

  the fourth period
  teaching aims:
  1. improve the students" reading ability.
  2. do some writing practice to improve the students" writing ability.
  3. learn some useful words and expressions.
  4. review the past participle used as object complement.
  teaching important points:
  1. review the past participle used as object complement.
  2. improve the students" integrating skills.
  teaching difficult points:
  1. how to improve the students" integrating skills.
  2. how to help the students to master the past participle used as object complement.
  teaching methods :
  1. reading and understanding to improve the students" reading ability.
  2. writing practice to improve the students" writing ability.
  3. practice to review the past participle used as object complement.
  4. inpidual, pair or group work to make every student work in class.
  teaching aids:
  1. a tape recorder
  2. a projector
  3. the blackboard
  step i greetings
  greet the whole class as usual.
  step ii revision
  t: in the last period, we"ve learned the past participle used as object complement. now, let’s do some exercises to review them.
  (show the following on the screen.)
  rewrite the sentences, using"have + object + past participle"
  example: they built a new library.
  they had a new library built.
  1. he is going to deliver the seeds tomorrow.
  2. they are repairing the path.
  3. she is clearing away the branches of that large tree.
  4. they have put in a new bath.
  5. she has dealt with the problem.
  6. he has collected a large number of stamps.
  7. they checked the progress of the project.
  (after a while, check the answers with the whole class.)
  suggested answers
  1. he is going to have the seeds delivered tomorrow.
  2. they are having the path repaired.
  3. she is having the branches of that large tree cleared away.
  4. they have had a new bath put in.
  5. she has had the problem dealt with.
  6. he has had a large number of stamps collected.
  7. they had the progress of the project checked.
  step iii reading and understanding
  t: very good. now, let’s look at the passage "a second life for factory 798".
  who can tell us the meaning of the title?
  s: let me have a try. it means "798 工厂的第二次生命".
  t: what do you think the passage is about?
  s: i think the passage is about a factory. maybe it closed once but people used it
  t: ok. please sit down. read the passage quickly to find out what has happened
  to factory 798. (after a few minutes.) have you found out the answer?
  ss: yes.
  t: who would like to tell us your answer?
  s: i"ll try. the factory 798 had been an important army factory. later the factory moved away and the factory buildings were no longer used. most of the workshops in it stood empty until very recently. the workshops are now used for different purposes. so we can say factory 798 has got its second life.
  t: very good. thank you. please sit down. now, please read the passage carefully again and tell us something else about factory 798. (a moment later.)li hong, please try.
  s: it was designed by east german architects and built with russian aid in the
  early 1950s.…
  t: good. we know that the factory is now used again by different people for various purposes. who can tell us what are the workshops in the factory used as now?
  s: they are used as some studios, some shops, some restaurants, one tea house and one dance club.
  t: quite good. from the passage we know that new uses are given to old buildings. it"s a great way to save the architecture from the past.
  step iv explanation
  t: in this passage, there are some important words and expressions that you need to master. now, look at the screen, please. i"ll explain them to you.
  (show the following on the screen.)
  1.aid n./vt.help
  e.g. he succeeded with the aid of a friend.
  she made no effort to aid him.
  2. stand (link v. ) being or remaining in a place or condition
  e.g. a tall poplar tree once stood there
  the house has stood empty for months.
  3. pull down: destroy sth./leave sb. in a weak condition
  e. g. the cinema she used to visit has been pulled down.
  his long illness has pulled him down.
  4. remind… of…: cause sb. to remember or he newly aware of sb./sth.
  e. g. he reminds me of his brother.
  this song reminds me of france.
  5.set…adide:place sth. to one side; disregard or ignore sth.
  e.g. she set aside her book and lit a candle.
  he set all their offers aside.
  (write the words and phrases on the blackboard.)
  step v listening and reading aloud
  t: now, let"s listen to the tape. listen carefully. when i play the tape the
  second time, please read after it. pay attention to your stress. are you ready? ss: yes.
  t: ok. let"s begin.
  (play the tape for ss to listen and repeat. )
  t: ok. now, i’d like some of you to read out the passage. who"d like to read the
  first paragraph?
  s: i"d like to have a try.
  t: please read it aloud so that your classmates can hear you.
  (ask several students to read the passage. one student, one paragraph. )
  step vi writing,
  t: in this period, we"ve read a passage which tells us that we can make use of
  an old factory. now, let"s play a game. first, make a detailed drawing of the floor plan of a big building, such as an old factory, or a school. if you don"t know any, you can draw the floor plan of our school. or, if you like, you can draw the floor plan of your own imagined building. you can work in groups of four. (allow the students a moment to finish the task.)have you finished?
  ss: yes.
  t: now, number and describe the size, height and special features of each hall
  and part of the building.
  (ss may finish in one or two minutes.)
  t: now, have a short discussion to decide which rooms and parts can be used by
  different artists: which are best for painters; pop bands, a bookshop and so
  on. also discuss how to decorate the rooms for different users and how much money will be needed. try to think about cheap ways of doing things.
  (a moment later.)
  t: ok. you"ve got enough information to write the article. please write it down
  in your exercise books.
  (allow the students to finish the writing practice after class.)
  step vii summary and homework
  t: today we"ve read a passage about an old factory. we know that old buildings can be used by different users again. we"ve also made a plan to make use of an old building. after class, finish your writing practice and hand in your exercise books. besides, we"ve also learnt some useful words and phrases. you should try to use them more and remember them. in the text, we"ve learnt some words which help you describe the shapes and structures of architecture. who knows what they are? please write them down on the blackboard.
  (one or two student write their answers on the blackboard.)
  suggested answers:
  huge, modern, simple, traditional, warm, straight, beautiful, unnatural, unfriendly ...
  t: very good. in this unit, we"ve learnt the past participle used as object
  complement. this is an important grammar item. you should do more practice to
  consolidate it. now, please turn to page 24 and finish the practice in checkpoint 3.
  (a moment later, check the answers.)
  suggested answers:
  1. he heard his name called.
  2. he got his bike fixed.
  3. how do you want the room decorated?
  t: well done! i think you"ve mastered the grammar item in this unit well
  enough. ok. that"s all for today. see you tomorrow !
  ss: see you tomorrow !
  step viii the design of the writing on the blackboard
  unit 3 art and architecture
  the fourth period
  aid, stand
  pull down, remind…of…, set…aside
  useful words for describing the shapes and structures of architecture:
  modern, traditional, straight, round, beautiful, unnatural,…
  step ix record after teaching
