

  1. i know people are trying to help, but i wish they wouldn"t treat me as if i were a child.
  2. creative thinking is a conscious effort to break away from old thought patterns in order to explore new possibi- lities.
  3. today there are more opportunities for disabled people to develop their potential, live a rich life and make a contribu- tion to society.
  4. one of the teachers at the special education college says that their aim is to help disabled students understand that they can play a valuable role within society.
  5. it is often disappointing to find that other people do not feel comfortable together with someone who is disabled.
  6. good solutions and new ideas are often the result of a change in perception.
  7. by comparing and connecting ideas and objects in new ways, creative thinkers are able to think of new applications and solutions.
  1. ability n. 能力
  2. fair n. 商品交易会 adj. 公平的
  3. gifted adj. 有天赋的
  4. encouragement n. 鼓励
  5. adjust vt. 调整
  6. ceremony n. 仪式
  7. victory n. 胜利
  8. shameful adj. 丢脸的
  9. participate vi. 参与
  10. officer n. 官员
  11. petrol n. 汽油
  12. background n. 背景
  13. reject vt. 拒绝
  14. possibility n. 可能性
  15. otherwise adv. 不然
  16. previous adj. 珍贵的
  17. aware adj. 意识的
  18.dusty adj.满是灰尘的
  19. pilot n. 飞行员
  20. storage n. 储蓄
  21. typewriter n. 打字机
  22. conduct v. 引导;指导;导电
  23. connection n. 连接
  24. trial n. 试验;审问
  1. get around 四处走动
  2. get used to 习惯于
  3. allow for 顾及
  4. get stuck 遇到困难
  5. break away from 摆脱
  6. be aware of 意识到
  7. trial and error 反复试验
  8. keep track of 保持联系
  9. make a contribution to... 为……作贡献
  10. now that 既然
  11. come up with 提出
  12. after all 毕竟
  1. get ____ 四处走动;活动
  2. get ____ to 适应于……;习惯于……
  3. allow ____ 顾及;为……做准备;考虑到
  4. get / be ____ 遇到困难;陷进去;被困住
  5. break ____ from摆脱;脱离
  6. be ____ of 知道;意识到
  7. trial and ____ 反复实验;不断摸索
  8. ____ all 毕竟;终究;归根到底
  9. keep track ____ 保持联系
  10. make a contribution ____ 对……作出贡献
  11. ____ sure 确保;查明
  12. adjust ____ 适应于
  13. take ____ in参加
  14. compete ____ 竞争;对抗;比赛
  15. let ____ 放出;泄密
  16. translate...____ ……把……译成……
  17. ____ times有时
  18. prepare ____ 为……做准备
  19. be different ____ 与……不同
  20. ____ than 多于;不仪仅;极其
  1. i"m sure i would be able to...
  2. if i..., i would be able to...
  3. i would need help to...
  4. it would be difficult to...
  5. i would try to...
  6. this invention can help people...
  7. this is a new way of...
  8. how does it work?
  9. what"s it made of?
  10. how would people use it?
  1. ability n. 能力
  what a pity. he has the ability to learn, but he doesn"t want to. 很遗憾,他有能力学,然而不想学。mary is a woman of great ability. 玛丽是个很有能力的女子。the school cares for children 0f different abilities. 学校关心不同才能孩子的需要。
  3. adjust v. 调整,使适应,使适合 she carefully adjusted her clothes and her hair before going out. 她出门之前仔细地整了整衣服和头发。he is unable to adjust themselves to their environment. 他们不能调整自己以适应环境的变化。please do not adjust your set, eg as a warning on a tv screen that the controls do not need to be changed. 请勿自行调节,如电视机屏幕上的警告语句,意为各项操作装置无需更改。
  【考点2】appear 的用法
  ① appearance n. [c;u]
  1. 出现,露面
  2. 容貌
  ② disappear v. 消失
  ③ disappearance n. 消失
  ④ reappear vi. (再)出现
  ⑤ reappearance n. (再)出现
  ① at first appearance 初看起来
  ② make one"s firrst appearance 首次登场;首次登台演出
  句型:it appears that…看来……
  形容词;均可跟介词like + 名词或like + 动名词;均可接
  能;look和seem可跟as if从句,而appear则不能;
  seem和appear可川于it seems / appears that-clause
  中,而look不能;seem和appear可用于there seems /
  appears to be...中,而look不能。例如:
  the noise appeared to be endless. 这喧闹声好像永无休止。
  there appears to be no student in the classroom. 教室里
  the stars look very smail only because they are much far—
  ther away. 星星看上去很小,仅仅是他们太小的缘故。
  it seems as if it is going to rain. you"d better take your
  umbrella with you. = it looks like rain. you"d better
  take your umbrella with you. 天好像要下雨,你最好带
  his father seems much better today. 他爸爸今天似乎好
  the baby seems to be sleeping.don"t make so much
  noise. 孩子好像在睡觉,别这么吵。
  it seems that he is lying. 看样子他好像是在撒谎。
  there seems to be an important meeting tonight. 今晚
  【考例2】(XX上海)do let your mother know ail the
  truth. she appears ____ everything.
