

  一.复现课文1.完形填空 the human development reportin the year XX,147 world leaders to work together to reduce poverty by XX or . from this agreement the human development report.one of the most important of this report is the human development index. this  the achievements of 175 countries. the index __________ a country’s achievement _________ three ways: life expectancy, education and income. the index has some __________. norway is at the ________  of the list, _________ the us is ________ number 7. the bottom ten countries are all african countries, _______ sierra leone at the _________ of the list. the report ________ eight development goals and gives __________ of successful development. ________, the __________ are still great. in developing countries, about 115 million children are not being ________. more than 1 billion people in developing countries do not drink _______ water. the report ________ that we are making some _________ but we need to make greater _________. ________, the countries that give the most money are the netherlands, norway and sweden.二.练习1.填词1)traffic creates a great deal of p_________ in many big cities.2)there was a c_________ of over 1,000 people in the street.3)it’s a big i__________ city where they make cars and electronic equipment.4)be careful! it’s d__________ to walk around town late at night.5)it’s a very a__________ town with a lot of beautiful buildings.6)in some countries, it is __________(不安全) to drink the water because it is dirty.7)when studying children and other young animals,we can see the striking _________(相似) in their behaviour.8)it is unbelievable that there are still many people in rural areas living below _________(贫困) line.9)it is reported in the paper that many _________(慈善机构)around the world have sent aid to the tsunami-hit countries.10) the policeman said to the young man,"please give me your precise _________(所在地)."2 . 单选1) the agreement the two parties have ________ will make both favourable.a. reached b. arrived c. got d.taken2) more natural resources should be made use of _______ the _______ need of energy.a. meeting;increasing b. to meet;increasedc. meeting;increased d. to meet;increasing3) ―where _______ little tom be now?—i wonder what he _________.a. can; is up to b. must; is aboutc. may; is doing d. must; playing4) he felt greatly ________ by the manager’s praise.a. encouraged b. encouragingc. to be encouraged d. to be encouraging5) we’ve got ________ jobs for school-leavers, but we haven’t built ________ houses for them yet.a. plenty of; enough b. plenty of; plenty of c. a lot of; a plenty of d. plenty of; a lot of6) _______ he would like to attend the party is not my business.a.whether b.if c. that d. /7) ―can you persuade your brother to go with us?―no, he will never do ________ he is asked to do.a. whenever b. whateverc. no matter what d.whichever8) if you go to the red star hotel, go straight along this street. it’s only 50 metres’ _______a. away b. distancec. far d. way9) several weeks had gone by _______ i realized the painting was missing.a. as b. before c. since d.when10 )i don’t mind picking up your things from the store . ________ the walk will do me good. [XX 全国]a.sooner or later b. still c. in time d. besides11 ) ________ you call me to say you’re not coming, i’ll see you at the theatre. [XX 全国] a. though b. whether c. until d.unless12) i do every single bit of housework ________ my husband bob just does the dishes now and then. [XX 全国] a. since b.while c. when d. as13) scientists say it may be five or six years _________ it is possible to test this medicine on human patients. [XX 福建] a. since b. after c. before d. when14) it was _________ back home after the experiment. [XX 湖北] a. not until midnight did he go b. until midnight that he didn’t go c. not until midnight that he went d. until midnight when he didn’t go15) you should try to get a good night’s sleep ________ much work you have to do. [XX 湖北] a. however b.no matter c. although d. whatever16) mr. hall understands that ________ maths has always been easy for him, it is not easy for the students. [XX 安徽春招] a. unless b. since c. although d. when17) we’re going to the bookstore in john’s car. you can come with us ________ you can meet us there later. [XX 全国] a. but b.and c. or d. then18) good storyteller must be able to hold his listeners’curiosity ________ he reaches the end of the story. [XX 上海] a. when b. unless c. after d.until 3. 汉译英 1) with the help of the government, more peasants __________________________________________ (将在几年以后脱贫). 2) _______________________________________(放弃这次机会) means losing it for ever. 3) the boy had no food to eat, so he drank a lot of water ______________________________(以减轻 饥饿感). 