

  unit 1star signs教案
  target lesson: checkout
  teaching objectives:
  to review key vocabulary and grammar items taught in the unit.
  to give students the opportunity to reinforce the grammar and vocabulary items learnt in this unit, and to give confidence through doing so.
  to allow students to check their progress and ask any questions they may still have.
  teaching method: group work
  teaching aids:
  a computer
  a slide
  colored chalk
  blackboard design:
  teaching procedure:
  step 1 review the adjectives describing characteristics in this unit.
  1.teacher can pide the students into 2 groups—a girl group and a boy group.
  2.the two groups have a competition. the rules are below: teacher shows the students some adjectives, the students who know their negatives can stand up quickly and give the answer. the group which gets more negatives wins the competition.
  positives negatives
  polite impolite
  successful unsuccessful
  wise foolish/silly
  powerful powerless
  proud modest
  lazy hard-working
  strong weak
  patient impatient
  fair unfair
  generous selfish
  active inactive
  3.ask the students to read each word twice to help them memorize the words better.
  4.play a game to consolidate the uses of the adjectives they have learned in this unit. teacher pides the students into groups of 4 people. teacher gives each group a piece of paper on which there is a student’s name. then the students of the group talk about the student’s characteristics and guess what the student’s star sign is. finally one reporter from each group reports to the whole class their comments and then the student who they are talking about stand up tell the class what his/her star sign is.
  5.ask the students to do part b on page 23 to test if they have grasped the spelling of the adjectives.
  step 2 review the two sentence patterns learned in grammar: ‘it is’ +adjective+ ‘of’ +…+ ‘(not) to’ –infinitive; verb ‘to be" +adjective+ ‘enough’ + ‘to’-infinitive.
  1.provide the students with some situations and ask the students to give comments on them.
  the new term has been on for almost a week. a lot of things have happened in our class. what do you think of them?
  jimmy bought a new basketball for our class.
  andy got a full mark in the first maths test.
  millie helps an old granny do some housework after school every two days.
  eddie ate all of the food and left nothing for hobo.
  possible answers:
  it is generous /kind of jimmy to buy a new basketball for our class.
  it is clever of andy to get a full mark in the first maths test.
  it is helpful/kind of millie to help an old granny do some housework after school every two days.
  it is selfish of eddie to eat all of the food.
  2.some of our classmates have some problems with their life at school, what do you want to say to them?(ask the students to give as many answers as possible.)
  amy thinks it too difficult to learn chemistry. she even thinks that she is too silly to study chemistry. she wants to give it up.
  possible answers:
  it is silly of amy to think so because she is clever.
  she does well in english, so she is clever enough to study chemistry well.
  some students think that alice is neither beautiful nor clever. they say that she has no advantages at all and shouldn’t be a monitor.
  possible answers:
  alice is energetic enough to be a good monitor.
  alice is brave enough to make a speech in the assembly.
  alice is kind enough to help anyone in our class at all times.
  3.ask the students to conclude the sentence patterns they learned in grammar and write it on the blackboard. make sure that each student can use the sentence patterns correctly and properly.
  4.do part a on page 23 to check their understanding of the grammar items.
  step 3 review basic sentence elements.
  provide the students some words in random. ask the students to rearrange the words to form sentences, and then judge what sentence element of the underlined word(s) is.
  1)hard i work jim plan to term with this
  2)unhappy andy looks today
  3)present my nice father bought a yesterday birthday me
  4)he competition jim excitedly when first in the jumped won
  5)such millie girl a lovely that almost every likes is her teacher
  1)i plan to work hard with jim this term. subject
  2)andy looks unhappy today. predicative
  3)my father bought me a nice birthday present yesterday. indirect object
  4)jim jumped excitedly when he won first in the competition. adverbial
  5)millie is such a lovely girl that almost every teacher likes her. attributive
  step 4 homework
  1.i’m afraid of __________ (stay) at home alone at home.
  2.jimmy is a _________ (create) boy, he always has a lot of new ideas.
  3.amy has many good ___________ (person) qualities. all of us appreciate her.
  4.don’t be ____________ (patient)! trust yourself. you can work out this exercise.
  5.lucy is not afraid of this test. she is full of ____________ (confident).
  1.you shouldn’t worry about ___________ supper.
  a. not having b. no having c. no to have d. not to have
  2.it is kind _________ andy _________ help me __________ my work.
  a. of; with; to b. to; of; with c. with; to; of d. of; to; with
  3.i will _________ all my summer homework ___________ the first week.
  a. finish to do; in b. finish doing; on c. finish doing; in d. finish to do; on
  4.you should be patient and do not ___________.
  a. give up it easy b. give it up easy
  c. give up it easily d. give it up easily
  5. sometimes my aunt worries __________ about her son. he is too naughty.
  a. too much b. much too c. too many d. many too
  一. 1. staying 2. creative 3. personal 4. impatient 5. confidence
  二. 1. a 2. d 3. c 4. d 5. a