  a. to tell b. to be told
  c. to be telling d. to have been told
  [考查目标]appear + 动词不定式用法。
  [答案与解析]d 根据前面的分句意思"务必让你的妈
  2. fair
  (1) n. 商品交易会 a computer fair 电脑展销会 a job fair 职业交流会
  (2) adj. 好的;晴朗的;公正的 his knowledge of french is fair, but ought to be better. 他法语还不错,但应该更好些。we hope for fair weather. 我们希望有好天气。the punishment was quite fair. 这一惩罚十分公正。
  【考点4】join 的用法
  友情提示:join + 表示人的名词或代词。表示加入到
  ① join + 团体、组织、协会、机构的名词,加入某一个组
  织。而成为其中的一个成员 (become a member of),
  絮觅名词有:the league / party / army / navy / club
  / organization 入团/入党/参军/加入俱乐部/加人组
  ② join the line 排队
  ③ join in 参加;加入;主要指参加一些短暂的正在进行
  动。join in a/the+名词,常见名词有:discussion,
  talk, conversation, game, strike, march, concert,
  sports, walk, work
  ④ join up 连接起来;联合起来
  ⑤ join together 联合起来
  ⑥ join...to... 把……与……连接起来
  句型:join (sb) in (doing) + 名词(和某人一起)参加
  某项活动,常见名词有:talk / walk / game / discussion
  ① attend; join; take part in
  成为其中一员。take part in尤指参加一些短暂的活
  有:enter, be engaged in, go into, go in for 等。例
  they went to their school to attend a get-together. 他
  i don"t think it necessary to join the club. it"s a waste
  of time. 我认为没必要加人那个俱乐部,简直是浪费
  every summer vacation i"ll take part in social prac—
  tice. 每年暑假我都参加社会实践。
  ② connect; join; unite
  的特点。结合的程度较 connect 密切,还有"加入"的
  含义。unite 意为"联合,团结".指两个或多个事物或
  the printer is connected to the computer. 打印机连
  this road joins the two villages. 这条路把两个村庄
  unless we unite our enemies will defeat us. 除非我们
  【考例4】the panama canal the atlantic ____
  the pacific.
  a. connects; with b. joins; with
  c. unites; with d. ioin; up
  [考查目标] 考查固定短语。
  [答案与解析]a connect...with...为固定短语,表示
  "把……和……连接起来";join...to...,join up,unite...
  with... 使用的范围不当。
  4. otherwise adv.
  (1) 不然;否则 put the cap back on the bottle, otherwise the juice will spill. 把瓶盖儿盖好,要不汁液就溢出来了。we must hurry, otherwise we"ll be too late. 我们得快点,要不然就太晚了。do as you"re told, otherwise you"ll be in trouble. 叫你怎么做就怎么做,否则有麻烦。
  (2) 以另外的方式,不同地 (in another way;differently) she thought otherwise. 她从另一个侧面考虑。you obviously think otherwise. 显然你的想法不同。
  otherwise 意思是"否则"还常与虚拟语气的谓语动词连用。其后的谓语动词与if虚拟的主句谓语动词一致。
  【考点3】possible 的用法
  ①impossible adj. 不可能的
  ②possibility n. 可能;可能性;可能的事
  ③possibly adv. 可能,也许
  ①as...as possible = as possible as sb can / could = as
  ...as sb possibly can / could尽可能,尽(量)
  ② when / whenever / where / wherever possible 一旦
  有可能,只要有可能,一旦有机会 if (at all) possible
  ① (quite)possibly (很)可能
  ② it is (im)possible (for sb) to do sth
  ③ it is possible that从句
  ④ sb can"t / couldn"t possibly do sth 某人不可能干某事
  ⑤ sb think / find / consider it (im)possible (for sb) to
  do sth
  ⑥ sb think / find / consider it (im)possible that从句
  ⑦ sth make it (im)possible for sb to do sth
  ⑧ can / could you possibly do sth? (用于礼貌地请求)
  ⑨ how could you possibly do sth? (强调对看到或听到
  ⑩ would it be possible (for sb) to do sth? (用于礼貌
  ⑩ there is a possibility that...
  ⑩ there is no possibility that...
  友情提示:不能使用sb is possible to do sth 表达某人
  【考例3】i can"t ____ go to the party.
  a. possible b. probable
  c. likely d. possibly
  [考查目标] 形容词和副词运用。
  [答案与解析]d can"t go 暗示要用副词修饰动词,a、
  b都可以排除,而likely经常使用于it"s / sb is likely
  to do sth / it"s likely that-clause.
