ money for it.
  bored boring
  5 david is ________ with his study, so he doesn’t often go to school.
  6 that was a ________ film and i found most people felt_________.
  二 单项选择
  ( ) 1.my best friend is __________. he is good at basketball.
  a 1.75 meter tall b 1.75 metres tall c 1.75 metres high d 1.75 metre high
  ( ) 2.this man is so _______ that all girls run after him.
  a pretty b beautiful c good-looking d handsome
  ( ) 3.shark is getting old and can’t jump as _______ as he did.
  a high b higher c highest d much higher
  (  ) 4.the teacher made us ________ the words several times.
  a say b to say c. saying d said
  ( ) 5.she is as ________ as her sister.
  a smarter b smart c. smartest d smarter
  三 根据提示写一段文字,介绍你的朋友amy 的情况.
  name: amy age: 15 face: square
  eyes: bright, round nose: small hair: black short
  appearance: pretty hobby: play tennis
  unit1 friends
  课题: grammar (第五课时)
  班级: __________ 姓名:_________
  1 用形容词描述人或事物
  2 掌握形容词的比较级和最高级的用法
  3 用as…as…/not as…..as…..来比较两个人或物
  4 词汇:cheerful, printer, better, worse, worst, height, competition, camping, activity
  1. 我的堂兄非常忙。
  2. 他的脸是方的。
  3. 我妈妈现在看上去很开心。
  4. 他的视力不好。
  5. 我觉得这本书很有趣,我非常感兴趣。
  放在be 等连系动词后作表语,如:she is very careful. they look smart.
  放在所修饰的名词前作定语,如:it is a beautiful school.
  他很忙. he _________ _______. he is a ________ _________.
  她的视力不好. her eyesight is_________. she has ________ _______.
  he is faster than my friend.
  kate is more careful than jim.
  3.形容词最高级用于三者或三者以上的比较,用of 或in来加比较范围如:
  i am the shortest of all.
  this mp3 is the most expensive in the shop.
  他比我高。he is ________ _________ i am.
  他在我们班个子最高。he is _______ _______ boy in our class.
  4 用as……as…… /not as……..as 来比较事物
  这支笔和那支一样长: this pen is as ______ ________ that one.
  jim 不象tom那样高: jim ______ ______ _______ tall as tom.
  slim ______ ________ early _______ _________
  sad ______ ________ bad ________ _________
  little _______ _______ well ________ ________
  pretty _______ _______ close ________ _______
  much ________ _______ good _______ ________
  far ________ _________ interesting ___________ __________
  1.the sun is _______ than the earth.
  a. big b. very big c. bigger d. the biggest
  2. "my heart will go on" was one of _______ songs of 1998.
  a. popularest b. more popular c. popular d. the most popular
  3. this film is _______ interesting than that one.
  a. more b. much c. very d the most
  4. which do you like _______, tea or coffee?
  a. well b. better c. best d. most
  5. david is taller than _______ in his class.
  a. any student b. the students c. any students d. the other students
  6. i’m not sure whether kate dances ______ jane.
  a. so good as b. as well as c. as better as d. as best as
  7. the baby cried ________.
  a. harder and harder b. hardest and hardest
  c. more and more hard d. hard and hard
  8. he is ________ of the two.
  a. taller b. the taller boy c. the tallest boy d. the tall boy
  1.david is _______, duff is _______than david, diff is ______ of the three. (thin)
  2.who’s _________(slim), lucy or lily?
  3.david is as _________(tall) as daniel.
  4.which is ____________(close) to the sun, the earth or the moon?
  5.i think your bag is smaller than _________ (me).
  6. the girl is ___________(beautiful) in the class.
  unit1 friends
  课题: integrated skills and study skills (第六课时)
  班级: __________ 姓名:_________
  1 识别阅读和听力材料中呈现的具体信息.
  2. 谈论未来计划,提高语言表达能力
  3. 学会用wh问题来找到文中的关键部分
  4 掌握下列词汇和词组:
  solve, social, future, become, famous , agree, runner, solve problems, make friends, try to be kind to people, try one’s best to do sth.
