

  牛津高中英语模块五 unit2课文知识点教学案
  m5 u2 no.5
  reading and project
  1. l5 表方位的副词或介词短语放在句子开头句子,谓语是be, stand, sit, lie 等要完全倒装,并
  there lived an old man on the hill.
  there stands a big tree in front of our classroom.
  south of the city lies a big zoo.
  in front of the house stands a boy.
  in front of the house .(他正站在房子前面)
  2. l8. open the floor = be free to speak 自由发言
  floor n. 发言权 have / get the floor 有/ 获得发言权 take the floor 发言
  at last he took the floor.
  3. l9. voice vt. express 表达、说出
  one’s opinions 发表意见 he voiced our dissatisfaction.
  n. 声音、意见、呼声 in a loud / low voice
  voice n. 嗓音 sound n. 凡是能听到的声音 noise n. 噪音
  travels slower than light. he can’t bear city . he told me the news in a low .
  4. l12 amount = quantity
  a large   of / large  s of +n(u) n(c) a lot of 作主语时,谓语跟 amount 的数一致
  a large amount of money spent on the road (were / was)
  large amounts of money spent on the road. were / was)
  the amount of n(c) pl / n(u) + v(单数)
  the amount of the desks 1000. (are , is )
  in large / small amounts
  5. l14. flow vi. n. 流动   through 流过   into 注入、流入
  the river the east sea. the river paris.
  6. l16 in addition 另外、此外 in addition to sth. / doing = besides / as well as 除……之外还
  he gave us some books and a few pens
  add vt. vi. 加、补充说 add to add … to add up add up to
  this our difficulty."i don’t believe it, " he added .
  some salt the soup.these figures fifty.
  all the money i give you.
  7. l16. large numbers of / a large number of /a number of / the number of + n (pl)
  the students in our school is 10,000. people think that’s right.
  8. l20 population n. 人口、人口数
  what’s the  of has a  of a large / small
  the population here rising / reducing.
  two thirds / seventy percent of the   there farmers.
  9. l21 倍数表示法
  ⑴a is … times as + adj + as b⑵ a is … times +adj 的比较级 than b.
  ⑶a is … times +the +n (size, width, height …)+of b
  ⑷a is … times +名词性从句
  this room is (过去的3倍大)
  10. l22 cut back (on) 缩减(生产)、削减(支出) cut down on 减少…的量
  the production was cut back by ten percent.
  if you want to lose weight , the amount of food you eat.
  smoking (减少吸烟的量) you have to spending. (削减开支)
  与cut 相关短语
  cut across 走近路穿过 cut down 砍倒、减少…的量 cut in 插嘴、插入
  cut off 切断(煤气、水、电等的)供应、使…孤立 cut out 剪下、删掉 cut up 切碎
  ①the electricity because of the terrible storm.
  ②they should plant more trees if they want to trees for wood.
  ③to make the dish, you should first the vegetables.
  ④he an article about liu xiang from the newspaper.
  ⑤the moment i began to speak, he . ⑥we cut across the field to save time.
  11. l22 my suggestion is … l42 mr lin suggested …
  do, should 可省略. 这类动词的记忆口诀是:i drop caps. 具体为insist 坚决要求. desire 要求、请求. request 请求. require 要求. order 命令. propose 建议. command 命令. advise 建议. prefer 宁愿. suggest 建议
  the teacher’s suggestion is .(学生早点上床睡觉)
  12. l33responsibility n(u). 责任、职责
  avoid / escape (the)   for sth./ doing
  take the  for sth / doing 对…负责a sense of
  responsible adj. 有责任的、应负责任的
  be   for sb./ sth./ doing
  13. l36 side by side 肩并肩、并排
  the two bottles stand on the table side by side.
  类似短语:shoulder to shoulder hand in land 手拉手、联合
  arm in arm face to face
  neck and neck act hand in hand
  14. p25run out vi. 用完、耗尽 vt. 使…跑得筋疲力尽 run out of vt.用完、耗尽
  我的钱已用完 my money . i .
  he run himself out before he reached the goal.