  ① as a / the result of (= because of) 由于;作为(……
  ② result in (=cause) 导致
  ③ result from (=be caused by) 由……引起;起因于
  ④ as a result 因此;所以;结果
  ⑤ without result 无效地.毫无结果地
  ⑥ get / expect / have / see a result 得到 / 企盼 / 有 /
  ⑦a (an) final / good / important result (最终 / 好 / 重
  要) 结果
  ⑧ the latest result 最新结果
  ⑨ meet with / obtain good resuhs 取得好结果
  ① the result is that... 因此;所以;结果
  ② with the result that... 因此;所以;结果是
  ③ a result in b"a引起/导致b"
  ④ b result from a (=b lie in a)"b由a所致;b因a
  友情提示:hard work results in success. = success
  results from hard work. 成功来自努力。
  【考例10】[nmet XX,完形] my cousin must have
  made an effort to get himself into shape. ____, at
  the point in our game.
  a. after all b. as a result
  c. above all d. at last
  [答案与解析]b as a result 意思是"结果,因此"。
  【考点6】seem 的用法
  搭配:seem like 好像
  ① seem + (to be) + adj. / n. 似乎;看上去
  ② seem + (to be) + v-ing / p. p. / prep. phr.
  ③ seem to do sth 似乎;好像
  ④ it seems / seemed (to sb) that……似乎;好像
  ⑤ it seemed to him that he would never be able to work
  out the question for good. 在他看来他好像永远无法
  ⑥ there seems / seemed + (to be) + …似乎有
  ⑦ it seems as if / as though... 好像(可用虚拟语气)
  辨析:appear;look;seem (见本讲考点2)
  【考例6】(XX上海春招) our club is open to adults
  only. ____ your children can"t enter it without per-
  a. there seems that b. it seems to be
  c. there seems to be d. it seems that
  [考查目标] 考查句型。
  [答案与解析]d it seems that...是一个固定的句型,
  ① sensitive adj. 敏感的;灵敏的;感光的
  ② sensible adj. 可感觉到的;觉察的。知道的
  ③ sensor n. 传感器
  ① the sense of smell / taste / touch / sight / hearing 嗅
  ② a sense of humour 幽默感
  ③ a sense of beauty 审美感
  ④ a high sense of responsibility / duty 高度的责任感
  ⑤ a sense of fear 恐惧感
  ⑥ a sense of values 价值观
  ⑦ a sense of direction 方向感
  ⑧ make sense 有道理;讲得通;很有意义,意义清楚;是
  ⑨ make no sense 无意义,无道理
  ⑩ make (no) sense of (不)懂(……的意思),(不)了解
  ⑥ a common sense 常识
  ⑩ in a / one sense 从某种意义上说
  ⑩ in no sense 决不
  ⑩ come to (one"s) senses (昏迷后)苏醒过来;醒悟过来
  ⑥ lose / recover one"s senses 失去/恢复知觉;丧失/恢
  ⑩ a man of sense 通情达理的人
  ⑨ have (a) good business sense 有生意眼光;商业意识
  ①it makes (good) sense to do sth 干某事是(很)明智
  的;干某事是(很)有道理的:it doesn"t make (any)
  sense to do sth干某事是不明智的;干某事是没有道
  ② there"s no sense in (doing) sth 干……是没有理由 /
  ③ sense that...觉察到;感(觉)到;意识到。此时除了
  【考例1】(XX浙江) i am sure david will be able to
  find the library - he has a pretty good ____ of di—
  a. idea b. feeling
  c. experience d. sense
  [考查目标] sense 的用法。
  [答案与解析]d 根据上文由be able to find the li—
  understanding about sth;an ability to judge sth之义.
  可以说sense of direction、humor,译为"方向感、幽默
  构词:treatment n. 治疗,疗法;待遇;处理
  ① be treated with respect 受到尊重
  ② treat sb as... 把某人当作…来对待
  ③ treat sb for one"s illness 为某人治病
  ④ treat sb. to dinner 请某人吃饭
  ⑤ treat of 讲述;论述
  句型:treat sb to.一款待
  无进行时。常用的句型有:cure sb of...,cure sb of
  oriels disease。"治好某人什么病",例如:
  this medicine cured him of his pains. 这药治好了他的
  are they able to treat this disease? 他们能够治疗这种
  【考例7】(XX江苏)more patients ____ in hospi—
  tal this year than last year.
