

  高三英语the renaissance教学案
  module 2
  the renaissance 基础自主回顾 ⅰ.课标单词
  liberty 8.__________(n.)激情,热爱
  9.__________(adj.)引起烦恼的;令人不安的 ________(v.)打扰;扰乱 __________(n.)打扰;妨碍
  10.__________(n.)效果;作用 __________(adj.)有效的;起作用的
  11.__________(v.)激发,激励 __________(n.)激起动机;意图
  12.__________(n.)(犯罪)嫌疑人;可疑分子 ________(n.)猜疑;疑心 __________(adj.)多疑的;可疑的
  13.__________(v.)鼓舞,激励 __________(n.)鼓舞;启示;灵感
  14.__________(n.)职业 _____________(adj.)专业的;职业的
  professional ⅱ.常用短语
  leave for
  leave sth. behind
  on behalf of
  get tired of doing sth
  up to
  depend on
  in history 8.____________获得自由的
  at liberty
  lead to
  take up ⅲ.重点句型
  1.________the best example of a new lifelike style of painting that amazed people when it was first used.
  答案:it is believed to be 2.painters discovered ________ perspective and the effects of light...
  画家们发现了如何使用透视法和光线的效果…… 答案:how to use 3.so you can walk along a street for half an hour or so and end up five minutes from ________.
  答案:where you started ⅳ.模块语法
  1. don"t use words, expressions or phrases ________ only to people with specific knowledge.
  a. being known   b. having been known
  c. to be known  d. known
  答案:d 2. ________such heavy pollution, it might be a bit late to clean up the river.
  a. having suffered b. suffered
  c. to suffer d. being suffered
  答案:a 3. the bank is reported in the local newspaper ________ in broad daylight yesterday.
  a. being robbed
  b. having been robbed
  c. to have been robbed
  d. robbed
  答案:c 4. there"s a man at the reception desk who seems very angry and i think he means ________ trouble.
  a. making b. to make
  c. to have made d. having made 答案:b 5. after the arab states won independence, great emphasis was laid on expanding education, with girls as well as boys ________ to go to school.
  a. to be encouraged b. been encouraged
  c. being encouraged d. be encouraged 答案:c 6. —come on, mary!what"s up?
  —my brother. i"ve just heard the news of ________ from that good job.
  a. his having fired
  b. his firing
  c. his having been fired
  d. his fired 答案:c 考点探究解密
  考 点 解 读
  1.appeal v.恳求,呼吁;诉诸;求助;有吸引力;(律)上诉 n.呼吁,恳求;吸引力;上诉
  this poem makes an appeal to the emotions. 精讲拓展:
  ①make an appeal to sb.向某人提出呼吁,引起某人兴趣
  ②appeal to sb. for为……向某人呼吁(请求)
  ③appeal to...向……呼吁,诉诸于/求助于,对……有吸引力,上诉
  ④appeal to arms(force)诉诸武力
  ⑤appeal for mercy/sympathy请求宽恕/同情
  误区警示:appeal作为一个多义词,应用的具体语境是值得注意的。 朗文在线:
  ①the united nations" appeal for a ceasefire has been largely ignored by both sides.
  ②the police are appealing to the public for information about the crime.
  命题方向:appeal构成的短语和句型很有可能在高考单项填空和完形填空中考查。 活学巧练:
  (1)bright colors appeal_to small children.(替换)________
  (2)he appealed_to his friends for support.(替换)________
  (3)we will ________(求助于)a great variety of sources of information.
  答案:(1)interests (2)turned to (3)appeal to (4)(XX•杭州高三模拟)—did he say something in the lecture that ________ you?
  —not really. actually i felt sleepy over his speech.
  a. adjusted to b. attached to
  c. referred to d. appealed to
  答案与解析:d 考查动词短语辨析。根据下文可知演讲并没有吸引我,故选appeal to对……有吸引力。adjust to适应;attach to依附于……;refer to提及。 2.suspect n.嫌疑犯,有嫌疑的人 v.怀疑,疑心,猜想 adj.可疑的,靠不住的
  what she said sounded convincing,but i suspect it to be a lie.
