

  9b unit3 asia welcome to the unit 【背景知识】
  几百万年前,现在的桂林市一片汪洋大海。在海床上积累了厚达几千米的石灰岩曾。地壳变化时海水退去,石灰岩逐渐露出海面。石灰岩历经几百万年的风雨侵蚀,形成了现在的地貌, 即高耸的山峰和复杂的岩洞。
  XX年前,桂林以其重要的战略位置而成为一座重镇。秦始皇下令开凿了一条连接湘江和漓江的运河---灵渠。随着越来越多的人到桂林旅游,它的美丽也为更多的人所知晓。除了自然美景之外, 桂林还有许多史前遗迹,明代陵墓以及石雕和石刻。
  tian"anmen square is one of the largest city squares in the world. it lies in the heart of beijing. tian"anmen was built in 1417 and was the entrance gate to the forbidden city. now the square
  stretches(延伸)880 meters from north to south and 500 meters from east to west. the total area is 440,000 square meters. that"s about the size of 60 soccer fields, spacious enough to accommodate half a million people.the forbidden city (紫禁城) is the chinese imperial(帝国的) palace from the ming dynasty to the end of the qing dynasty and it ’s also the world"s biggest palace. it lies in the middle of beijing, china, and now houses the palace museum. for almost five centuries, it served as the home of the emperor and his household(家人), as well as the ceremonial(仪式的)and political(政治的)centre of chinese government.the great wall in the north of china, there lies a 6,700-kilometer-long (4,161-mile-long) ancient wall. now well-known as the great wall of china, it starts at the jiayuguan pass of gansu province in the west and ends at the shanhaiguan pass of hebei province in the east. as one of the eight wonders in the world, the great wall of china has become the symbol of the chinese nation and its culture.beijing national stadium (bird"s nest/olympic stadium) (鸟巢)the beijing national stadium, also known as the bird"s nest will be the main track and field stadium for the  summer olympics and will be host to the opening and closing ceremonies. lijiang the poetic and picturesque(如诗如画的)li river originates(发源)in mountain mao’er (cat) at xin’an county (县) about 80 km in the northeast of guilin. it winds and meanders (蜿蜒而流)its way for 170 kilometers, passing through guilin, yangshuo to the outlet of gongchen river in pingle county and then joins the xi river, which is the upper reaches of pearl river.【自学探究】 一、预习p40—p41,在课本上划出下列词组和句子并翻译。 1.长城是令人惊奇的 2.那儿有太多的山 3.你是如此之懒  4.休息一下 5.叫醒我 6.在你回来的路上 7.中国结 8.中国戏剧 9.中国剪纸  10.筷子 11.舞龙 12.外滩 13.尽管有很长的路要走,我们最好坚持到底。 二、完成p41, parts a、b练习。 三、用括号中所给词的正确形式填空 1. i"m by what you say to me ! (amaze) 2.it was _________ that the boy was able to solve the problem so quickly (amaze)3. are you ______ after a long walk with you parents? (tire)4. it is very __________ to climb the great wall step by step. (tire)5. before reading the book, you had better ________ yourself if you have the time. (问)6. if we ________to destroy forests to build roads, animals won"t have suitable homes. (继续)7. he didn’t ________ up until eleven o’clock in the morning. (醒来)8. ______ your way back home, please buy me a bottle of milk. ( 在)9. ‘have a rest’ means ‘________ a rest. (休息一下)10._________ many difficulties are still ahead, we decided to make greater achievements (尽管)三、查找资料,了解更多的亚洲国名和中国风格的事物的名称。  countries in asia chinese things 1. _______________________________ 1. _______________________________ 2. _______________________________ 2. _______________________________ 3. _______________________________ 3. _______________________________ 4. 4. 【教案】
  9b unit 3 asia
  教学目标1. 学习对话,初步了解although 的用法 2. 谈论亚洲不同国家的风景名胜 3. 谈论中国风格的事物,简单介绍其情况 4. 重点谈北京和桂林
  教学重难点1. 用英文简单介绍北京的一些风景名胜 2. although 的用法
