

  learning plan of module 1,book 4
  language points:
  1.alternative n. eg: we have several alternatives to choose from.
  adj. eg: do you have an alternative solution to the problem?
  2.loadvt. eg: we are loading a lorry with bricks.
  n. eg: mike has a heavy working load this year.
  patterns: load sb/sth. with sth
  load sth into/onto sb/sth.
  loads of / a load of
  3.arrest vt. eg: the police arrested the thief.
  her beauty arrests our attention.
  n.be under arrest
  4.limit n. eg: there is a limit to the amount of pain we can bear.
  vt. eg: the amount of money you have to spend will limit your choice.
  pattern: limit…to…
  limited limiting
  5. command vt. eg: he commanded his men to retreat.
  he commanded that his man (should) retreat.
  n. eg: he has 1,200 men under his command.
  phr: at/by sb’s command
  6.charge vt. eg: we won’t charge you for delivery.
  n. eg: this booklet is free of charge.
  phr: in charge of
  in the charge of
  take charge of
  8. attach vt. eg: he attached a label to his baggage.
  this hospital is attached to that university.
  phr: attach sth to sth
  9.shape vt. eg: the children are shaping the sand into a mound.
  these events helped to shape his future career.
  our plans are shaping up well.
  the jacket is shaped at the waist.
  n. eg: there are clouds of different shapes in the sky.
  phr: get (oneself) into shape
  in shape
  out of shape
  take shape
  in any shape/form
  in the shape of
  1. that can be used instead of sth else __________
  2.an illegal act or activity that can be punished by law. __________
  3.involving the possibility of sth bad happening __________
  4.to put a large quantity of sth onto or into sth __________
  5.the further edge of an area or a place __________
  6.an order given to a person or an animal __________
  7.the amount of money that sb asks for goods and services __________
  8.a physical problem that makes someone unable to use a part of their body completely or easily; the state of being disabled __________
  9. to fasten or join one thing to another. __________
  10. believing that good things to happen or sth to be successful; showing this feeling __________
  11. with no chance of being wrong; certainly __________
  12.at last ;in the end __________
  13.to say that sth will happen in the future. __________
  14.to make sth into a particular shape __________
  ii. 重点短语
  1.肯定地 ___________ 2.用完 ___________
  3.依靠 ___________ 4.除掉 ___________
  5.出生 ___________ 6.执行 ___________
  7.免费 ___________ 8.在进展中 ___________
  9.实现 ___________ 10.用…装 ___________
  11.make predictions ___________ 12.at birth ___________
  13.be attached to ___________ 14.get stuck ___________
  15.for a start ___________ 16.on the way out___________
  17.be optimistic about___________ 18.place an order ___________
  19.look out___________ 20.throw away ___________
  iii. 重点句型:
  1.what will the city of the future look like?
  2.to get rid of garbage problems, the city load huge spaceships with waste materials and send them towards the sun, preventing landfill and environmental problems.
  3.everyone will be given a telephone number at birth that will never change no matter where they live.
  4.listen to an architect talking about the home of the future and answer the questions.
  5.i’m too busy enjoying my life now to worry about the future!
  6.i’d like to have a family but i want to have an interesting job as well.
  7.not all predictions come true.
  8.here are just a few of the bad predictions people made in the twentieth century about the twenty-first century.
  9.with the first moon colonies predicted for the 1970’s.
  i. 单项选择
  1.she is very dear to me. we have been prepared to do _________ it takes to save her life.
  a. whicheverb. howeverc. whateverd. whoever
  2. the children all turned __________ the famous actress as she entered the classroom.
  a. look atb. to look atc. to looking atd. look at
  3. _________ more about university courses, call (920)7433789.
  a. to find outb. finding out
  c. find outd. having found out
  4. we want to rent a bus which can __________ 40 people for our trip to beijing.
  a. loadb. holdc. filld. support
  5. could i speak to __________ is in charge of international sales, please?
  a. anyoneb. someone
  c. whoeverd. no matter who
  6.the poor young man is ready to accept __________ help he can get.
  a. whicheverb. howeverc. whateverd. whenever
  7.can you spare me some paper? mine ____________.
  a. has run outb. has used upc. has run out ofd. is run out
  8.he is a good man. if you need anything, you can __________ on him to help you.
  a. trustb. relyc. expectd. believe
  9. __________ so much homework, little tom can hardly find time to play in the garden.
  a. loading withb. loaded with c. loading by d. being loaded
  10. all the school-age children can study at school __________ and they don’t have to pay.