  ①suspicion n.怀疑
  ②suspicious adj.怀疑的;疑心的
  ③suspect sth.怀疑,不信任(某事物)
  ④suspect sb. of sth./doing sth.认为……有……之嫌疑 ⑤suspect sth.
  名词或代词 to be 认为某事物有
  想法;相信 ⑥be suspicious of对……表示怀疑
  ①what he said was suspect.
  ②the police have decided the crime suspect.
  ③who did the police suspect of the crime?
  警察怀疑谁作的案? 活学巧练:
  the man________of shooting 6 school children was caught by beijing police, the xinhua news agency reported on friday.
  a.being suspected    b.suspecting
  c.suspected d.to be suspected
  答案与解析:c suspected of...为过去分词短语作定语修饰 the man。a、d从时态上考虑不合适。 3.blame vt.责备,指责,把……归咎于 n.(对错事或坏事应负的)责任
  ①have sb. to blame责怪某人
  ②blame sb. for sth.因……责备某人
  ③blame sth. on/upon sb.因……责备某人;把……归咎于某人
  ④be to blame该受责备;应负责任 误区警示:
  ①scold sb. for sth.因……而责骂某人
  ②punish sb. for sth.因……而惩罚某人
  ③praise sb. for sth.因……而表扬某人
  who is the man to blame?谁应该承担责任? 朗文在线:
  ①mom blamed herself for danny"s problems.
  ②don"t go trying to blame it on me!
  ③you are not to blame for what happened.
  出了事不能怪你。 词语辨析:scold与blame
  ②blame意思是"责备""责怪",语气较轻。而且blame的意思是指"将过失归咎于某人"。 命题方向:be to blame主动形式表被动意义的用法常在高考单项填空和完形填空中考查到,考生应熟练掌握。 活学巧练:汉译英
  答案:(1)don"t always blame your own failure on others.sometimes you yourself are to blame. (2)事故责任应归咎于他。
  答案:(2)they blamed him for the accident. they blame the accident on him. he was to blame for the accident. 4.effect n.结果,效果;作用,影响
  ①have an effect on/upon对……产生影响
  be of no effect无效,没有作用
  bring/carry/put into effect实行,实施,使生效
  come into effect开始生效,开始实施
  take effect见效,生效,实施
  ②affect v.影响;(指疾病)侵袭;感染;感动 朗文在线:
  ①realization of the "three links"will have a great effect on the life of people on both sides of the strait.
  ②the new tax regulations came into effect last year.
  ③the change in climate may affect your health.
  气候的变化可能影响你的健康。 活学巧练:
  this drug did not ________ his health, in fact, it seemed to have no ________ at all.
  a. effect; effect b. effect; affect
  c. affect; effect d. affect; affect 答案与解析:c 句意:这种药没有影响他的健康,事实上,似乎一点效果都没有。affect是动词,意为"影响";have no effect (on...)"(对……)没有影响" 5.seek (sought;sought)v.寻求;追求;探求;探索;(正式)试图
  ①seek advice/help/permission征求建议/寻求帮助/征求同意
  ②seek fame追求名利
  ③seek sth. from sb.向某人寻求某物
  ④seek to do sth.(正式)试图做某事
  ⑤seek one"s fortune寻找致富(或成功)的机会
  ⑥seek for/after寻求,追求 词语辨析:seek,find与search
  ③search"搜寻,搜查",后接要搜查的场所;后接人时指"搜身"。 朗文在线:
  ①we sought (for) an answer to the question, but couldn"t find one.
  ②i have never sought to hide my views.
  ③most men seek wealth; all men seek happiness.