  个性化补充step 1 talking about the places of interest in beijing 1. show some pictures to the students. get them to guess what it is . 2. encourage the students to be creative and try to make different kinds of guesses. 3. get the students to listen to the tape and find out what happened. 1)what happened to hobo’s feet?2)what was he doing then?3)what did hobo advise eddie to do ?4)what was eddie’s decision?(for weaker classes, get the students to talk about each picture.)4. read after the tape and then complete the short passage.one day, hobo and eddie ________ the great wall .hobo thought it was _______ to climb the great wall, but eddie felt very ________. hobo encouraged eddie to _________ to the end , but eddie decided to ________ a rest. 5. get the students to read and practice the dialogue and then act the dialogue out. (encourage the students to add something to make the dialogue funnier.)step 2 make sentences with "although"1. say " although there’s still a long way to go, we’d better continue to the end." can you use the sentence structure to make more sentences?2. ask students to make sentences with "although"3. tell the basic usage of "although"step 3 getting to know the countries in asia 1. say ‘what country is east to china’ show some pictures about the country(for stronger classes, it is necessary to introduce more about the country .)2. say ‘what country is northeast to china’ show some pictures about the country(for stronger classes, it is necessary to introduce more about the country .)3. say ‘what country is north to china’ show some pictures about the country(for stronger classes, it is necessary to introduce more about the country .)4. say ‘what country is southwest to china’ show some pictures about the country(for stronger classes, it is necessary to introduce more about the country .)step 4 getting to know chinese things1. show the pictures about chinese things 2. encourage the students to talk about the pictures3. encourage the students to say more about chinese thingsstep 5 finishing the exercises in part a1. get the students to finish the exercises in part a and then check the answers. 2. help the students to say more about "chinese opera, chinese kung fu" 3. explain some of the language used here and help the students to understand. step 6 talk about the places of interest in china1. show the students four pictures 2. ask the students to talk about the four pictures : what can you see? what is it ? where is it ?3.encourage the ss to say more about chinese interesting placesstep 7 consolidation1. play a game "can you guess?" ask students to describe places in china and guess the names.通过用what’s it?/ 帮助学生复习有关北京风景名胜的词汇播放录音,让学生判断两位漫画人物发生了什么状况鼓励学生增加适当的内容,扩大语言的输出量要求学生根据所给的句型造出尽可能的句子,然后总结although的基本结构引导学生说出一些亚洲国家的英文名称 拓展词汇鼓励学生说出更多的有关中国风格的事物英文名称与学生核对答案对主要的词组作简要讲解,让学生知道这些词组的用法展示图片帮助学生运用英语进行表达
  学生听课文录音,回答有关漫画的问题学生跟读,然后根据漫画完成下面的短文填空学生进行小组练习,准备短剧表演(可以竞赛)学生根据这一句型进行造句,初步了解although的用法(可以竞赛)学生用英语积极思考和这些国家相关的知识学生进行头脑风暴,说出很多本课的新词汇(可以竞赛)学生完成part a 部分的题目学生简要描述图片,讨论图景名称所在城市名称等等学生通过部分学生的描述,猜测风景名胜的名称
  作业设计1. 背诵本课的单词与词组 2. 完成《同步导学》上本课时的作业 3. 预习reading,完成预习作业
  板书设计 9b unit 3 asiathe great wall: be amazing , be tired, although, a long way to go, had better, continue to do  countries in asia: china, japan, russia, korea, mongolia, viet nam, lao, india… chinese things: chinese kung fu, chinese knot, chinese opera … although 的用法
