

  unit 2 the united kingdom
  teaching goals:
  1. get the students to know the information about the united kingdom.
  2. encourage the students to talk out what they know about the uk and ireland.
  3. help the students learn to get information by listening.
  teaching methods
  1). skimming & scanning methods to make the ss get a good understanding of the text.
  1. discussion methods to make the ss understand what they’ve learned in class.
  2. pair work of group to get every student to take part in the teaching-and-learning activities.
  3. competition and role-play method to arouse the ss’ interest
  teaching procedures
  period 1
  step 1. new words study.
  get ss read the new words from p93-94 by themselves.
  ss read the new words together.
  t correct some mis-pronounciation for the students.
  step 2 introduction of the uk.
  area: 244,820sq.km.
  population: 59,113,439
  languages: english, kymric, gaelic
  religion: catholicism
  composing countries: england wales scotland northern ireland
  capitals: london cardiff edinburgh belfast
  step 3. warming up.: ss compete in answering the questions as quickly as possible.
  step 4 pre-reading.
  q: england can be pided into three main areas. do you know what they are?
  the south, the midlands and the north
  step 5 fast reading.
  ss read the passage within 4 minutes to find the answers to comprehending 1.
  1 the union jack flag unites the flag of three countries in the united kingdom, which country is left out? why?
  the country left out is wales. it is usually assumed to be part of england
  2 what three countries does british airways represent?
  1 england 2.scotland 3 northern ireland
  3 which group of invaders did not influence london?
  the vikings didn’t influence london, it influence the vocabulary of the north.
  step1: intensive reading.
  ss read the text carefully and pide the passage into three parts. write down the main idea of each part.
  part1(para.1-4): what england includes; about great britain; the uk.
  part2 (para.5):the geographical pision of england into zones; their similarities and differences.
  part3(para.6): the cultural importance of london.
  step2. teaching new words and structures
  1.consist vi.组成;在于;存在于
  常用搭配:consist of =be made up of 由……组成;由……构成
  eg. the team consists of four europeans and two americans.
  the committee consists of seven members.
  consist in=lie in在于; 存在于
  eg.what does happiness consist in?
  the beauty of venice consist in the style of its ancient buildings.
  2 puzzle 1)n. 迷;难题;玩具;迷惑(只用单数)
  a chinese puzzle(中国玩具)【比喻】复杂难懂之事
  a cross-word puzzle(纵横填字游戏)
  常用搭配:be in a puzzle about对……大惑不解
  i am in a puzzle about the matter.我对这件事大惑不解。
  2)vt. 常用搭配:puzzle sb./be puzzled with使……迷惑; 对……大惑不解
  the question puzzled me./i am puzzled with the question.这个问题使我很迷惑。
  3)vi. puzzle over苦思……
  i puzzled over the question for quite a while.这个问题我想了好半天。
  3.clarify vt., vi.解释;澄清;阐明
  clarify matters澄清真相
  the government has time and again clarified its position on equal pay for women?
  his mind suddenly clarified.他的头脑突然清醒了。
  4.convenience n.适合;方便
  we bought this house for its convenience.
  when and where will it suit your convenience for our next meeting?
  please come at your convenience.请在你方便的时候前来。
  常用搭配:for one’s convenience为 ……方便
  for convenience’s sake为方便起见
  at one’s convenience在……方便的时候
  拓展:convenient adj. 方便的;便利的
  our house is convenient for the shops.
  常用搭配:be convenient to sb. 对……方便
  it is convenient for sb. to do sth.某人做……是方便的
  is it convenient for you to come tomorrow? 你明天来方便吗?
  5.attraction n.吸引, 吸引力;吸引人的东西;引力
  the idea of working for state-owned enterprises has little attraction to young people nowadays.
  the tides are caused by the attraction of the moon for the earth.
  a big city offers many and varied attractions.大城市有多种多样吸引人的东西。
  拓展:attract v. 吸引
  attractive adj. 有吸引力的
  常用搭配:have attraction for sth. 对……有吸引力
  attract one’s attention吸引某人的注意力
  be attracted to sth.被……所吸引
  6.influence 1) n.(常与on连用)影响力;感化力
  my teacher"s influence made me study science at college.由于我老师的影响,我上大学学了理科。
  many a woman has had civilizing influence upon her husband.许多妇女对其丈夫有影响。
  2) n.(常与over, with连用)权力;势力
  will you exercise your influence on my behalf?你愿意运用你的权力给我帮忙吗?
  3).vt. 影响
  my teacher influenced my decision to study science.我的老师对我学理科的决定起了影响作用。
  常用搭配:under the influence of受到……的影响
  influence on/upon对……的影响
  注意:influence 可以表示长期以来给人思想上以潜移默化的影响;还指影响力;而affect可指对具体事物的影响,或对人的思想感情产生了影响.