  大多数人寻求财富,每个人都追求幸福。 活学巧练:汉译英
  ________________________________________________________________________ 答案:(1)seeking wealth, power and fame is not my life goal. (2)我将征求医生的意见。
  ________________________________________________________________________ 答案:(2)i will seek my doctor"s advice. 6.take up占用;占据;拿起;举起;开始从事于;把……接下去
  ①take up(too much)time占(太多)时间
  ②take up too much space/room占太多空间
  ③take up arms拿起武器
  ④take up the study of english开始学习英语
  ⑤this kind of paper takes up ink.( absorb)
  这种纸吸墨水。 ⑥this shirt will need taking up.
  ⑦take up gardening(golf)
  以园艺(打高尔夫球)作消遣 精讲拓展:
  ①take care of照顾,照料
  ③take in吸收;包括;收留;改小(衣服)
  ④take after长得像(父母亲)
  ⑤take...for granted想当然……,认为……是当然的
  ⑥take interest in对……感兴趣
  ⑦take one"s seat就座 ⑧take out(of)取出
  ⑨take pride in引以为自豪
  ⑩take off(飞机等)起飞;成功;脱掉(衣物);休假
  b11take on雇用;呈现
  b12take over接管;接任 朗文在线:
  ①his face took on a worried look.
  ②will you take over the driving when we reach madison?
  ③the runners took up their positions on the starting line.
  赛跑运动员已在起跑线上各就各位。 命题方向:由take构成的短语动词和句型是高考考查的重点内容,单项填空和完形填空中很容易考查到,书面表达中也常常用到。 活学巧练:
  after he retired from office, rogers ______ painting for a while, but soon lost interest.
  a.took up b.saved up
  c.kept up d.drew up 答案与解析:a 这里take up表示"开始从事于"。 7.leave sb./sth. behind把……抛/落在后面,超过,遗留
  ①leave sb./sth. alone不干预,不干涉;不碰
  ②leave for出发去某地,动身去某地
  ③leave sth. with/to sb.把……交给/遗留给某人
  ④leave sb./sth. 宾补 使/让……处于某种状态
  ⑤leave aside不考虑;忽视
  ⑥leave off停止
  ⑦leave out省略 误区警示:(1)leave for中leave可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词,构成leave...for。
  they will leave shanghai for hong kong.
  (2)"把……忘/落在某地了"应用动词leave而不用forget,如"我把手套忘/落在公共汽车上了。"应译为"i"ve left my gloves on the bus." 朗文在线:
  ①leave it with me and i"ll fix it for you.
  ②they"re leaving for rome in the morning.
  ③i wish you"d stop leaving the door open.
  ④leave behind a clean world for future generations.
  留给下一代一个清洁的地球。 ⑤leave him to do it himself.
  ⑥i"ve told you to leave my things alone.
  我已经告诉过你不要动我的东西。 命题方向:"leave 宾语 宾补"句型是高考考查的重点,作宾补的可以是名词、形容词、分词、不定式或介词短语。 活学巧练:
  (1)you"d better ________(让窗子关着)when you"re asleep.
  答案:(1)leave the windows closed
  (2)i________(把帽子忘了)on the chair.
  答案:(2)left my hat behind
  (3)go and join in the party.________ it to me to do the washing-up.
  a.get  b.remain
  c.leave d.send
  答案与解析:c leave sth. to sb.把……交给某人。句意为:把打扫卫生交给我来做。 8.on behalf of代表
  ①on sb."s behalf on behalf of sb.代表某人
  ②in sb."s behalf in behalf of sb.为帮助某人
  误区警示:on behalf of常在句子中作状语用,而represent和stand for为及物动词,须接宾语,表示"代表……"。 朗文在线:
  ①on behalf of everyone here,may i wish you a very happy retirement.
  ②oh,don"t go to any trouble on my behalf.
  命题方向:on behalf of短语中介词on以及of的搭配是常考点。 活学巧练:
  zhang ziyi is not present,so the director will accept the prize __________.
  a.on behalf b.in behalf
  c.on behalf of her d.in the behalf
  答案与解析:c 因为章子怡没有出席,导演代表她领奖。 9.where从句
  where he has gone is not known yet.(主语从句)
  i don"t know where he has gone.(宾语从句)
  我不知道他去了哪里。 ②定语从句
  can you find a situation where this phrase can be used?
  where there is a will,there is a way.