  a. treated b. have treated
  c. had been treated d. have been treated
  [答案与解析]d patients作主语的时候,treat(护理;
  ① try a different method 又试了一种方法
  ② have a try (on) 试
  ③ have another try 再试一次
  ④ try on 试穿(衣服);试试看
  ⑤ try one"s best 竭尽所能
  ⑥ try out 试验;尝试;试行
  ⑦ try out for 为……而参加选拔
  ① try to do sth 试图去做某事
  ② try doing sth 试一试做某事
  还可作名词,have a try = try = have a go 试一次;
  have another try = try again 再试一次;want a go想试
  到",常用于口语:i can manage (it) myself. 我自己能
  行。succeed 去做所希望的事并成功地干了该事,常见
  结构是succeed in (doing) sth.。seek意为"试图、企图
  the boys attempted to leave for camping but were
  stopped by their parents. 男孩子们想去野营但被他们
  he managed to do the operattion with very little help. 在
  she succeeded in taking a first-class degree in physics
  two years after arriving in paris. 到巴黎之后,她取得了
  he tried to do the operation with very little help.but
  didn"t succeed. 他试图在没有帮助的情况下做这个手
  【考例9】(nmet 1992)
  -- i usually go there by train.
  -- why not ____ by boat for a change?
  a. to try going b. trying to go
  c. to try and go d. try going
  [答案与解析]d why not后面接动词原形,而try do-
  【考点8】welcome 的用法
  welcome. 或please come in. 而常说:
  ① i"m very glad to see you.
  ② i"m so glad you"ve come.
  ③ it"s very kind of you to come.
  搭配:receive / have a (warm / good / cold) welcome
  ① welcome sb (back) / sth 欢迎某人/某事
  ② sb welcome sb (warmly) 被动结构为:sb be(warm—
  ly) welcomed (by sb)
  ③ sb / sth are welcome 欢迎……
  ④ sb is welcome to do sth (不能用welcome sb to do sth
  或 sb. is welcomed to do sth,但可用welcome sb and
  ask sb,to do sth)
  ⑤ (sb be) welcome to sp. (不能用welcome sb to sp.)
  ⑥ you"re welcome! (美国英语)用来回答别人的感谢。
  give sb a (warm / good / cold) welcome = give a /
  one"s (warm / good / cold) welcome to sb
  give / express one"s warmest welcome to sb = give sb
  one"s warmest welcome
  give sb a warm welcome
  sb be / get warmly welcomed by
  sb receive a warm welcome(from sb)
  greet sb warmly
  辨析:popular; receive; welcome
  welcome 可作动词、名词、形容词和感叹词。但sb / sth
  is very / well welcomed. 为错误结构。popular形容词,
  意为"流行的;受人喜爱的,受人欢迎的",常用于be /
  become popular with / among sb 结构。receive通常表
  为"(不)很受欢迎"。其结构为sth be(not)well re—
  ceived(by sb),相当于popular,但popular既可表示人
  criticism and guidance are both welcome. 欢迎批评指
  chinese food is becoming popular with americans. 中
  this kind of new textbooks are well received by the
  teachers and students all over the country. 这种新教科
  this kind of magazine is not well received in the sch001.
  【考例8】-- thank you very much indeed.
  -- you"re ____.
  a. welcome b. welcame
  c. welcomed d. popular
  [答案与解析]a "不用谢"的英语表达应该为:you"re
  【考点5】win 的用法
  构词:winner n. 获胜者
  beat 和 defeat 这两个动词都可表示在战斗中或在竞赛
  作及物动词时常跟a game,an argument,a battle,a
  she beat me at tennis. 他打网球赢了我。
  the english team was defeated by three goals to one. 英
  who do you think will win the election? 你觉得谁会在
  we won by scoring in the last minute. 我们在最后一分
  【考例5】i think we both ____: i the game, but
  cousin ed my respect.
  a. beat b. defeated
  c. won d. failed
  [考查目标] 动词的辨析。
  [答案与解析]c 根据句子的意思"我想我们俩都赢
  (try, join, realize, seem, appear, treat, result, sense,
  attempt, welcome)
  1. i was in the bath, with the ____ that i didn"t
  hear the telephone.
  2. we ____ growing all our own vegetables, but
  found it was impossible to grow enough for the fami-
  3. a large crowd gathered at the airport to ____
  back the national football team.
  4. does it make ____ to let little children play with
  5. on arriving in hubei, the soldiers at once ____.
  thevillagers in their work against the terrible flood.
  6. i didn"t ____ the importance of his speech until
  you told me.
  7. there ____ to be hundreds of students in the
  8. he ____ the animal cruelly.
  9. the crowd broke into loud cheers when the star"s car
  【考点2】be + adj. + of短语
  ① be aware of 知道;意识到
  ② be tired of 厌烦
  ③ be critical of 挑……的毛病
  ④ be conscious of 意识到;知道
  ⑤ be short of 缺少
  ⑥ be fond of 喜欢
  [例句] he wasn"t aware of the danger. 他没有意识到危险。
  i"m tired of having the same kind of food every day. 我
  he is critical of grammar in the speech of other per—
  sons. 他爱挑别人讲话中的语法错误。
  was he conscious of what he was saying at the time?