  1. 这本书和那本书,哪个更有趣?which book is _______ _______, this one or that one?
  2. 乒乓是中国做受欢迎的运动吗? is pingpang ______ ________ _______ game in china?
  3. 我有比你更多的书. i have _______ _______ _______ you.
  4. 父亲是我们家最重的人. my father is ______ _______ _______ in my family.
  5. 我想数学和英语一样的难. i think maths is _______ ______ ______ english.
  6. 音乐不象语文那样重要. music is ______ _______ _______ ______ chinese.
  1. 问学生关于未来的问题:
  what do you want to be? why?
  2. what is millie’s future plan? listen to the tape and put a tick in the box. then finish parta2 and part a3.
  3. 听录音并回答:
  what is peter like?
  does he run fast?
  what does he want to be when he grows up?
  4.读p18 parta, 回答下列问题,并根据问题画出要点和关键词
  who is cindy?
  why is she unhappy?
  where did she live before?
  who did she come with?
  where is she now?
  how does she feel when her new classmates talk to her?
  1. help me to s_________ my maths problems.
  2. hong kong is ___________ (变得) more and more beautiful.
  3. beijing is f__________ for the summer place.
  4. i’m always ____________(紧张的) when i have to make a speech.
  5. could you give me some good a__________ on how to learn maths well?
  6. sorry, i can’t a________ with you.
  7. they are talking about their __________ (将来的) plans.
  8. uncle wang m________ to guangzhou last month. i m ___________ him very much.
  1.peter is the __________ (fast) runner in his class.
  2.i think the boy looks __________(sport).
  3.i hope _________(become) a famous singer.
  4.millie tries her best _________(work) hard.
  5.jane is good at _________ (sing) and he wants to be good _______(sing) when she grows up.
  三 根据首字母提示完成对话,每空一词:
  a: who is the boy o_______ your right?
  b: oh, this istom. i think he’s very g_________ . he is always willing to share things w__________ others.
  a: yes, i see.
  b: he is one of the most h_______ boys in my class.
  a: what’s he l_____ ?
  b: he’s helpful and p____ . he’s ready to help others and never says a b_____ word about anyone.
  a: he is really a good student. we must l________ from him.
  b: yes, you’re right.
  ( )1.this kind of tv set looks _____ and sell _____ in this shop. 学
  a. nice, wellb. nice, goodc. well, welld. good, nice 学
  ( )2.i like skiing better than climbing because i think climbing is ____________skiing.
  a. not as exciting as b. not as more exciting as
  c. not as most exciting as d. more exciting than
  unit1 friends
  课题: main task (第七课时)
  班级: __________ 姓名:_________
  1. 用形容词来描述一个朋友的相貌和品质.
  2. 根据写作要求为自己的文章构思.,了解文章的组成:导入,主体和结论
  3. 掌握下列词汇和词组
  smiling, dark, general, pleasant, climbing, exciting, correctly, dark brown, live next door, look really pretty and kind, wear a smile on one’s face
  i ______ _____ ______ ______ help people solve the problems.
  i _____ _____ ______ be a social worker when i ______ _______.
  i am really _______ _______ _______ you about my ________ ________.
  4.我想变得和sandy 一样苗条.
  i want ______ ______ _______ slim ______ sandy.
  i hope _____ _______ a famous singer and ________ _______ _______ ______.
  (1)who is daniel’s best friend?
  (2)where does she live?
  (3)what does she look like?
  (4)what is she like?
  (5)what would she like to be when she grows up?
  3. 明确写作的要求和格式:
  介绍:谁是你最好的朋友 ______________________________________
  1. 住在隔壁 _______________ 2令人兴奋的消息_________________
  3. 某人脸上带着微笑 __________ 4. 一次愉快的旅行 ______________
  5. feel bored _________________ 6. the most difficult activity _________
  7. get to know sb.________________ 8. a round face ______________
  二. 用所给词的适当形式填空:
  1. i like his bright _______________ (smile) eyes.