  a. freelyb. free of charge c. for free d. both b and c
  11. –________? --it is very interesting. i love reading it so much!
  a. what does the novel look likeb. what is the novel like
  c. how is the novel liked. how does the novel look like
  12. –thank you for your trouble. –not at all. i’m ___________pleased to help you.
  a. too muchb. too onlyc. so much d. only too
  13. her dream ________.
  a. has been come trueb. coming true
  c. has come trued. to come true
  14. i smell something __________ in the kitchen. can i call you back in a minute?
  a. burningb. burntc. being burnt d. to be burnt
  15. – i was riding along the street and all of a sudden a car cut in and knocked me down. – you can never be _________ careful in the street.
  a. muchb. veryc. sod. too
  16. pop music is __________.
  a. on the way outb. in the way
  c. by the wayd. on the way
  17. – _________ for the glass! – it’s ok. i’m wearing shoes.
  a. look outb. walk out c. go outd. set out
  18.air is a mixture of gases in which ________ the gas is oxygen.
  a. not every ofb. not allc. none ofd. all of
  19. the boy seated himself in the corner with his back ___________ to his father.
  a. turningb. to turnc. to be turnedd. turned
  20. the boy lay on the ground with his eyes __________ and his hands _________.
  a. being closed; tremblingb. closed; trembling
  c. closed; trembledd. closing; trembled
  21. in front of his eyes was a piece of land _________ a heart.
  a. shaped likeb. shaping as
  c. shaped asd. shaping like
  22.at the foot of the mountain ____________.
  a. a village lieb. lies a village
  c. does a village lied. lying a village
  23. in the dark forests __________, some large enough to hold several english towns.
  a. stand many lakesb. lie many lakes
  c. does a village lied. lying a village
  24. at this time tomorrow __________ over the atlantic ocean.
  a. we’re going to flyb. we’ll be flying
  c. we’ll flyd. we’re to fly
  25. – ___________ leave at the end of this month. – i don’t think you should do that until ________ another job.
  a. i’m going to; you’d foundb. i’m going to; you’ve found
  c. i’ll; you’d findd. i’ll; you will find
  26. ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seat belts. the plane __________.
  a. take offb. is taking offc. has taken offd. took off
  27. look at the time table. hurry up! flight 4026 ________ off at 18:20.
  a. takesb. tookc. will be takend. has taken
  28.at this time tomorrow we ________ our plan.
  a. will be discussingb. discuss
  c. are discussingd. are about to discuss
  29. population experts predict that most people _________ in cities in the near future.
  a. liveb. would livec. will lived. have live
  30. – have you handed in your schoolwork yet? – yes, i have. i guess it _______ now.
  a. has gradedb. is gradedc. is being gradedd. is grading
  31. – how’s my daughter getting along with her lessons, mr. wang? – quite well. i’m sure she _________ in some famous university this time next year.
  a. studiesb. has studies
  c. is studyingd. will be studying
  32. what do you think the children ________ when we get home?
  a. will dob. are going to doc. are doing d. will be doing
  33. it ________ long before china __________ on the moon.
  a. will not be; will landb. is; will land
  c. will not be; landsd. is; lands
  34. when crossing the street, _________ for cars.
  a. look outb. look atc. look upd. look into
  35. he’ll be at the party _________.
  a. for sureb. make surec. make sure of d. for the sure
  36.as long as you put your heart into the thing that you do, your dream will ______ one day.
  a. realizeb. be realizingc. be coming trued. come true
  37.with many friends ________ me, i believe i will succeed some day.
  a. encouragingb. to encourage
  c. encouragedd. being encouraging
  38. henry had to call a taxi because his case was __________ to carry all the way home.
  a. heavy enoughb. heavy too much
  c. too much heavyd. much too heavy
  39.with so many problems _________, the new mayor will have a hard time in this poor town.
  a. to settleb. settled
  c. being settledd. to be settled
  40. i agree with most of what you said, but i don’t agree free of _________.
  a. areb. chargec. moneyd. pay
  ii. 完形填空www.xkb1.com
  when will city life be like in the future? some people think that life in the cities is going to be 41 . they 42 that cities will become more and more crowded. 43 the number of people increases, there will be less space for each person. this 44 will cause other problems – more crimes, dirtier streets, and worse problems with traffic 45 we have now. how will people find enough drinking water, energy (such as gas and electricity) and housing ? 46 life will be hard, people who live in cities will worry more, and they may become sick. 47 these reasons, some say that nobody will want to live in urban areas.
