

  9b unit2全套教案
  9b unit 2 welcome to the unit
  i. teaching objectives:
  1. to introduce the context about having a robot to help with the work for humans
  2. to talk about what a robot can do
  3. to learn some of the advantages of robots
  ii. teaching procedure:
  step 1: warm-up: to raise students’ interest, get students thinking and
  talking about robots:
  ① have you seen robots in the films?
  ② what kind of robots do you know?
  ③ do you like robots? why?
  ④ what do you think robots can do for you?
  ⑤ would you buy a robot in the future? why?
  step 2: welcome to the unit
  1. the purpose of this part is to activate student’s knowledge of
  robots and generate interests of this topic. ask one student to read the
  phrases in the word box at the top of page 19. make sure that all students understand the meanings of the phrases such as ‘do the laundry, explorer dangerous places’ in their own words.
  2. explain the context. daniel is explaining to amy what robots can
  do. ask students to complete the conversation on page 19 on their own.
  3. ask two students to read the conversation and check mistakes.
  4. encourage students to talk about if robots are harmful? pide
  students into groups to discuss.
  ① what do robots do harm to human beings?
  ② why do they do harm to human beings?
  5. listen to the tape for the first time to learn the main idea of
  the comic strip.
  6. listen to the tape for the second time to read after the tape.
  7. ask some students to act out the comic strip.
  step 3: useful expressions
  1. complaint: 不+可数名词"抱怨";可数名词"抱怨的行动或话,投诉"
  complain: 动词:complain to / about
  2. post:动词‘邮寄’:. post something for sb.
  iii. homework:
  1. recite the useful vocabulary and comic strip.
  2. complete some exercise.
  3. preview reading(1)
  9b unit2 reading(1)
  i. teaching objectives:
  1. to understand the idea of how robots can change our lives.
  2. to recognize and understand vocabulary about life with robots.
  3. to identify the good points of owning a robot.
  ii. teaching procedure:
  step 1: background information: a robot is an automated machine that is
  programmed to perform functions just as a human would do.
  step 2: reading "the first person to own a robot"
  1. review the things that a robot can do in "welcome to the unit".
  ask students whether they believe people will use robots to do their
  chores for them in the future.
  2. explain the context of the reading passage. daniel is reading an
  article about having a robot at home. there are good points and bad
  3. ask students to listen to the passage, paying attention to the
  pronunciation, and make some of them to read the paragraphs aloud.
  4. list the good points.
  5. ask students to read each paragraph and put forward questions if
  they have.
  step 3: language points
  1. the first one to do sth.
  2. in order to:引导目的状语,后接动词原形,可以放在句首,或句末,否定形式in order not to do sth.:
  she listens to english every day in order to get good marks.
  =so as to do: she listens to english every day so as to get good marks.
  =in order that +从句: she listens to english every day in order that she can
  get good marks.
  =so that: she listens to english every day so that she can get good marks.
  3. as a result: "因为,由于,由于…结果", 用来做结果状语
  she was late as a result of heavy rain.
  4. no longer: "不再,再也不,今后不再",指时间,多由于修饰某种具体状态,相当于not any longer, 其中any
  longer 一般放在句末。
  i no longer go there.= i don’t go there any longer.
  (no more也用来表示不再,再也不",但是强调数量和程度=not any more)
  there’s no more water.=there is not water any more.
  5. for an extra hour: extra "额外的,附加的"
  iii. homework:
  1. recite the useful vocabulary and paragraphs.
  2. complete some exercise.
  3. preview reading(2)
  9b unit2 reading(2)
  i. teaching objectives:
  1. to identify the bad points of owning a robot.
  2. to identify true and false statements about life with a robot.
  ii. teaching procedure:
  step 1: revision: revise the useful expressions again orally and have a
  step 2: reading "the first person to own a robot"
  1. explain the context of the second part of the reading passage.
  daniel is reading an article about having a robot at home. there are bad points.
  2. ask students to listen to the passage, paying attention to the
  pronunciation, and make some of them to read the paragraphs aloud.
  3. list the bad points.
  ① catch a virus and cause a lot of problems
  ② no longer know when to cook and wake mr. jiang up at 4 in the morning.
  ③ find his breakfast in the washing machine, clean shirts in the
  dustbin, books in the sink.
  ④ move around the house and knock things over
  4. ask students to read each paragraph and put forward questions if
  they have.
  step 3: language points
  1. be happy with = be satisfied/pleased with
  2. wake sb. up
  3. in the end = at last= finally
  4. return sth. to sb.= give sth. back to sb.
  5. decide to do sth.
  iii. homework:
  1. recite the useful vocabulary and paragraphs.
  2. complete some exercise.
  3. preview "vocabulary "
  9b unit2 vocabulary
  i. teaching objectives:
  1. to learn the names of different parts of a robot.