  有志者事竟成。 朗文在线:
  ①i asked lucy where she was going.
  ②sit where you like.
  命题方向:where作引导词引导从句的用法,是高考重点考查的内容,一般在单项填空中考查其与what,when,how以及wherever的区别。 活学巧练:
  i can think of many cases __________ students obviously knew a lot of english words and expressions but couldn"t write a good essay.
  a.why b.which
  c.as d.where 答案与解析:d where在这里引导定语从句,修饰前面的名词case。 10.复习非谓语动词
  动名词的作用:从动名词在句子里的作用来看,它类似于名词;可以作主语、定语、表语和宾语。 1.作主语:
  reading english aloud in the morning will do you a lot of good.
  there is no littering about.
  reading material阅读材料
  swimming pool游泳池 3.作表语:动名词作表语主要说明"主语是做什么的、或是怎么回事",动作意义弱,较抽象。
  his part-time job is promoting new products for the company.
  their task is exploring oil mines in the west.
  他们的任务是在西部探查油矿。(动名词) 4.作宾语:常见的用动名词作宾语的及物动词:avoid,can"t help,consider,excuse,finish,give up,imagine,keep on,mind,miss,suggest等。
  he managed to escape suffering from the disease.
  excuse my interrupting you for a while.
  请原谅我打扰你一会儿。 (二)复习动词不定式
  不定式在句中起名词、动词、形容词和副词的作用,因此可以在句中作主语、宾语、表语、定语、状语和补语,动词不定式的基本形式是"to 动词原形",它没有人称和数的变化。
  it is not easy to master a foreign language.
  掌握一门外语并不容易 2.不定式作宾语和宾补
  (1)下列动词后只能用不定式而不用动名词作宾语:ask,agree,care,choose,demand,dare,decide,expect,fail,hope,learn,manage,offer,plan,prepare,pretend,promise,refuse,wish,desire等。 (2)下列动词或词组既可以跟动名词作宾语,也可以跟不定式作宾语,但意义上有区别,要特别注意。
  forgetto do sth.忘记去做某事
  doing sth.忘记已经做过某事
  rememberto do sth.记住去做某事
  doing sth.记得曾经做过某事
  regretto do sth.遗憾去做某事
  doing sth.后悔做过某事
  stopto do sth.停下手头正做的事去做另一件事
  doing sth.停止正在做的事 tryto do sth.努力去做某事
  doing sth.尝试做某事
  go onto do sth.(做完某事)接着做另一件事
  doing sth.继续做同一件事
  can"t helpto do sth.不能帮助做某事
  doing sth.情不自禁地做某事 3.不定式作状语
  he sat down to have a rest.(表目的)
  he woke up only/just to find everybody gone.(表结果)
  i"m very glad to see you.(表原因)
  见到你我非常高兴。 注意:强调动词不定式所表示的目的时,动词不定式可用in order to或so as to 动词原形。so as to不用于句首。
  he got up early in order to catch the first bus.
  他早起是为了赶上第一班车。 4.不定式作定语
  the browns have a comfortable house to live in.
  布朗一家有一套舒适的房子居住着。 5.不定式作表语
  to see is to believe.
  6.疑问词 不定式结构
  疑问词(who,which,when,where,how,what等) 不定式,这个结构在句中起名词作用,可充当主语、表语、宾语。
  i didn"t know what to do.(宾语)
  when to hold the meeting is not known yet.(主语) 活学巧练:
  (1)(XX•安徽)—robert is indeed a wise man.
  —oh,yes.how often i have regretted ________ his advice!
  a.to take  b.taking
  c.not to take d.not taking 答案:d (2)(XX•浙江)the children talked so loudly at dinner table that i had to struggle ________.
  a.to be heard b.to have heard
  c.hearing d.being heard
  答案:a (3)what worried the child most was ________ to visit his mother in the hospital.
  a.his not allowing b.his not being allowed
  c.his being not allowed d.having not been allowed
  答案:b (4)—can the project be finished as planned?