  【考例2】are you ____ of the difficulty in dealing
  with the matter?
  a. proud b. short c. aware d. fond
  f考查目标] 此题主要考查短语辨义。
  [答案与解析]c be proud of 以……为自豪。加short
  of 缺少。be fond of 喜欢。题意是:在处理这个问题
  【考点3】be + adj. + to短语
  ① be similar to 和……相似
  ② be sensitive to 对……敏感,易感受……
  ③ be polite to sb 对……有礼貌
  ④ be friendly to 对……友好
  ⑤ be rude / unkind to 对……粗鲁/不友好
  [例句] my new dress is similar to the one you have. 我
  she is sensitive to what people think of her. 她很敏感人
  【考例3】his ears are highly ____ to any unusual
  sound in the machine.
  a. active b. similar
  c. conscious d. sensitive
  [答案与解析]d 根据介词搭配。可排除a、c两项。
  ① break away from 摆脱;脱离
  ② break off 中断,停止
  ③ break down (车)抛锚;(计划,谈判等)失败;失败;(身
  ④ break out 爆发;突然发生(争吵,疾病等)
  ⑤ break into 强行进入
  ⑥ break through 突破;打通;取得重大成果
  ⑦ break forth 突然进发
  ⑧ break up 拆散;分解
  [例句] it is difficult to break away from a bad habit. 改
  he broke off speaking to answer the telephone. 他停止
  the peace talks have broken down. 和平谈判失败了。
  a fire broke out at night. 夜里发生了一场火灾。
  the thieves planned t0 break into the bank. 盗贼们策划
  the river broke through its banks, and flooded the
  country for many miles around. 河水决堤,淹没了方圆
  scientists hope to break through soon in their fight a—
  gainst sars. 科学家们在与非典的斗争中希望不久有
  a shout of joy broke forth. 突然发出一阵欢呼声。
  【考例4】(XX湖北)to understand the grammar of the
  sentence,you must break it ____ into parts.
  a. down b. up c. off d. out
  [考查目标] 此题主要考查短语辨义。
  [答案与解析]a break down"分成细目,分解";break
  up(topide into smaller pieces) 强调的是一种物理上
  的分解变化;break off (to come apart);break out (to
  begin,usually suddenly)。
  ① allow for 顾及;把……考虑进去;准备会有
  ② do for 没法处理;料理;使完蛋.毁掉
  ③ compete for 竞争,争夺
  ④ provide for 抚养,养活;防备
  ⑤ prepare for 为……而准备
  ⑥ wish for 希望;想要
  ⑦ care for 关心;照顾
  ⑧ fight for 为……而战/斗争=struggle for
  ⑨ go for a walk 去散步
  ⑩ head for 挺进
  ⑩ search for 寻找=hunt for
  ⑩ hope for 希望得到
  [例句] it takes about an hour to get there, allowing for
  possible traffic delay. 把路上可能的耽搁算进去,大约
  what / how will you do for drinking water while
  crossing the desert? 你们穿越沙漠时将怎样解决饮用
  at the end of a long day, i"m just about done for. 一整
  he was clever enough to compete for the mathematics
  scholarship. 他十分聪明,有能力去竞争数学奖学金。
  he died without providing for his widow. 他死了,没有
  the government has to provide for / against a possible
  oil shortage in the coming months. 政府不得不预防未
  john is preparing for the coming examination. 约翰正准
  how he wishes for a glass of cold water! 他多么想要
  【考例1】(XX北京)it"s the present situation in poor
  areas that ____ much higher spending on education
  and training.
  a. answers for b. provides for
  c. calls for d. plans for
  [答案与解析]c answer for"对……负责";provide for
  "准备,防备";call for"需要,要求";plan for "考虑到
  5. 与 keep 有关的短语
  keep track of 保持联系,了解,记录
  keep record of 记录
  keep (a) watch on 注视,注意
  keep body and soul together 维持生活
  keep in mind 记住
  keep pace with 跟上,与……相适应
  keep in touch with 与……保持联系
  we read newspapers to keep track of current affairs. 我们看报纸以了解时事。with this sum, this family could hardly keep body and soul together. 这个家庭很难用这一点点钱来维持生计。please keep watch on the situation. 请注视这情形。here is a card. please keep in touch with / keep track of each other. 这是名片,请保持联系。
  【考点5】let 短语
  ① let out 发出(声音);放掉;泄露
  ② let alone 更不用说(let...alone别管,不打扰)
  ③ let...be不要打扰,不理会
  ④ let down 辜负;使失望;做对不起……的事
  ⑤ let in 漏水,渗透;欺骗
  [例旬]who let the air out of my tyre? 谁把我轮胎里的
  keep this to yourself. don"t let it out. 你要保守秘密。别
  i couldn"t afford to rent a house like that, let alone buy
  it. 租那样的房子我都租不起,更不用说买下它了。
  when john gets mad,just let him alone / be. 约翰生气
  he let the team down by not trying hard enough. 他没
  the boat lets in water. 这条船漏水。
  【考例5】(XX湖南) he accidentally ____ he had
  quarreled with his wife and that he hadn"t been home
  for a couple of weeks.