  教学反思【当堂巩固】一、翻译词组1. 最好做某事 2. 继续到终点 3. 休息一下 4. 把某人叫醒 5. 在某人回来的路上 6. 一个亚洲国家 7. 名胜 8. 中国结 9. 中国剪纸 10. 舞龙 二、单项选择 1. we’d better carelessly in class.  a. listen to the teacher b. to listen to the tape c. not listen to the teacher d. listening to the teacher2. where is the summer palace? it’s in . a. gansu b. xi’an c. beijing d. lanzhou3. , we met jim. a. on the way school b. on the way back school c. on the way to school d. on the way back to here 4. why not before 6:00 o’clock so that we have enough time to get there. a. wake up him b. to wake him up c. get up d. to get up5. there’s on the ground. it’s .a. too much snow, too much cold b. too much snow, much too coldc. much too snow, much too cold d. much too snow, much too cold三、 单词拼写1.a it’s raining very heavily, the workers are still working.2. we chinese use c to eat our meals.3. my mother didn’t take a rest. i didn’t take a rest, e .4. his sister is very beautiful, she often looks at herself in the m .5. have you p the letter for me? not yet.6. my mother usually i the clothes for me.7. i had already s the floor before they came into the classroom.8. s usually want to sell something to us.9. in the future, r can do many things for us.10. do you like playing the g ? yes, very much.11. please take these p , you will be ok.12. wearing s can protect our eyes in the sun.13. the children put up the t after they reached the valley.14. the bus is so c , i can’t find any place to stand on.15. jim felt h because he failed in the exam again.reading一、背景知识 北京在现在北京城址上的第一座城市兴建于1267年,时逢元朝,当时的都城。明朝前两个皇帝曾将南京作为都城,但第三个皇帝重新定都北京。从那以后直到1928年,北京就一直是中国的都城。1928年至1949年期间,国民党政府定都南京。1949年,中华人民共和国宣布北京为新中国的首都。桂林几百万年前,现在的桂林是以片汪洋大海。在海床上积累了厚达几千米的石灰岩层。地壳变化使海水退去,石灰岩逐渐露出海面。石灰岩历经几百万年的风雨侵蚀,形成了现在的地貌,即高耸的山峰和复杂的岩洞。XX年前,桂林以其重要的战略位置而成为一座重镇。秦始皇下令开凿了一条连接湘江和漓江的运河——灵渠。随着越来越多的人到桂林旅游,它的美丽也为更多的人所知晓。除了自然美景之外,桂林还有许多史前遗迹,明代陵墓以及石雕和石刻。【自学探究】 一、预习p42—p43,在课本上划出下列词组并翻译。 1. 欢迎来北京 2. 中国的首都 3. 迷路 4. 在北京的中心 5. 过去住在那________________ 6. 被---吸引 __________________7. 这些家具美丽的设计 ____________ 8. 皇帝过去使用的衣服和家具___________________________________________9. 充满 10. 为了,以便 11. 看国旗的升起 12. 著名的中国式园林___________13. 自然风景 14. 主要包含山和人工湖__________15. 整个地区__________________ 16. 用石头和砖块建成 17. 在古代____________________ 18. 国家的北部边境_______________19. 世界八大奇迹之一 20. 经历它的美丽和伟大 21. 一步步________________ 22. 位于漓江两岸_________________23. 以不同的形态存在 24. 亲眼看见某物 二、完成课本p44—p45, parts b、c、d、e练习。 【教案】
  9b unit 3 reading
  教学目标4. 识别并了解与中国北京和桂林有关的词汇和短语; 5. 更多地了解中国的风景名胜; 6. 激发学生的爱国热情。
  教学重难点3. 识别并了解与中国北京和桂林有关的词汇和短语; 4. 正确运用所学词汇和短语描述风景名胜。
  个性化补充step 1 free talk1. show a map of china, ask: where would you like to go?2. have a brief introduction of beijing.3. show some pictures about places of interest in beijing and ask: why do so many people dream of being to beijing?step 2 presentation1. ask students to use different words to describe beijing.2. teach some new words3. get students to go through the text and answer some questions1) who once lived in the forbidden city?2) why do many tourists go to tian’anmen square early in the morning every day?3) where is the summer palace?4) what is wei ke’s favorite attraction?5) why was the great wall built in ancient times?6) is guilin in the north or south of china?7) are there mountains and rivers in guilin?8) how can you travel in guilin?3.read it again and do some true or false questions1)beijing is in southern china.2)tian’anmen square is close to  the forbidden city.3)the great wall is built around the forbidden city.4) the reed flute cave is in eastern guilin5) you can find man-made lakes inside the reed flute cave.6) we can take a boat trip along li river4.listen to the tape and read the two parts carefully to get some details: 1) match the name with the correct information. 