  —sure.________ it completed in time,we"ll work two more hours a day.
  a.to have got b.to get
  c.getting d.having got
  答案:b (5)her father ________ in the u.s.a. for another year,so that she could work toward her master"s degree.
  a.agreed her to stay b.permitted her stay
  c.let her staying d.approved of her staying 答案:d 考 题 演 练
  1.(XX•山东卷)—john and i will celebrate our fortieth wedding anniversary next month.
  a. cheer up b. well done
  c. go ahead d. congratulations 答案与解析:d cheer up"振作起来",表示鼓励;well done干得好;go ahead干吧(做吧,用吧);congratulations祝贺。根据上句"我和约翰将在下月庆祝结婚四十周年纪念"可知,答语应是表示祝贺。 2.(XX•辽宁卷)________,you need to give all you have and try your best.
  a. being a winner b. to be a winner
  c. be a winner d. having been a winner 答案与解析:b 句意:为了成为赢家,你要付出你的所有并全力以赴。所以空格部分在句中应作目的状语,故要用动词不定式。 3.(XX•安徽卷)we tried to find a table for seven, but they were all ________.
  a. given away  b. kept away
  c. taken up  d. used up 答案与解析:c 句意:我们想要找到一个七人餐桌,但它们都被占用了。give away泄露;分发;keep away使离开;use up用尽,均不合题意。take up占据,符合题意。 4.(XX•安徽卷)the play ________ next month aims mainly to reflect the local culture.
  a. produced b. being produced
  c. to be produced d. having been produced 答案与解析:c 句意:下月将要完成的那个戏剧主要反映当地的文化。play与produce之间为被动关系,又因next month为将来的时间,而a项指过去已完成的动作;b项指正在被完成的动作;而d项经常作状语,也表示已经完成的动作,故均可排除。 5.(XX•上海卷)with the government"s aid, those ________ by the earthquake have moved to the new settlements.
  a. affect b. affecting
  c. affected  d. were affected 答案与解析:c 句中有have moved作谓语,因此空格处应选择能作定语的选项,若those后有who可选d项,这样构成一个定语从句,但缺少who,因此只能选affect的过去分词形式作定语,因为affect(影响)与those(那些人们)之间是被动关系,故用affected。 6.(XX•江苏卷)to learn english well, we should find opportunities to hear english ________ as much as we can.
  a. speak b. speaking
  c. spoken d. to speak
  答案与解析:c 此处考查"hear 宾语 do/doing/done"结构,因为english是"被说",故用spoken作宾补,表示被动。 7.(XX•浙江卷)it is one of the funniest things ________ on the internet so far this year.
  a. finding b. being found
  c. to find d. found 答案与解析:d found此处为过去分词作后置定语,用来修饰things,与things构成被动关系。句意:这是今年到目前为止在因特网上发现的最滑稽的事情之一。 8.(XX•陕西卷)the moment i got home, i found i ________ my jacket on the playground.
  a. had left b. left
  c. have left d. was leaving 答案与解析:a found为一般过去时态,而leave发生在find之前,故leave须用过去完成时态。 9.(XX•全国ⅰ)after studying in a medical college for five years, jane ________ her job as a doctor in the countryside.
  a. set out b. took over
  c. took up  d. set up 答案与解析:c 考查动词短语辨析。take up为"从事,做……"的意思。 module 2 the renaissance ⅰ.单词拼写
  1. she opened the door quietly so as not to d________ the sleeping boy.
  2. a good teacher has to be able to m________ his/her students to study hard.
  3. they didn"t know who stole the money, but they s________ john.
  4. i think it is your husband who is to b________ for the spoiled child.
  5. the police a________ to the crowd not to panic last night.
  appealed 6. this kind of material is a good ________(替代品)for leather.
  7. taking too much medicine has a bad ________(影响)on your body.