4) ________________________________(我们已尽一切努力) to help those in trouble. 5) your boss is said _______________________________________(和这个事故有关). 6) we agree to meet here but _____________________________________(到现在为止他还未出现). 7) ______________________________________(我们原希望开办自己的生意), but we never had enough money. 8) ______________________________________(据说罗伯特在国外学习过),but i don’t know which country he studied in.三.人教版教材1.reading come and eat herewang pengwei sat in his empty restaurant feeling very frustrated. it had been a very strange morning. usually he got up early and prepared his menu of mutton kebabs, roast pork and fried rice. then by lunchtime they would all be sold. his restaurant ought to be full of people. but not today!why was it so? what would have happened? he thought of his mutton kebabs and fatty pork cooked in the hottest, finest oil. his fried rice was hot but did not taste fat. his cola was sugary and cold and his ice cream was made of eggs milk cream and fruit. "nothing could have been better," he thought. suddenly he saw his friend li maochang hurrying by. "hello, maochang," he called, "your usual?" but maochang seemed not to hear. what was the matter? something terrible must have happened if maochang was not coming to eat with him as he always did.pengwei followed li maochang into a newly-opened small restaurant at the end of the street. there was a sign in the window.tired of all that fat? want to be thinner? come inside to yong hui’s slimming restaurant. only slimming foods served here. make yourself thin again!curiosity drove wang pengwei inside. it was full of people.a very thin lady came forward. "welcome!" she said, my name is yong hui. i will take all that fat off you in two weeks if you eat here every day." then she gave a menu to wang pengwei. there were only two kinds of food and one drink on it: raw vegetables, fruit and water. wang pengwei was amased at this and especially at the prices. it cost more than a good meal in his own restanrant. he could not believe his eyes! he threw away the menu and hurried outside. on his way home he thought about his own menu. did it make people fat? he wonder if he should go to the library to find out. he couldn’t have yong hui getting away with telling people lies! he had better do some research!after reading, he realized what was wrong with yong hui’s restaurant. it was not giving its customers energy-giving food! after eating in her restaurant people would become tired very quickly, perhaps this was a way to win his customers back! pengwei wrote his own sign. it said:want to feel fit?come and eat here!our food gives you energy all day!the competition between the two restaurants was on!2. true or false1) usually wang pengwei’s restaurant was full of people. _______2) he provided a balanced diet in his menu. _______3) yong hui served a balanced diet. _______4) wang pengwei’s customers often became fat after eating in his restaurant. _______5) yong hui’s menu gave customers energy foods. _______6) people would become tired very quickly after they ate in yong hui’s restaurant. _______7) wang pengwei admired yong hui’s restaurant when he saw the menu. _______8) wang pengwei decided to copy yong hui’s menu. _______ 3. phrases1) 烤腌羊肉串________________ 2) 烤猪_________________ 3) 炒米饭_______________4) 应该_________________ 5) 匆忙走过_________________6) …肯定发生了________________________ 7) 一家新开的饭店____________________ 8) 瘦身饭店________________ 9) 走上前_______________ 10) 生蔬菜________________11) 对…感到惊奇______________________ 12) 在某人回家的路上______________________13) 在…的情况下被放过___________________ 14) 对某人撒谎______________________15) 提供能量的食物____________________ 16) 把…赢回来______________________17) 感到健康______________________ 18) …正在进行______________________附:答案  一. agreed earlier came sections examines measures in surprise top at with bottom  describes examples however challenges educated safe shows progress efforts interestingly 二. 1. problems crowd industrial dangerous attractive  unsafe similarities poverty charities location2. adaaa abbbd dbcca ccd3. 1) will move out of poverty in a few years2) giving up the chance 3) to reduce hunger4) we have already made every effort5) to be connected with the accident6) he hasn’t turned up yet so far 7) we had hoped to start our own business8) robert is said to have studied abroad三. 2.tfftf tff 3. 1) mutton kebabs2) roast pork3) fried rice4) ought to5) hurry by6) must have done7) a newly-opened restaurant8) slimming restaurant9) come forward10) raw vegetables11) be amazed at12) on one’s way home13) get away with14) tell sb lies15) energy-giving food16) win…back17) feel fit18) be on