  2. i think ___________(pe) is very exciting and it’s _________ (dangerous) than climbing.
  3. if you answer the questions _________ (correct), i’ll give you a book as a prize.
  4. climbing is as ___________ (excite) as cycling.
  5. she is a _________(read) of yangzi evening paper.
  6. light ___________(travel) faster than sound.
  7. after ___________(wait) for my brother in the rain, mother _________ (fall) ill.
  8. there is something wrong with the lift. it ________(not work).
  9. be quiet! the baby __________(sleep).
  10. he is better at ___________ (draw) than anyone else in his class.
  提示:1 谁是你的最好的朋友。
  2. 描述一下她的 外貌,性格和能力。
  3. 介绍她的未来理想。
  please make sure that you have got a c_________ answer before you hand in your paper to me.
  i was s_________ to see ann in the street. she went to america three years ago.
  if we don’t save water, ________ people will have no water _________ _________.
  unit1 friends
  课题: checkout (第八课时)
  1. 复习怎样描述人的外表.
  2. 复习用形容词来描述人和事物
  3. 复习形容词的比较级和最高级
  climbing, exciting,correctly, answer questions correctly, that’s what we think too.
  they’re healthier than watching tv
  1. 阅读理解
  peter: we need friends to share both our happiness and sadness. friends can help us learn how to talk to people. i want my friends to be honest. we should always be true to each other. and we should help each other as much as we can.
  judy: a friend can give you a hand at any time. it is not important that my friend is popular at school or he has cool clothes. but he must be kind. he must be ready to help others. it"s also important that he is easy-going. i like talking with people who always smile.
  gima: i hope my best friend likes doing the same things as me. i think that it would be better if he or she is good at schoolwork, too.
  a.like doing the same things b.be honest c.give me a hand d.help each other e.be kind f.be popular g.begoodatstudying h.be easy-going i.be cool j.always smile k.share happiness l.look beautiful m.share sadness n.be in fashion
  1. 2. 3.
  2. 归纳、小结形容词的级的构成与用法
  3. 很多人喜欢outdoor activities,请仿照go climbing写出下列词组
  去钓鱼 去划船 去远足
  去骑车 去爬山 去野营
  去游泳 去滑雪 去潜水
  1. what about…?/ how about…? ( a ) 表询向
  my sweater is black. what about yours?
  my father is forty. what about your father?
  ( b ) 表建议 举例it is a fine day. what about flying kites?
  2. 记住下列句型:
  1) climbing is as exciting as ping./ both climbing and ping are exciting.
  climbing is exciting. ping is exciting, too.
  2) ping is more dangerous than climbing.
  climbing is not as dangerous as ping.
  3) ping is the most difficult activities of all.
  ping is more difficult than any other activity.
  3. 归纳级的用法:
  very, quite, so, too, as… as 等与原级连用
  much, a little +比较级连+ than …
  最高级后用 of + 复数名词或代词、数词
  in + 单数表范围的名词
  1 please keep a _______ (秘密). this is only between us.
  2 she looks as _____ (苗条的) as i.
  3 i think ________ (登山) is more ________ (令人兴奋的) than skiing. 。
  4. i think english is __________ (easy) of all the subjects.
  5. what is the _______ (high) of yao ming?
  二、 选择填空:
  ( ) 1. tom is ______ of the ten boys.
  a. honester b. the honestest c. more honest d. the most honest
  ( ) 2. the film is ______ than that one.
  a. fun b. funny c. funnier d. the funniest
  ( ) 3. chinese is ___________ p.e.
  a. not more exciting as b. not as exciting as
  c. not as exciting that d. not exciting as
  ( ) 4. i think swimming is ___________ hiking.
  a. as interesting than b. as more interesting as
  c. as interesting as d. more interesting as
  ( ) 5. my grandfather walks _________ than my grandmother.
  a. more faster b. much faster c. very faster d. too fast
  ( ) 6. __________ he is, __________ he feels.
  a. the busier, the happy b. the busy, the happy
  c. the busier, the happier d. the busier, the happiest