  a. let out b. took care
  c. made sure d. made out
  [答案与解析]a take care当心,照看。make sure 确
  保。make out 认出,理解。题意是:他偶然地露出他和
  1. he missed the target because the wind hadn"t been ____.
  a. allowed for b. done for
  c. prepared for d. wished for
  2. presently she was ____ of footsteps hurrying af-
  ter her.
  a. anxious b. aware
  c. worried d. afraid
  3. after that, i avoided his presence, as i felt he was
  becoming too ____ me.
  a. popular with b. similar to
  c. known to d. familiar with
  4. the wood was so rotten that when well pulled, it
  ____ into pieces.
  a. broke away b. broke off
  c. broke up d. broke through
  5. just have a little patience. i"ll look into it who let
  ____ the news to the press.
  a. off b. alone c. out d. in
  1. get around, get away from, get over, get down to
  (1) get around 避开,逃避 (=get round);走动,到处
  旅行 (=get about);(消息等)传开
  to get around the tax laws 逃避纳税
  (2) get away from 回避,否认;摆脱
  our friends had to have some furniture; there was no
  getting away from that.
  now he was dead, and i could not get away from my
  (3)get down to 认真地静下心(工作);开始认真做某
  to get down to work 静下心来工作
  you must get down to your studies this year.
  (4) get over 做完;结束;熬过;痊愈,康复;克服
  you"ll be glad to get your operation over.
  can we get over this difficulty?
  2. break away, break down, break off
  (1) break away
  ① 逃走;逃脱
  the robbery suspect broke away from the lock-up.
  modern music like jazz has broken away from the old
  traditional rules. (喻)
  ② 断裂;开裂
  a large piece of ice broke away from the main block.
  (2) break down
  ① 破坏;拆散
  the congressmen of the republican tried to break
  down the opposition from their opponents to their
  proposal. (喻)
  chemicals in the body break our food down into useful
  ② 打破旧框框
  the robbers broke the door down.
  the peace talks are said to have broken down. (喻)
  ③ (机器) 损坏
  the car broke down halfway to the camp.
  ④ 失败;破裂
  their opposition broke down.
  ⑤ 精神崩溃;失去控制
  he bmke down and wept.
  (3) break off
  ① 突然停止,中断谈判
  they were arguing but broke off when someone came
  into the room.
  ② 断绝 (关系),解除婚约
  she broke off with her best mend.
  3. get / be used to doing, be used to do, used to do
  get / be used to 表示"习惯于……",后接v.-ing形式或
  名词,get used to 强调渐变过程,即"由不习惯变为习
  be used to 表示"被用于……"时,后接do形式
  used to 表示"过去常常……",后接do形式
  are you getting used to the cold weather in the north?
  do you get used to driving a truck?
  1. i wish they wouldn"t treat me as if i were a child.
  (1) wish + that + 主语 + 过去时态的某一种:
  wish that ① 主语 + 一般过去时 (表示与现在相反的虚拟,
  ② 主语 + 过去完成时 (表示与过去相反的虚拟)
  ③ 主语 + 过去将来时 (表示与将来相反的虚拟)
  i wish you hadn"t told me all this.
  i wish i knew what was going to happen.
  i wish he wouldn"t go out every night.
  2. as if / though:似乎,仿佛
  as if引导的状语从句后常接虚拟语气的谓语动词,
  she looked as if she were a stranger.
  it seemed as if the meeting would never end.
