

  unit 5 leteraturethe dream keeper(1)
  一. 教学内容:
  unit 5 (i)
  二. 单元 重点词汇
  1. flight n. 飞行;逃走;飞越;飞机的航程;班机;追逐
  the enemy are in the flight. 敌人正在逃跑。
  the flight was quite smooth. we had a very pleasant journey.
  they made a successful flight across the ocean. 他们成功飞越大洋。
  2. puzzle n.难题;谜;(使)迷惑;(使)为难;迷惑不解
  the murder case continued to puzzle the police. 警方依然对凶杀案感到疑惑不解。
  i felt puzzled and upset. what on earth did he want with me?
  with a school record like yours i"m puzzled why you didn"t try for a university scholarship.
  his face wore a puzzled expression. 他的脸上露出一副疑惑的表情。
  i find this affair very puzzling. 我觉得这事莫名其妙。
  3. average n平均;平均水平;平均数。adj. 一般的;通常的;vt.平均为;均分;使平衡;达到平均水平
  the average of 3 and l0 and 5 is 6.
  he is about average in his lessons. 他的功课在班上属于中等水平。
  he smokes twenty cigarettes a day on an average. 他平均每天吸20支烟。
  on an/the average there are twenty boys in every class.
  the average age of the boys in this class is 16.
  the cost of my lunches averaged one dollar a day.
  4. aware adj.知道的;明白的;意识到的
  she was aware of the fact,but she could not face it yet. 她意识到这一事实,但是还不能正视它。
  everyone was aware that they were in danger. 大家都意识到他们处境危险。
  i was too sleepy to be aware how cold it was. 我太困了,察觉不到天有多冷。
  5. base n. 底部;基础;根据地;基地;本部;基数;(运动)出发点vt. 以……作基础;基于……常与介词on连用。如:
  i base my hope on the news we had yesterday. 我把希望建立在昨天所听到的信息上。
  this novel is based on the historical facts. 这本小说以历史事实为依据。
  marx went to england and made london the base of his revolutionary work.
  6. character n. (事物的(特性;性质;特征(的总和);(人的)品质;字符;性格;特征;人物
  vt. 写;刻;印;使具有特征
  what does her handwriting tell you about her character?
  i don"t like the character of the desert landscape.我不喜欢沙漠风光。
  mickey mouse and donald are both main characters of a disney cartoon tv series. 米老鼠和唐•老鸭都是一部迪斯尼动画片的主要角色。
  7. power n. 能力;力量;动力;权力
  i"ll do everything in my power to help you. 我将尽我所能帮助你。
  his power is failing. that is to say he is becoming weak.
  this government came into power at the last election.
  the united states and russia are world powers in international affairs.
  8. regular adj. 有规则的;有秩序的;经常的;合格的;定期的
  regular breathing均匀的呼吸,a regular heart beat正常的心跳,regular teeth整齐的牙齿
  a regular customer老主顾、常客,a regular offender惯犯,a regular soldier正规士兵
  9. scene n. 现场,场面;情景,景色;发生地点;(戏剧)一场;布景,道具布置
  we came to the scene of the accident at once. 我们立刻赶到事故现场。
  it reminded us of the miserable scene of the big earthquake.
  we will go abroad for a change of scene. 我们将出国旅行换换风景。
  such are the lines of the act 1,scene 2 of hamlet. 这是《哈姆雷特》第二场第一幕中的台词。
  10. host n. 主人,东道主;旅馆老板;(广播,电视的)节目主持人
  vt .(作……主人或东道主),主办,主持;以主人身份招待
  we are proud to get the chance to host the XX olympic games. 我们为有机会做XX奥运会的东道主感到自豪。
  yesterday we were hosts to a few friends. 昨天我们招待了几位朋友。
  we attended a dinner party hosted by the president of the company.我们参加了由公司总裁举行的聚餐会。
  1. know its root and you will understand its origin.(p. 57)了解了它的词根你就明白了它的词源。
  祈使句+ and/or…句型相当于一个包含有条件状语的复合句。and前面的肯定祈使句相当于一个肯定的条件句,or前面的肯定祈使句相当于一个否定的条件句,or前面的否定祈使句相当于一个肯定的条件句;前面的祈使句有时可以是一个短语;or有时可用otherwise代替。如:
  work hard, and you will be admitted to a key university.
  =if you work hard,you will be admitted to a key university.
  a bit more efforts,and the problems could be settled.
  =if you make a bit more efforts,the problems could be settled.
  come on time, or you won"t see her.
  =if you don"t come on time,you won"t see her.
  don’t have the machine running all the time, otherwise it will be out of order.
  =if you have the machine running all the time ,it will be out of order.
  2. as with any good detective arriving on the crime scene, the first thing to do when meeting a new and difficult word is to assess the situation, to look at everything that is known and see if it helps us to understand its meaning. (p. 57)
  as with表示"正如……一样",是as it is the same with 的省略形式。如:
  as with drawing a picture, you should be patient and careful in doing that job.
  as with other mental disorders, the most important part of treatment is to first identify the problem.