  2. to design an ideal robot
  3. to write an article to describe the ideal robot.
  ii. teaching procedure:
  step 1: in weaker classes, students probably will not know what some of
  the words in part a mean. write the words on the blackboard and help them
  finish the part.
  e.g.: what’s the use of a camera/battery/hand/wheel/speaker?
  a camera takes pictures.
  a battery gives us power.
  a hand helps pick up things.
  wheels help things move.
  we can hear sound through a speaker.
  step 2: show students robot pictures and ask students what other features
  a robot might have. this will help students with part b. encourage
  students to use their imagination.
  ① ask students to look at the picture on page 24 and answer the
  ② ask students questions according to the pictures shown:
  what does it look like?
  what is there on the head/in the face/on both sides of its body?
  how does it speak?
  what is the use of the arms/hands?
  how does it move?
  what kind of energy does it have?
  step 3: explain the context of part b. daniel is writing an article to
  describe his ideal robot. have students work in pairs and complete the
  step 4: ask volunteers to read the completed article for the class. check
  for mistakes and mispronunciations.
  iii. homework:
  1. preview grammar 1
  2. complete some exercises.
  9b unit 2pronunciation
  i. teaching objectives:
  1. to understand the use of stress in sentences
  2. to recognize the different meanings of a sentence based on where
  the stress is placed
  3. to stress the right words in a sentence
  4. to choose the correct meanings of a sentence based on stressed
  ii. teaching procedure:
  step 1: read the three example sentences clearly and slowly for students
  to listen to. ask students to repeat sentence after you paying attention
  to the words that is stressed.
  step 2: play the recording for part a through once and ask students to
  listen carefully to the stressed words.
  step 3: play the recording again and encourage students to imitate what
  they hear. ask students to read the sentences aloud.
  step 4: explain how the stressed words affect the meanings of the
  step 5: pide the class into pairs. ask students to read out the
  sentences to each other, stressing the words in bold. listen to the
  sentences as you walk around the class. praise areas where students
  perform well.
  step 6: explain that when we speak, we can stress different words in a
  sentence. the words we stress can change the meanings of the sentence.
  write an example sentence on the blackboard:
  "the dog ate four tins of beans yesterday."
  ① who ate four tins beans yesterday?
  ② how many tins of beans did the dog eat yesterday?
  ③ what did the dog eat four tins of yesterday?
  ④ when did the dog eat four tins of beans?
  step 7: read the two sentences in part b aloud, stressing the words "robot
  and daniel".
  step 8: ask students to read points a, b and c under each sentence. ask
  them to circle the letter with the correct meanings for each one.
  step 9: ask two students to read out their choices. encourage students to
  raise their hands if they do not understand why these answers are correct.
  iii. homework:
  1. preview main task.
  2. complete some exercises.
  9b unit 2 integrated skills
  i. teaching objectives:
  1. to extra information from a poster.
  2. to complete notes about a robot exhibition
  3. to extract information from a radio programme
  4. to complete an e-mail
  5. to talk about what robots can do and give opinions about
  different types of robots.
  ii. teaching procedure:
  part a: the robot exhibition
  step 1: ask students whether they have ever been to an exhibition center
  and what exhibitions they have seen before.
  step 2: explain to students that they will not be able to find all the
  information they need to complete the notes in part a1 just from reading
  the poster.. however, they should try to find as much information as they
  step 3: tell students they can complete the notes by listening to the
  radio programme.
  ① listen to the tape for the first time to get its main idea. explain
  the words: japan, south korea, language, memory.
  ② listen to it to find the necessary information they need.
  ③ play the recording without stopping
  ④ ask students to give their own answers.
  ⑤ check the answer with the class.
  ⑥ play the recording again, all the way through, without stopping so
  that students can check their own answers.
  step 4: explain the context of part a3. remind students they can refer to
  the information on page 28 to fill in the blanks.
  step 5: encourage students to complete this exercise on their own or in
  part b: speak up.
  step 6: ask students to work in pairs. they should read the conversation
  through once, swap roles and then read the conversation again.
  step 7: encourage students to make up their own conversations about
  robots. listen to the students’ as you walk around the classroom. ask some
  pairs to present new ones to the class.
  iii. homework:
  1. recite the conversation on page 29 and complete some exercises.
  2. preview pronunciation.