  与run 相关的短语
  for 竞选   over (车辆)辗过   across   into
  in the long run / term
  15. p29shock vt. 使震惊/ 震动、电击 n. 震惊、休克、电击
  be shocked at sth. 因… 感到震惊 be shocked to do
  the scene shocked her. .
  i was shocked at the news of his sudden death.
  = .
  16. p29arrest vt. n. 逮捕  sb. for sth. / doing
  under   adj. adv. 被捕you are under
  17. p29closely adv. 仔细地、认真地、密切地close adv. 指距离上接近地
  这类副词称为同源副词. 不加ly形式既可以是形容词也可以是副词。其区别在于带ly的副词常指抽象的、引申的含义,多用来修饰动词或过去分词,原形副词常指本义和具体的含义,多修饰由介词引导的短语。类似的还有 deep 深地 deeply 深深地 high 高地highly 高度地 wide 宽地 widely 广泛地
  stand to me. listen to me.
  this problem is connected with that one. 这个问题与那个问题有密切的联系。
  keep a close eye on sth get close to
  the teacher always speaks / thinks of tom.
  look! the plane is flying in the sky.
  18. p35equipment n(u) 装备
  a piece of  a set of
  equip vt. 装备、配备 equipped equipping
  equip… with 用…装备
  19.p35 pick out 挑出、认出、辩别出www.xkb1.com
  pick up 拾起、得到、开车接人、让人搭车、恢复、收听、(偶然)学会
  pick at 挑剔、指责
  please me at the station.her health soon after a few days’ rest.
  can you your brother in the crowd?
  he an interesting piece of news.his mother him for being lazy.
  20. p38under way 在进行中
  preparations for the party are well under way
  under attack under control
  under discussion under study
  under repair under construction 在建设中
  now iraq is under attack by several countries.
  my bike is under repair.
  the railway is under construction.
  21. p38rapid , fast, quick
  rapid adj. 迅速的、飞快的 常指急流、旋涡等,也可指有意的高速度。
  fast 指动作本身迅速。
  quick 多指一次的动作敏捷、突然且持续时间短。
  they took a plane last time.let’s have a meal.
  she is very in reading.the boy is to learn.
  this term he made progress in english.there is a river near the village.
  22.p38 rely on = depend on 依赖、信赖、依靠、指望
  the man can not be relied on.
  rely on sb to do / sb’s doing 指望某人干某事、想信某人会做某事
  rely on it that… 相信、指望、放心
  i rely on her to pay back the money.
  don’t rely on my seeing you off .
  you may rely on it that he will come to meet you.
  like it when 喜欢 dislike it when hate it when
  see (to it) that 务必使 depend on it that 指望
  i like it when you tell a joke.
  23. p38remain
  ①vi. 物品剩下、人留下、常指灾害之后物品剩下、其他人走了,某人留下
  nothing /little remained of the house after the fire .
  ②link v. 保持、仍是
  remain seated the book remains unfinished .
  ③留待、尚待 to be done
  it remains to be seen. 那有待于证实。
  ④表示"留在某地"时remain 和stay 同义。如remain/ stay there (呆在那里),但只能
  说stay at home 另外remain 既可指人逗留在一定场所,也可指物逗留在一定场所或保
  持原来的状态,stay 只表示人逗留在一定场所。
  remaining adj. 剩下的 the remaining 20 yuan.=the 20 yuan left.
  remains ①剩余物、剩饭菜; ②残骸、遗体、遗骸、遗稿
  24.p38 appreciate vt. 赞赏、欣赏、感激
  sth. /doing  与thank 区别  表感激时宾语不能是人 thank 接人作宾语
  i would   it if sb. did 如果…我将不胜感激
  i   your help. =
  we   your efforts for the development of the company.
  25. l8 nor is it good news for the fish.
  含有否定意义的副词,如nor, not , neither, seldom, little, hardly, never 等放句首时,句子要部
  little he care about clothes. never i seen such a film before.
  seldom he come late.
  26. l14. … non – governmental organization …
  non 作前缀构成 n. adj. adv. 表示不、无、没有
  n. non – smoker nonmember
  adj. nonstop nonparty non – fat
  adv. non – violently 非暴力地