  3. you usually find old and wise people sitting in the senate.(p. 58)
  jefferson also found his memory failing.
  don’t you feel the wind coming from the southeast?
  the lack of money keeps him working day and night.
  how can i get the car starting? 我如何才能让这辆车启动呢?
  1. he is a walking encyclopedia. 他是一本活百科全书。
  he lives like a walking skeleton. 他活得就像行尸走肉。
  our english teacher is a walking dictionary.我们的英语老师是一本活字典。
  2. he is all wrapped up in "me". 他被完全包裹在自我之中。
  be wrapped in… 表示完全处于某种境况之中,常含有因此而不顾及其他之意。如:
  she is wrapped up in her studies. 她埋头苦读。
  he sat by the fire place wrapped up in his thoughts. 他坐在壁炉旁沉思。
  3. if a person is egocentric, his thoughts might go something like this: i think only about me , i am an egocentric person. 如果一个人是以自我为中心的,他的思想多少会是这样的:我只考虑自己,我以自己为中心。
  something like this 在这个短语something表示:或多或少,有点儿……。如:
  she looks something like her mother. 她长得有点像她的妈妈。
  i became something impatient.我开始有些不耐心了。
  4. one thing is for sure,there would be thousands of new words for him to learn. 有一点可以肯定,他需要学数以千计的词汇。
  one thing is for sure. 有一点可以肯定。如:
  students may learn english in different ways. but one thing is for sure,all of them need to build a large vocabulary.学生可以以多种方式学习英语,但有一点是肯定的,不论哪一种方法都必须掌握大量词汇。
  either,neither,both,all, each,every,none等不定代词的用法
  1. all和both的用法
  all that glitters is not gold. 闪光的不都是金子。
  all’s well that ends well.结局好,一切好。
  all are present. let’ s begin. 大家都到齐了,咱们开始吧!
  all are welcome.欢迎大家。
  all roads lead to rome.条条大道通罗马。
  all the oil has run out.所有的油全都用光了。
  both her children go to the same school.
  the twins are both good at singing pop songs.
  2. none和neither的用法
  none意思是"都不,一个也没有",可以用来代替人或物,在句中可以作主语、宾语,可以和of搭配;作主语时,谓语动词可以用单数或复数;用于回答以 "how many" "how much"开头的特殊疑问句。
  none have/has arrived. 还没有人到来。(作主语,指人)
  none has been found. 什么也没有找到。(作主语,指物)
  i wanted some more orange juice,but there was none (of the orange juice) left.
  none of us is perfect; we all make mistakes.
  —how many students have finished reading the book?多少同学看完了这本书?
  —none. 一个也没有。
  neither book is satisfactory. 两本书都令人不满意。
  he took neither side in the quarrel.在争吵中他不参加任何一方。
  which of the books did you like ? neither (of them)!
  they were both dull.你喜欢哪本书?都不喜欢!两本都很枯燥。
  neither of the two boys has passed the geography examination.
  neither of my parents is / are a doctor.我的父母都不是医生。
  3. either和any的用法
  there is coffee or tea. you can have either.
  is either of the sisters coming? 这俩姐妹俩有哪个要来吗?
  you can sit on either side of the boat if you keep still.
  —do you speak germany or italian? 你讲德语还是意大利语?
  —i don’t speak either(of the two languages). 我都不会。
  i’m afraid that either of them will not agree to this arrangement .
  do(es) any of you know his address?
  i’ll help any student( any of the students ) to learn this subject well.
  4. either和each的用法
  you can take either of the two tickets.
  each of the students has a dictionary. 每个学生都有本字典。
  5. every和each的用法
  every student in the class is here today.今天每一位学生都到了。
  all the students are here today.今天所有的学生都到了。
  在第一个句子中,我们用every student把学生们作为一个整体来看待;而在第二个句子中,我们说all the students,我们考虑的是组成这一整体的许许多多个体的学生。
  we were attacked on every side.=we were attacked on all sides. 我们遭到来自四面八方的袭击。
  i enjoyed every minute of this performance.
  each of the teachers has a computer. = the teachers each have a computer.= the teachers have a computer each.教师们每人一台电脑。
  1. compared with
  【点拨】compared with/ to "与……比较起来"。例如:compared with / to other girls, she was lucky.
  【短语拓展】compare… with…"把……和……相比较";例如:i carefully compared my answers with my teacher’s. compare…to…把……比作……。例如: poets often compare sleep to death. compare notes with sb.与某人交换看法或意见。例如:they compared notes on the problem.
