

  第一步 作业检查
  ask one or two students to talk about what ideas they put in their writing.
  第二步 听力训练1(双人活动)
  1. ask students to look at the 4 pictures of robots on page 55, and in pairs tell as many things as they can from the pictures.
  2. listen to the tape, find out which three robots are mentioned, and then number them according to their appearance in the listening.
  3. ask them to look at the boxes on page 55 before they listen to the tape again.
  4. play the tape, and let students fill in the boxes.
  5. let students ex-change the information in pairs.
  6. let students have the correct answers.
  7. play the tape again.
  第三步 讨论1:你认为哪个机器人最适合你(小组活动)
  1. write the expressions of giving opinions, reasoning and making a decision on the blackboard.
  2. page 56 speaking task: ask them to finish the following 2 tasks in groups:
  ① list the advantages and disadvantages of each one.
  ② in groups of 4 discuss which one is the best for you. use the expressions of giving opinions, reasoning and making a decision.
  3. share some ideas with the whole class.
  第四步 听力训练2(小组合作;双人活动)
  1. ask students to discuss the following questions:
  ① what can the androids do for our everyday life?
  ② what else can they do for human beings?
  ③ why can the androids do all these useful things for human beings?
  ④ what are the similarities between robots and human beings?
  ⑤ what are the differences between robots and human beings?
  ⑥ can androids become human beings in the future?
  2. share some of the reports.
  3. introduce the listening text on page 58.
  one possible version:
  we all believe that androids do not have their own feelings, but as we can see in some movies, many people imagine that androids can think as human beings do. suppose it is true, do you think they like to serve human beings or not? what do they hope we human beings to treat them? now we are going to listen to a dialogue between sally and brenda, two androids, and see how they say. in this dialogue, you may come to some new words, but just forget them, and focus on getting your answers.
  4. page 58 listening, listen for twice. one student writes down the answers to "about their jobs", "about changing their jobs" and "about who decides their future"; the other writes down the answers to "about how they are different from people" and "about how they are the same as people".
  5. ex-change the answers in groups.
  6. let students have the correct answers.
  7. listen to the tape again. and ask students to guess the chinese meaning of "break off".
  第五步 讨论2:机器人应有的权利(小组讨论)
  1. give students the following situations:
  suppose you can do something for the androids, what rights do you think androids should have so that they will be treated better?
  2. ask students to discuss in groups, and on p58 list the rights that androids should have.
  3. ask some of the students to report to the whole class.
  第六步 作业布置
  1. wb page 56-57, using words and expressions. dictionaries may be helpful when you come to some new words.
  2. review the new words of this unit.