  【考点l】maybe it is time for the rest of society to accept
  me as i am and get used to the fact that while i may not
  be able to walk, there are many other great things i can
  do. 或许现在是让社会上其他人接受我的现状并习惯
  本句要注意used to的用法。它的搭配及用法是:used
  to do"过去常做某事",暗示现在已不再如此;be used to
  do意为"被用来做某事" be / get used to doing 意为
  i used to live here. 我过去住这儿。(现在不再住这儿)
  a watcb is used to tell us time. 手表是用来看时间的。
  i"m used to getting up and going to bed early. 我习惯于
  ① wonld与used to都可用来表示过去经常性或习惯性
  when we were boys we used to / would go swimming
  every summer. 小时候,每到夏天我们都要去游泳。
  ② would 与 used to 都不能用来表示动作发生的具体频
  ③ used to 可指过去的状态或情况,would则不能。例
  school children used to know the story of how abra—
  ham lincoln walked five miles to return a penny he"d
  overcharged a customer. (不能用would)过去,学校
  ④ would 表示反复发生的动作。如果某一动作没有反
  复性,就不能用would。只能用used to。例如:
  and ftom that day on, as soon as the table was
  cleared and the dishes were gone, mother would dis-
  appear into her sewing room to practice. 从那天起,只
  ⑤ used to 表示过去经常性或习惯性的动作或状态现在
  已经结束,would 则表示有可能再发生。例如:
  people used to believe that the earth was flat. 过去,
  he would go to the park as soon as he was free. 过
  【考例l】mother ____ us stories when we were
  a. was used to teil b. is used to teijing
  c. used to tell d. used to telling
  [考查目标]本题考查含有 used 短语的用法。
  [答案与解析]c 选项a表示"被用来做某事";选项b
  to do sth句型。
  【考点2】they not only learn how to assist disabled peo—
  pie。but also learn the importance of cooperating to reach
  their goals in life. 他们不仅学会了怎样帮助残疾人,还
  not only…but also是连词,可以连接主语、谓语、宾语、
  【考例2】(XX上海) ____ snacks and drinks, but
  they also brought cards for entertainment when they
  had a picnic in the forest.
  a. not only they brought
  b. not only did they bring
  c. not only brought they
  d. not only they did bring
  [考查目标]本题考查not only...but also连接两个句子
  [答案与解析]b not only...but also连接两个句子时,
  且not only居句首时后面的句子要用倒装,而且是部分
  【考点3】she was telling lis about her sick mother when
  she suddenly broke into tears. 她正在向我们讲述她生病
  【考例3】(XX上海)jasmine was holidaying with her
  family in a wildlife park ____ she was bitten on the
  leg by a lion.
  a. when b. while c. since d. once
  [考查目标] 本题考查考生对状语从句与并列句的运用
  [答案与解析]a 本句的重点是要抓住"was / were
  doing sth when + 一般过去时态"这一结构,表达的含义
  【考点4】now that we are developing new technology at
  such a high pace, the true challenge is to find new ways
  of using it. 既然我们已经在以这么快的速度发展新技
  本句要注意now that的用法。now that表示"既然"、
  now that you have grown up, you must stop this child—
  ish behavior. 既然已经长大,你就必须停止这种幼稚行
  now that you have grown up, you should not rely on
  your parents. 既然已经长大,你就不应该再依靠父母。
  【考例4】(nmet 1999) ____ you"ve got a chance,
  you might as well make full use of it.
  a. now that b. after
  c. although d. as soon as
  [考查目标] 本题考查连词的用法。
  [答案与解析]a 引导不同类型的状语从句,则要根据
  全句的意思选择适当的连词。选项a中的now that表
  示"既然",用于引导原因状语从句;选项b中的 after
  d中的as soon as表示"一……就……",用于引导时间
  1. now that she is out of a job, lucy ____ going
  back to school, but she hasn"t decided yet. (XX 北京)
  a. had considered b. has been considering
  c. considered d. is going to consider
  2. ____. i have never seen anyone who"s as capable
  as john. (200l 上海)
  a. as long as i have traveled
  b. now that i have traveled so much
  c. much as i have traveled
  d. as i have traveled so much
  3.-- i"m going to the post office.
  -- ____ you"re there, can you get me some
  stamps? (nmet 1999)
  a. as b. while
  c. because d. if
  4. he was about to tell me the secret ____ someone
  patted him on the shoulder. (XX 上海)
  a. as b. until
  c. while d. when
  5. we were swimming in the lake ____ suddenly
  the storm started. (XX 北京、安徽春招)
  a. when b. while
  c. until d. before
  6. not only alice but also jane and mary ____ tired
  of having one examination after another.
  a. is b. are c. am d. be
  7. she ____ sit there watching the sun setting. she
  said she loved that.
  a. should b. would
  c. could d. might
  8. the english exam, which ____ on the afternoon
  of july 8, has now been moved to the morning of ju-
  a. was used to taking
  b. used to take
  c. used to be taken
  d. was used to being taking
  -- susan•w11l you please go and empty that drawer?
  -- ____?
  a. what for b. what is it
  c. how is it d. how come
  [答案与解析]a 这道题考查英语口语中如何使用省
  略形式。what / or表示"为什么呢?"what is it表示
  "那是什么呢?"how is it 表示"它怎么样?"how come
  ① what about = how about...? ……又怎么样?
  ② what for? 为何? 为什么呢?
  ③ what if...? 如果……怎么办?
  ④ what then? 那怎么办?
  ⑤ what next? 下一步怎么办?
  -- isn"t that ann"s husband over there?
  -- no, it ____ be him.
  -- i"m sure he doesn"t wear glasses.
  a. can"t b. must not
  c. won"t d. may not
  [答案与解析]a 此题考查在特定语境中情态动词的
  运用。通过对下文所提供的语境i"m sure he doesn"t
  wear glasses. 的理解。推断出正确选项应该是"can"t"。
  ① i probably couldn"t...