  i was deeply affected by the news
  7. you must keep your eyes open if you are going to make your trip to the united kingdom worthwhile.如果想使你在英国的旅程有意义,你必须睁大双眼。
  解读:1)句中的keep your eyes open和make your trip worthwhile都是"动词 宾语 形容词作宾补"结构。
  he found the room open.他发现房间是开着的。
  the rain made the ground wet.雨使地面浸湿了。
  2)worthwhile adj.值得做的,常用于it is worthwhile to do sth./doing sth.中。
  i don’t think it is worthwhile.我认为不值得做这件事。
  it is worthwhile discussing/to discuss the question.讨论一下这个问题是值得的。
  注意:worth, worthy 和worthwhile的区别
  worthy是形容词,在句中作表语或定语。作表语时,用be worthy of  n./doing sth. 或 be worthy to be done 结构。
  this book is well worth reading.这本书很值得一读。
  this dictionary is worth ten yuan.这本字典值10元。
  the place is worthy of a visit/ being visited.这个地方是值得参观的。
  this suggestion is worthy to be considered.这个建议是值得考虑的。
  the foreigner tried his best to make his point be understood.(删去be)
  they found a piece of rope with one end tying in a circle.(tired)
  they both spent t he night locking in the room.(locked)
  what kept you so exciting? (excited)
  i noticed the traffic holding up after a bad accident.(held)
  it is a great c_______ to have a cell phone.
  generally speaking, students are i__________ by their teachers in world ands actions.
  don’t interrupt me!i am doing a word p________.
  i must _________(澄清) my reasons for not having attended the meeting.
  to be honest, i can’t tell what the a________ of this famous painting has.
  convenience2.influenced3.puzzle4.clarify 5.attraction
  write a short summary of the passage.
  period 3 learning about language and grammar
  teaching goals
  1. learn about the appositive clause.
  2. identify noun clauses.
  3. enable students to use new words.
  teaching procedures
  step 1 review the vocabulary and complete the sentences.
  a. students work in pairs first.
  b. the teacher check the answers.
  step 2 brainstorming
  a. review the text and present the appositive clause by asking questions:
  1. what impresses you most in the passage ?
  the fact that ¡­ impresses me most.
  2. what have you already known before reading the passage ?
  i have known the fact that ¡­
  3. did you hear any news about britain recently ?
  i heard the news that ¡­
  b. collect answers as many as possible ,reminding students
  of sentence structure if find errors.
  step 3 grammar explanation
  a. get students to identify the clauses .
  c. try to make students tell the differences between appositive clause and attributive clause by comparing the sentences.
  1.the news that the plane would take off on time made everybody happy.
  2.the news that is spreading around the airport is that a heavy storm is coming.
  3.the suggestion that students should learn something practical is worth considering.
  4.the suggestion that they are considering is that students should learn something practical.
  c. the teacher offers explanation if necessary.
  step 4 tell the function of the following sentences.
  1.the idea that great britain is made up of three countries¡¯ corner ,big ben and the tower of london is past.
  2.the fact that great britain is made up of three countries is still unknown to many.
  3.the result of so much french influence was that the english language ended up with many french words such as table, animal and age.
  4.some people feel that wales is an ancient fairy land.
  5.that most of these are now threatened and may disappear is a serious matter to the people in britain.
  6.they realize that it is of great value to record and teach them to the younger generation.
  step 5 consolidation
  consolidate what have been learned by doing further exercises.
  period 4 using language (reading: sightseeing in london)
  step1 revision:what is london famous for?
  big ben , london tower bridge, hyde park, etc
  step 2 new words study.
  step 3 read the passage and answer these questions
  1 who built the tower of london? when was it built?
  2. who guarded the queen’s jewels? what kind of clothes did they wear?
  3.what interested her most? what kind of line is it?
  4.which places did she visit on the last day?
  5.what seemed strange to her?
  step 4 make a list of zhang pingyu’s tour of london and a comment on each place she visited.
  sites of london
  day 1
  1. tower
  2.st paul’s cathedral
  splendid and interesting
  3. westminster abby
  4 big ben
  famous and very loud
  day 2
  famous and interesting
  day 3
  karl marx’s statue
  famous and interesting
  british museum
  step 5 language points
  1. sightseeing n.& a.观光的 go sightseeing 观光 游览
  sightsee v. 观光 sightseer n.观光客 游客
  2. available adj.
  1) (sth.)that can be used 可用的;可得到的
  this was the only available room.
  2)(sb.) be free to seen 可会见的
  i am available in the afternoon.
  he was not available for the interview.
  3. delight n.&v. 愉快,乐趣,快乐
  to one’s delight 令…感到愉快的是 delight sb. with sth. 用某物使某人高兴
  delight in 喜欢,嗜好 take delight in 乐于,爱好
  delighted adj. be delighted to do
  1)i took delight in books.
  2)to his delight, he passed the driving test.
  3)she delights inbeing surrounded by admirers.
  it looked splendid when first built!
  when first built=when it was first built
  when asked why he was late , he went red.
  unless invited to speak, you should remain silent at the conference.
  5.in memory of=in honor of 为了纪念
  in celebration of 为了庆祝
  eg: the museum was built in memory of the great writer – lu xun.
  6.it is strange (necessary, natural, important, a pity) +that (should) +v. 虚拟语气(引导主语从句)
  e.g:you can’t imagine that a well-behaved gentleman (should) be so rude to a lady.
  it is strange that he know so much about me.
  7.display n. & v. 陈列,展示,表露
  on display 展览 on show 展示 =on exhibition
  eg.the seller displays all kinds of fruits in the shop.
  display one’s true feelings 表露自己真正的感受
  8.thrill vt excite the film thrilled the audience
  thrilling exciting a thrilling experience
  thrilled excited
  9.feel/be proud of 自豪(褒义) feel/be proud about 骄傲(贬义)
  do sb proud 给人面子,待人客气 take pride in 以……为自豪
  he takes a pride in his success.
  he is proud of his success