  how can we 48 such problems as overcrowding, crime, and traffic? in some cities, thousands of people are already 49 in the streets because there is so little suitable housing – and because 50 are so high. the crime rate isn’t going down. 51 , it is 52 so fast that many people are afraid to go out at night. traffic jams are so bad that cars don’t move at all for several blocks. these 53 problems have been getting worse, not better, so many people see no 54 for the future of the city.
  however, not all people believe in the horrible 55 for cities of the future. instead, they feel that they can solve present urban problems and 56 future ones.
  the disadvantages of any modern city are not unique (独特的) to that city. 57 , all the cities in the world have to solve the problems of traffic jams, crime, housing, energy, drinking water, and overcrowding. yet many cities have found answers to one or more of these difficulties. some european cities, such as stockholm, sweden, or london, england, have planned communities that 58 people with apartments, jobs, shopping centers, green space, entertainment, and transportation. many us cities are building their downtown areas. urban 59 can learn from one another. they can 60 solutions that have been successful in other parts of the world.
  41 a. horribleb. amazing c. regulard. virtual
  42 a. ensure b. predictc. indicated. require
  43 a. withb. thoughc. asd. unless
  44 a. roomb. overcrowding c. futured. number
  45 a. thanb. whichc. what d. as
  46 a. while b. oncec. therefore d. because
  47 a. withb. forc. because ofd. thanks to
  48 a. dealb. managec. cause d. solve
  49 a. beggingb. starvingc. robbingd. sleeping
  50.a.flatsb. rents c. carsd. crimes
  51.a.instead b. thus c. yetd. however
  52.a.raising b. changing c. dropping d. increasing
  53.a. ruralb. urban c. crime d. traffic
  54.a.reality b. trend c. hope d. prediction
  55.a.predictions b. definitions c. identification d. indication
  56.a.reform b. remainc. cured. prevent
  57.a.that’s to say b. for example
  c. what’s mored. on the other hand
  58.a.provideb. satisfyc. offer d. require
  59.a. consumers b. systemsc. planners d. physicians
  60.a. continueb. tryc. cure d. forecast
  coal mines claim(使……失踪) more lives
  a coal mine blast (爆炸) in jixi, heilongjiang, left more than 100 miners dead on thursday. then mines in jixi were ordered to stop production. the government has tried to shut down thousands of small, illegal(非法的) mines in the country that do not meet safety standard.
  middle east
  bombers continue to kill
  palestinians kill 32 israelis in three major attacks between tuesday and thursday. there were two suicide bombings (自杀性爆炸) and a militant (武装的) attack on a jewish settlement(以色列难民营). they yielded one of the highest israeli death tolls (死亡人数) in such a short period over the last two years.
  young people stand tall
  the average height of chinese young people has risen by 6 centimetres compared to that of 20 years ago. this far exceeds(超过) the world’s average growth speed. a survey on health conducted by a panel(调研组) of chinese students found the results. according to the world average level, youths get taller by 1cm every 10 years.
  talking about world issues(援助)
  the group of eight (g8) – the us, japan, germany, britain, france, italy, canada and russia – will hold a summit(峰会) on june 26 and 27 in kananaskis, canada. the g8 are the richest and most powerful countries in the world. g8 leaders and some african presidents will discuss strengthening global economic growth and helping africa. kofi annan, united nations secretary general, will also attend.
  61.thousands of mines have been shut because __________.
  a. they have blastsb. they produced less coal
  c. they are very small  d. they don’t meet the safety standards
  62.in the last 20 years, the average growth speed of chinese youths exceeds the world’s average level by __________.
  a. 1cmb. 4cmc. 5cmd. 6cm
  63.what’s the purpose of the summit?
  a. to strengthen the global economic growth and help some poor african countries.
  b. to make these eight countries much more powerful.
  c. to help some african presidents to strengthen their economic growth.
  d. kofi annan will have an important speech on world issues.
  64. this passage may probably be taken from ___________.
  a. a story book b. a text bookc. a newspaper d. a novel
  iv. 短文改错
  dear ms. smith,
  i appreciate your help very well. on the first day of 1._________
  camp, you came up to myself while i was sitting alone. after 2._________
  it, you always gave me special attention and inspired 3._________
  me to join activities. as a result, i gradually got to know 4._________
  the other campers. because the help you gave me that summer, 5._________
  my life changed. i gained so much confidence that i go back 6._________
  to school as a new person. my grades improved. i became 7._________
  very active but made new friends. today, i got a letter that 8._________
  wrote i had been admitted to a college. i am proud of it. i just 9._________
  want to thank you for helping me turn a different person. 10._________