  ② i"m sure i would be late to...
  ③ if i..., i would be able to...
  ④ i would not be able to...
  ⑤ i would need help to...
  ⑥ it would be difficult to...例如:
  if l were blind, it would be difficult for me to get there.
  如果我眼睛看不见,很难到达那里。 、
  if l were in a wheelchair, i"m sure i would be able to go
  shopping, eat at a fast food restaurant and then go to a
  cinema with the help of my friends. 如果我必须坐轮椅
  1. -- let"s go and have a good drink tonight.
  -- ____ have you got the first prize in the com-
  petition? (XX 重庆)
  a. what for? b. thanks a lot.
  c. yes, i"d like to. d. why not?
  2. -- hello, ____
  -- it must be about two years since we last met. what
  have you been doing?
  -i"ve been doing all sorts of things. (XX 名校示范卷)
  a. i haven"t seen you for ages.
  b. how long have you been like this?
  c. where have you been these years?
  d. can you still remember me?
  3. -- is this mr. white"s office, linda?
  -- yes, mr. taylor. he"s waiting for you. ___
  (XX 名校示范卷)
  a. of course
  b. after you
  c. this way, please
  d. make yourself at home
  4. -- you"re not a new member, are you?
  -- ____. i joined only yesterday.
  a. no, i"m not b. yes, i"m not
  c. no, i am d. yes, i am
  5. -- guess what! i came across an old friend at the par-
  ty last night.
  -- ____ i"m sure you had a wonderful time.
  (XX 辽宁)
  a. sounds good! b. very well.
  c. how nice! d. all right.
  6. -- let"s stop here for a cup of coffee.
  -- sounds great, but to tell the truth, i didn"t bring
  any money.
  -- ____
  -- thanks. next time it"s my turn. (XX 名校示范卷)
  a. no problem. i did.
  b. that"s ok. i"ll bargain with them.
  c. that"s too bad. how about tea?
  d. well, let"s have something else.
  ( )1. boris has brain. in fact, i doubt whether anyone
  in the class has ____ iq. (nmet XX)
  a. a high b. a higher
  c. the higher d. the highest
  【解析】选b higher是形容词比较级修饰iq,在此
  ( )2. nobody noticed the thief slip into the house
  becalise the iights happened to....
  a. be put up b. give in
  c. be turned on d. go out
  【解析】选d put hp"举起、搭起、张贴"等;give in "投
  降、屈服";turn on "开、旋开(电灯、自来水等)"。go out 为
  不及物动词词组,指"(灯、火等)熄灭"。when the firemen
  got there。the fire had been put out / had gone out. 救火员
  ( )3. he tried his best to solve the problem, ____
  difficult it was. (XX天津)
  a. however b. no matter
  c. whatever d. although
  处。however=no matter how。
  ( ) 4. i don" t think i"ll need any money but i"ll bring
  some ____. (nmet XX)
  a. at last b. in case
  c. one again d. in time
  【解析】选b a、b、c、d四个短语意义各不相同,a
  看,应选in case,因为句子暗示"带一些钱以防(备用)"之
  意,相当于:i’ll bring some in case i need money.
  ( )5.i really can" t understand ____ her like that.
  a. you treat b. you to treat
  c. why treat d. you treating
  【解析】选d understand后可接从句,名词或u—ing
  形式等,故选d。若选a,选项须改为why you treat。
  ( )6. lisa ____ a book in chinese last year, but i
  don"t know whether she has finished it.
  a. wrote b. has written
  c. was writing d. had written
  【解析】选c but i don"t know whether she has
  finished it,暗示过去的动作仍在进行,过去进行时可表示
  ( )7. johnson ____ his wife and ____ smoking.
  (nmet XX)
  a. gave up; gave in
  b. gave away to; gave up
  c. gave in to; gave up
  d. gave away to; gave out
  【解析】选c 本题考查四个短语的区别:give up "放
  弃";give in to "向……让步";give away to "背弃,出卖,泄
  密";give out "耗尽,用光"。
  ( )8. not a single song ____ at yesterday’s party.
  (XX 上海)
  a. she sang b. sang she
  c. did she sing d. she did sing
  【解析】选c 否定词not在前,句子要倒装且要用部
  ( ) 9. -- are you still thinking about yesterday" s game?
  -- oh, that" s __ (nmet XX 北京春招)
  a. what makes me feel excited
  b. whatever i feel excited about
  c. how i feel about it
  d. when i feel excited
  【解析】选a 根据句意,排除b、c。d项句意符合,
  ( )10. although he had taken a lot of medicine, his
  health ____ poor. (nmet XX 上海春招)
  a. proves b. remains
  c. maintains d. continues
  【解析】选b remain表示"依然,还是",是系动词,