  8. ________(基本上)i agree with your plans, but there are a few small points i"d like to discuss.
  9. the ________(主题)of the book is a very interesting one.
  10. childcare for working mothers should not be ________(收税).
  taxed ⅱ.单项填空
  1.they are________the most reasonable diet which will do good to their health.
  a.seeking        b.stimulating
  c.shaping  d.sinking
  答案与解析:a 句意:他们在寻找有益于他们健康的最合理的饮食。理解句意可知答案是a项:seek vt. 寻找;探索;追求。 2.he recommended that a special committee________to look into the incident.
  a.were set up b.was set up
  c.be set up d.set up
  答案与解析:c 动词recommend后的宾语从句必须使用虚拟语气,谓语用should v,should可以省略。 3.after we moved into the new home,our neighbor came to________us.
  a.call on b.drop in
  c.drop out d.call at 答案与解析:a call on sb.拜访某人;drop in on sb. 拜访某人;drop out脱离;退出,退学;call at到……作短暂访问;停靠。理解句意可知答案是a项。 4.the blue whale,________biggest animal that has ever lived on this planet,is in________danger of dying out.
  a.a;the b.the;the
  c.a;/ d.the;/ 答案与解析:d 形容词最高级前用定冠词the;in danger of …在……危险中。 5.________much is known about what occurs during sleep,the precise function of sleep and its different stages remain largely in the realm of assumption.
  a.because  b.for
  c.since d.while 答案与解析:d 分析题目可知句中"much is known"与"remain largely in the realm of assumption",故答案是d项:while conj. 虽然(放在句首);然而。 6.________into a great port,qingdao plays an important part in the________of the province.
  a. developed;developing
  b. developing;developed
  c. to develop;develop
  d. developed;development
  答案与解析:d 句意:青岛已经发展为一个大港,在省内的发展中起着重要的作用。根据句意可判断第一空格处用过去分词作状语,第二个空格处用名词,in the development of...在……的发展中。 7.________it rains when we can"t find a place to escape from the rain?
  a.what if b.how come
  c.what about  d.how about 答案与解析:a 理解句意可判断答案是a项:what if conj. "假使……呢?;若是……又怎么样?",意思等于:what will or would happen if……?如果(假如)……将会怎么样? 8.years later,these islands united as one,________a new nation.
  a.formed b.to be formed
  c.be formed d.forming
  答案与解析:d 此处是分词作结果状语。因islands与form是主动关系,故用现在分词 9.you can fly to new york this afternoon________you don"t mind changing planes in san francisco.
  a.as long as b.as far as
  c.except d.unless
  答案与解析:a 句意:如若您不介意在旧金山改换航班的话,你可以今天下午飞往纽约。理解句意可确定答案是a项。 10.—whose advice do you think i should take?
  a.you speak b.that"s it
  c.it"s up to you d.you got it
  答案与解析:c 分析题目可知一方询问应接受谁的建议,另一方说接受谁的建议要取决于他自己,故答案是c项:it"s up to you. 这取决于你。/由你决定 11.nobody but doctors or nurses and those________by dr. hu________to enter the patient"s room.
  a.invited;is allowed
  b.are invited;are allowed
  c.being invited;allowed
  d.invited;are allowed
  答案与解析:a 分析句子结构可知主语是nobody, 第一个空格处用过去分词作定语,第二个空格处填写的是谓语动词,故答案是a项。 12.—i can"t find mr.smith.where did you meet him this morning?
  —it was in the hotel________he stayed.
  a.that b.which
  c.the one d.where 答案与解析:d 本题考查where引导的定语从句,修饰名词hotel。 13.—i"ll thank you________my affairs alone.