2) ask some questions and get the students to answer. 3) fill in blanks according to the passage.(encourage the students to find answers by themselves. get them to be familiar with the expressions.)step 3 presentation and drill1. teach the language points(choose some sentences from the text and explain the phrases and the sentence pattern)1) unless2) get lost3) used to do sth.4) be/get used to doing sth.5) be filled with6) so that/in order thatstep 4. consolidationdo some exercises on the paper.step 5. homework1. try your best to retell the story。 2. describe another famous place with the words and phrases we learned today.帮助学生复习以前和上一节课所学的有关风景名胜的词汇,再通过对北京的介绍,让学生能说出北京的景点名称。复习旧词汇,教授新单词,注意语言语调,和词性。引导学生在第一次浏览的基础上,稍微仔细一点阅读找到细节的信息用不同的形式,引导学生进一步找出细节。鼓励学生回答时用完整的句子。让他们进一步熟悉文中的短语,句型。在讲解语言点时,创设情景,或给出图片,练习,造句。课堂练习分层次,提前准备好讲义快速阅读,了解课文的基本信息细节阅读,做一些判断和改错题,进一步了解北京和桂林的情况。听录音,并且一起读,进一步熟悉文章内容。 在给出的情景中自己造句,同时做一些练习及时巩固。分组进行练习,最后共同讨论,互相提问。
  作业设计4. 背诵本课的单词与词组 5. 用所学的知识描述其他的景点。
  板书设计 9b unit 3 readingwelcome to beijing forbidden city: old, beautiful, museum tian’anmen square: biggest, be filled with people, watch the raising of the national flag. summer palace: a famous chinese-style garden great wall: long, wonder  guilin beautiful, reed flute cave, cycle
  教学反思【当堂巩固】一、选择填空 ( ) 1. 1. i hurried i wouldn’t be late for class. a. although  b. so that  c. as  d. than( ) 2. the swimming club twenty members.  a. consists of  b. makes up of c. contains  d. includes( ) 3. he in shanghai for five years. a. used to live  b. is used to live  c. is used to living  d. used to living( ) 4. it is to cycle around guilin. a. a great fun  b. a fun  c. great fun  d. a great funny( ) 5. you can’t catch up with others you work hard.a. until  b. after  c. unless  d. when二、词汇运用 1. u you have a map, you will get l easily.2. a the forbidden city is almost 600 years old, it is still beautiful.3. it was c to a museum, you will be a by its beauty.4. the word ‘tian’anmen’ means a gate of h peace’. 5. the square is usually f with people. the sentence means it is f of people.6. the students g in front of the teachers’ office to see their new teacher.7. the summer palace c mainly of a hill and a man-made lake.8. his favourite a is the great wall.9. the great wall runs over 5,000 kilometres a northern china.10. you can e its beauty and g , although it is tiring to climb it.11. guilin l on the two sides of li river.12. if you go to guilin, you can t a boat trip along li river.三、完成句子 1. 你必须更加努力地学习,以便能赶上你的同学。__________________________________________________________2. 现在它作为一个博物馆对公众开放。 it’s now .3. 你不能想象出他们是多么的神奇除非你亲眼所见。 you can’t _________ __________you see them ____ .4. 长城是在古代用石头和砖块制成,这样可以保护国家的北部边境。 the great wall ______________so that the northern .5. 你会被这些建筑、服装和家具的美丽的设计吸引,这些东西都是过去皇帝们使用过的。 you will _______________ that the ______________________ vocabulary 【自学探究】 一、预习p46,品学网了解并熟悉下列国家的中文名称。 china india singapore thailand the philippines vietnam 二、预习下列生词,并选出对应的中文。 desert 瀑布 jungle 海洋 mountain 高山 ocean 峡谷 valley 沙漠 waterfall 丛林 三、完成课本p46a、b练习。 【教案】
  9bunit 3 vocabulary
  教学目标to encourage the students to learn some national flags.to ask the ss to grasp some words about nature.