  9b unit 2 grammar(1)
  i. teaching objectives:
  1. to use object clauses introduced by "wh-"words
  ii. teaching procedure:
  step 1: review object clauses introduced by "if or whether" and "that".
  explain that these clauses relate to "yes/no" questions.
  structures: 主语+谓语+宾语从句①that +主语+谓语+其他
  step 2: tell students that when object clauses relate to "wh-"questions,
  we should use "wh-"words to introduce object clauses. ask students to read the grammar rules and the two examples at the top.
  step 3: remind them that the clauses should be introduced by "wh-"words
  and the word order in the clause should be the same as in the statements.
  e.g: the robot no longer knew.
  when should it cook breakfast.
  the robot no longer knew when it should cook breakfast.
  step 4: write the following sentences on the blackboard and encourage
  students to use the following structures:
  ⑴i am not sure…
  ⑵i’d like to know…
  ⑶i can’t imagine…
  ⑷can you tell me…?
  ① where is zhongshan park?
  ② how did you go to school?
  ③ what will you do next sunday?
  ④ when was the parcel delivered?
  ⑤ who called in the morning?
  step 5: asks students to do the exercise on page 25. students will be able
  to complete it on their own. check the answers as a class.
  iii. homework:
  1. review the rules of object clauses introduced by
  2. preview grammar(2)
  9b unit 2 grammar(2)
  i. teaching objectives:
  1. to use "in order to" to introduce the purpose of an action.
  2. to use "as a result" to introduce the result of something.
  3. to use "need to" to talk about something we have to do.
  ii. teaching procedure:
  part one: "in order to/as a result"
  step 1: list the two sentences in the reading passage:
  ① in order to have more free time, i have to buy a robot.
  ② as a result, mr. jiang no longer needed to get up early to do the
  step 2: ask students a question: "what should we do if we want to have
  more free time?"
  write some of the answers on the blackboard and connect them with "in
  order to".
  step 3: explain t students that "in order to" means "with the purpose of "
  and that we can use it to introduce the purpose of an action. it can be
  used at the beginning or in the middle of the sentences.
  step 4: same method can be applied to introduce "as a result". remind
  students that we use it to introduce the result of something.
  step 5: ask students to read the grammar rules and example sentences at
  the top of page 26 to the class.
  step 6: asks students to complete the exercise and check the answers as a
  whole class.
  part two: "need to"
  step 7: explain to students that "need to" is a strong verb. we use it
  when we want to talk about something we should do.
  step 8: ask students what things they need to do today. " i need to …"
  step 9: ask students to work on their own to complete the exercise using
  "need to" and the phrases in the box. check answers with the class.
  step 10: ask students to complete "work out the rule".
  iii. homework:
  1. review grammar 2 and complete exercises.
  2. preview "integrated skills"
  教学小结:掌握 as a result,in order to,need to 的用法。
  9b unit 2 main task
  i. teaching objectives:
  1. to read and understand a questionnaire
  2. to use information from a questionnaire to complete a complaint
  3. to write a complaint letter.
  ii. teaching procedure:
  part a: the robot exhibition
  step 1: ask students to read the seven different sections of the
  questionnaire. ask students to raise their hands if they have any
  step 2: ask students whether they agree or disagree with daniel’s answers.
  if students disagree, ask them to justify their answers
  i don’t agree with daniel on question x because…
  step 3: ask students to read the letter on their own.
  step 4: ask students to describe how daniel feels, and tell them that they
  can complete the letters using the information from the questionnaire on
  page 31.
  step 5: encourage students to complete the letter on their own. once they
  have finished, read the whole letter aloud.
  step 6: ask students to use the questionnaire they completed for the
  extension activity on page t31 as a basis for completing their own
  complaint letters in part c. remind students that when they write a
  complaint letter, they should maintain a formal style. although they can
  make their complaint letters clear, they should be polite.
  step 7: ask students to read his or her draft letter to classmate to check
  for mistakes.
  iii. homework:
  1. write a complaint letter of their owns.
  2. preview checkout and complete the exercises.
  3. review vocabulary and grammar in this unit.
  9b unit 2 checkout
  i. teaching objective:
  1. to review key vocabulary and grammar items taught in this unit.
  2. to give students the opportunity to practice the vocabulary and
  grammar items, and to gain confidence through doing so
  3. to allow students to check their progress and ask any questions
  they may still have.
  ii. teaching procedure:
  1. tell students that this is revision and that they have already
  learnt these words and grammar items.
  2. ask students to read the e-mail in part a for overall meaning
  before they begin filling in the blanks.
  3. ask students to complete the exercise on their own. remind them
  of the grammar items they will need to use.
  4. go through the answers with students. ask students to each read
  out one paragraph. listen for mistakes and mispronunciations.
  5. tell students that part b is a vocabulary game. it is not
  difficult as the first letter of each answer is provided. encourage
  students to complete this exercise independently.
  6. ask students to raise their hands when they have finished. have
  the first student who raises the hand to read out the task on the list.
  check for mistakes and mispronunciation.
  iii. homework:
  1. complete some exercises.
  2. preview the whole unit and prepare for an exam