  –—i will.it"s none of my business.
  a.for leaving b.not to leave
  c.for not to leave  d.to leave 答案与解析:d i"ll thank you to do...意思是:求你做……;……好不好?并不是用来表示感谢的,而是不愿意让对方插手自己的事的时候所说的。这句话的意思是:我的事你不要管好不好?还例i"ll thank you to shut up your foul mouth.闭上你的臭嘴好不好? 14.we shouldn"t________him for the mistakes he has made.
  a.accuse b.blame
  c.charge d.claim
  答案与解析:b accuse sb. of …以……罪名指控某人 blame sb. for …因……责备某人 charge sb. with …指控某人…… claim是及物动词,"要求(拥有);索取,认领"。理解句意可知答案是b项。 15.at times the balance in nature is________,resulting in a number of possibly unforeseen effects.
  a.troubled b.confused
  c.disturbed d.puzzled
  答案与解析:c 句意:自然界的平衡时常被打乱,从而导致大量可能不能预见的结果出现。根据句意可知答案是c项:disturb vt. 妨碍,打扰; 扰乱,搞乱; 使心神不宁。 ⅲ.翻译句子
  1.这个项目的成功依赖于每位相关人士的支持。(depend on)
  答案:the project"s success depends on the support of everyone concerned. 2.据说明天他要动身去上海。(leave for)
  ________________________________________________________________________ 答案:it is said that he is going to leave for shanghai tomorrow. 3.恐怕我们必须把你留下。(leave...behind)
  答案:we are afraid that we must leave you behind. 4.你想去哪儿都可以。(at liberty)
  答案:you"re at liberty to go wherever you like. 5.everyone who has ever tried to draw a face knows that what we call it expression rests mainly on two things:the corners of the mouth,and the corners of the eyes.
  答案:任何曾尝试画一张脸的人都知道,我们称之为"表情"的东西主要在于两个地方:嘴角和眼角。 ⅳ.阅读理解
  most people have heard of shakespeare and probably know something of the plays that he wrote. however, not everybody knows much about the life of this remarkable man, except perhaps that he was born in the market town of stratford-upon-avon and that he married a woman called anne hathaway. we know nothing of his school life. we do not know, for example, how long it lasted, but we presume that he attended the local grammar school, where the principal subject taught was latin. nothing certain is known of what he did between the time he left school and his departure for london. according to a local legend, he was beaten and even put in prison for stealing rabbits and deer from the estate of neighboring landowner, sir thomas lucy. it is said that because of this he was forced to run away from his native place. a different legend says that he was apprenticed(做学徒) to a stratford butcher, but did not like the life and for this reason decided to leave stratford. whatever caused him to leave the town of his birth; the world can be grateful that he did so. what is certain is that he set his foot on the road to fame when he arrived in london. it is said that at first he has no money or friends there, but that he earned a little by taking care of the horses of the gentlemen who attended the plays at the theatre. in time, as he became a familiar figure to the actors in the theatre, they stopped and spoke to him. they found his conversation so brilliant that finally he was invited to join their company. 1. in the early life of shakespeare, he________.
  a. attended a public school
  b. lived in london
  c. studied latin
  d. was put in prison for stealing cattle
  答案与解析:c 细节理解题。从第一段中"...but we presume that he attended the local grammar school, where the principal subject taught was latin."可以得出答案c项。 2. why was he forced to leave his native place according to this passage?
  a. because he didn"t want to go to school.
  b. because he left for london to become famous.
  c. because he had stolen deer and was beaten.
  d. no one knows for certain. 答案与解析:d 细节理解题。第二段对于他的出走做出一种种猜测,但在第三段作者说"whatever caused him to leave the town of his birth; the world can be grateful that he did so."由此我们可以看出作者并没有肯定哪种说法。 3. what is the reason why the world can be grateful?
  a.he wrote many world-famous plays.
  b.he became a good rider.
  c.he was an actor.