  教学重难点to help the students to recite the new words about the nature.
  教具准备computer recorder
  个性化补充step 1 revision1. ask the ss to some questions about the text.1. write some key words on the bb.2. give the s s some time to prepare and then retell the text.3. show the students some explanations of some words and let them say out the words.4. let the ss read the dialogue on p44 and try to act it out in pairs.5. give the ss some sentences and words and let them write the correct words in the blanks.step 2 national flags.1. show the ss a map of the world and let the ss say out the names of the countries.2. ask the ss if they know national flags about these countries.3. give the ss some national flags and names of countries and let them choose.4. finish the ex on p46.5. read the names of the countries.step 3 learn something about nature.1. show the ss some pictures about nature.2. let them say out the names of them.3. read the words of them.4. add some new words.such as: forest, hill, river, lake, rock,…..5. let the say out the names of some places which has waterfalls, valleys and so on.step 4activities choose several groups to show in front of the whole class. death valley mount fuji pacific ocean sahara desert amazon jungle niagara falls……问学生是否有人知道词框中这些国家的汉语名称出现更多的国旗鼓励学生扩大知识面和词汇量事先准备好各种地理面貌的图片(百度搜索)。让学生说出一些具有这些地貌特征的一些著名景点。如:死亡谷 尼亚加拉瀑布 亚马逊热带雨林等等男女学生抢答问题。学生积极说出大胆猜测学生必须要有极快速熟练地反映。展示良好的小组合作和预习工作。
  作业设计6. 背诵相关词汇 7. 完成《同步导学》上本课时的作业
  板书设计 9b unit 3 vocabularychina india singapore thailand the philippines vietnam 补充:usa uk japan australia france german south koreadesert 沙漠 waterfall瀑布  valley峡谷 ocean海洋 jungle丛林 mountain高山  death valley 死亡谷mount fuji 富士山pacific ocean 太平洋sahara desert 撒哈拉沙漠amazon jungle 亚马逊热带雨林niagara falls 尼亚加拉瀑布
  教学反思【当堂巩固】一、单词拼写1. our journey by camel was quite an amazing .(经历)2. many soldiers are guarding the . (边境) 3. the valley in the southern part of india.(位于) 4. cut out the pumpkin into different . (形状) 5. there are many strange things in the world.(地下的) 6. twenty-four lived in the forbidden city. (皇帝) 7. my sister is better at clothes than i am. (设计) 8. what has the government done to water and air pollution. (阻止) 9. please pass me a pair of . (筷子) 10. tokyo is japan’s city. (首都) 11. you will by its beautiful designs. (吸引) 12. you can experience its and greatness through climbing it step by step.(美) 13. please write a guide to an country for the american exchange students.(亚洲) 14. the forbidden city was a palace for two d . 15. the great wall protects the northern of our country. (a line piding two countries) 16. when you are in guilin, you can ride around the city . (safe) 17. the summer palace is a famous chinese-style garden (build) in a (nature) landscape. 18. beijing is in (north) china while guilin is in the (south) of china. 19. have you ever walked in a d ? yes, it’s terrible. you can see only sand everywhere. 20. there is a beautiful w between canada and america. 21. the pacific o is between china and japan. 22. please cut a path through the j , then you can go t the woods from here. 二、选择适当的词并用其适当形式填空be open to, so that, consist of, instead of, be famous for, be full of, used to, be interested in, be famous as, step by step 1. the organization 25 members. they often catch thieves in the shops.2. he a football star in the world.3. daniel’s mother be a guide.4. this city its delicious food and beautiful scenery.5. a robot is a machine that can do lots of things men.6. the library has been finished. it will us next month.