  d.he liked to travel all over the world. 答案与解析:a 推理判断题。从第三段中"what is certain is that he set his foot on the road to fame when he arrived in london."中的"the road to fame"我们可以推断出,正是因为他离开家乡去了伦敦,才走上了文学的道路,我们才读到了他不朽的著作,因此世界感激他这样做。 b
  gallery policies
  for visitors to national gallery of art, washington
  visitors must present all carried items for inspection upon entry. after inspection, all bags, backpacks, umbrellas, parcels, and other things as determined by security officers must be left at the checkrooms, free of charge, close to each entrance. all oversized bags, backpacks, and luggage must be left at the checkrooms near the 4th street entrance of either the east or west building. these items will have to be x-rayed before being accepted. items of value, such as laptop computers, cameras, and fur coats, may not be left in the checkrooms but may be carried into the galleries.
  we regret that we do not have enough space for visitor items larger than 17 26 inches into the gallery or its checkrooms.
  additional security procedures and checks may be taken according to the decision of the gallery.  for the safety of the artworks and other visitors, nothing may be carried on a visitor"s back. soft front baby carriers are allowed, but children may not be carried on shoulders or in a child carrier worn on the back. pushchairs are available free of charge near each checkroom.
  smoking is prohibited. food and drink are not permitted outside the food service areas. unopened bottled water may be carried only in a visitor"s bag. cell phones may not be used in the galleries.
  animals, other than service animals, are not permitted in the gallery.
  skateboarding is prohibited.
  picture-taking (including video) for personal use is permitted except in special exhibitions and where specifically prohibited. tripods (三脚架) are not allowed.
  please do not touch the works of art.
  4. when people come to visit the gallery, they should ________.
  a. leave all their carried items at the checkrooms
  b. have all their carried items x-rayed at the entrance
  c. take all their carried items with them without inspection
  d. have all their carried items inspected at the entrance 答案与解析:d 由文章第一句话可知d项正确。 5. what does the gallery feel sorry for?
  a. visitors have to keep their valuable items in the checkrooms.
  b. the size of visitor items allowed into the gallery is limited.
  c. it cannot keep oversized visitor items due to limited space.
  d. visitor items over 17 26 inches must go through additional checks.
  答案与解析:b 由第二段内容可知游客携带的物品过大是不被允许的 6. parents with small children visiting the gallery ________.
  a. can carry their children in soft front child carriers
  b. can carry their children on their shoulders
  c. can carry their children in child carriers worn on the back
  d. ought to pay if they want to use pushchairs for their children
  答案与解析:a 由第四段第二句话可知a项正确。 7. visiting photographers should make sure that ________.
  a. pictures and videos are allowed for personal use anywhere in the gallery
  b. pictures and videos can be taken in some places for personal use
  c. picture-taking and videoing are totally forbidden in the gallery
  d. tripods are allowed except in some special exhibitions
  答案与解析:b 由倒数第二段内容可知b项正确 ⅴ.七选五
  we are all called upon to make a speech at some point in life, but most of us don"t do a very good job.__1__ so, you have to give a speech—and you are terrified. you get nervous, you forget what you want to say, you stumble(结结巴巴)over words, you talk too long, and you bore your audience. later you think, "thank goodness, it"s over. i"m just not good at public speaking. i hope i never have to do that again. " cheep up! __2__ here are some simple steps to take the pain out of speech making. ask yourself the purpose of your speech. what is the occasion? why are you speaking? then, gather as many facts as you can on your subject. spend plenty of your time doing your research. then spend plenty of your time organizing your material so that your speech is clear and easy to follow. use as many examples as possible, and use pictures, charts, and graphs if they help you make your points more clearly. __3__ don"t talk over their heads, and don"t talk down to them. treat your audience with respect. they will appreciate your thoughtfulness. just remember:be prepared. know your subject, your audience, and the occasion. be brief. __4__ and be yourself. let your personality come through so that you make person-to-person contact with your audience.
  if you follow these simple steps, you will see that you don"t have to be afraid of public speaking. in fact, you may find the experience so enjoyable that you volunteer to make more speeches! you"re not convinced yet? __5__ b. take several deep breaths after your speech.
  c. this article gives some advice on how to give a good speech.
  d. say what you have to say and then stop.
  e. don"t say what you aren"t familiar with.
  f. never forget your audience.
  g. give it a try and see what happens.
  答案:1—5 cafdg