  【点击高考】_________ with the size of the whole earth, the biggest ocean does not seem big at all. (XX 湖北)
  a. compare b. when comparing c. comparing d. when compared
  【解析】答案是d。句中the biggest ocean 和 compare是被动关系,所以要用被动形式。when compared是省略形式,就等于when it is compared。
  【巩固练习】________ to with many girls, mary was indeed very good in drawing.
  a. to compare b. to be compared c. comparing d. compared
  2. as though
  【点拨】as though= as if 好像,似乎。可以引导方式状语从句或表语从句。从句的语气可以用陈述语气,也可以用虚拟语气。如:it looks as if we will be late.看起来我们好像会迟到。she always talks to me as if she were my sister. 她总是以我妹妹的语气和我说话。
  【点击高考】)when a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it _________.(nmet 1995)
  a. breaks b. has broken c. were broken d. had been broken
  【解析】答案是c。as if 在句中引导一个表语从句,表示与现在事实相反的虚拟语气,从句用一般过去时。
  【思维拓展】形似词组:even if / even though 即使,尽管。例如:we have decided to visit the school even though it rains tomorrow.
  【巩固练习】(1) we won’t give up we should fail ten times.
  a. even if b. since c. whether d. until
  (2) he was badly ill, she was always looking after him willingly.
  a. even b. as if c. even though d. however
  答案:(1) a (2) c
  3. 状语从句中的省略
  【点拨】含有when, while ,until, if, unless, once, before等引导的状语从句的主从复合句中,若从句的主语和主句的主语一致,并且从句中谓语动词有be的某种形式,从句中的主语及部分谓语(be动词)可以省略。例如:be careful when crossing the street. some students like studying while listening to the tape.
  【点击高考】when________ , the museum will be open to the public next year.(XX上海)
  a. completed b. completing c. being completed d. to be completed
  【解析】答案是a。这是一个省略句,从句省略了the museum is。原句是:when the museum is completed, the museum will…。
  (1) when __________ (work) with the workers, we learned a lot from them.
  (2) when ___________ (ask) , he always gives good advice.
  (3) he will not go the party unless __________.(invite)
  (4) the research can not be stopped once____________. (begin)
  答案:(1)working (2)asked (3) invited (4) began
  4. 代/名+介词+which引导的定语从句
  【点拨】这样的定语从句一般是非限制性定语从句,which在从句中作介词的宾语,代指前面的物或事。例如:they all come from the usa, most of whom are scientists.他们都来自美国,大部分是科学家。we had a meeting, the purpose of which was completely unclear. 我们开了一个会,会议的内容还不完全清楚。
  【点击高考】recently i bought an ancient chinese vase, __________ was very reasonable.(XX上海)
  a. which price b. the price of which c. its price d. the price of whose
  【解析】答案是b。这是一个非限制性定语从句,the price of which指代花瓶的价格,等于whose price。
  【巩固练习】(1)there are two buildings, ________ stands nearly a hundred feet high.(XX 湖北)
  a. the larger b. the larger of them c. the larger are that d. the larger of which
  (2)the factory produces half a million pairs of shoes every year, 80%_______ are sold abroad.(XX辽宁)
  a. of which b. which of c. of them d. of that
  答案:(1) d (2) a
  5. –ing作状语
  【点拨】动词的-ing形式作状语时,应该注意以下三个方面:(1)分词表示的是句子主语发出的动作;(2)分词表示的动作和谓语表示的动作或状态是同时发生或先后发生;(3)分词表示的是次要的动作,一般是对谓语表示的动作或状态加以说明。常用来表示伴随、原因、时间和结果等。例如:he often sits on the sofa, watching tv. (伴随)the bell which indicated the end of the class rang, interrupting our heated discussion. (结果)
  (1) _________ so poor in those days, they couldn’t afford to send their son to school.(be)
  (2) _______ out of the room, he found the boy still there.(walk)
  (3) his wife died in 1990, _________ him two children.(leave)
  (4) they stood there for an hour, __________ the game.(watch)
  答案:(1) being (2) walking (3) leaving (4) watching
  1. sometimes, sometime, some time 和some times 四个词的区别。
  sometime 是副词,意思是:在某时。表示不确定的时间,可以与将来时也可以与过去时连用;sometimes是频度副词,意思是:偶尔,有时。常与一般现在时或一般过去时连用;
  some time是名词词组,意思是:一段时间。常指将来;some times是名词词组,意思是:几次,几倍。
  【例句】i usually go to school on foot, but sometimes i go to school by bike.
  i saw him sometime last winter.
  she will stay in beijing for some time.
  i met him some times in the street last week.
  2. if only与only if的区别
  if only的意思是:但愿,要是……就好了。常引导虚拟语气。only if的意思是:只要……。引导陈述语气的真实条件句。
  【例句】only if you study word, you will pass the exam.
  if only i had not been late yesterday.
  3. be about to do, be to do 与be going to
  be about to do 表示即将发生的动作,不表示按计划安排的活动,不与表示将来的时间状语连用。be going to 表示"打算/计划做某事",它表示按计划安排要发生的事或者有迹象表明某事要发生。be to do 表示"按计划或打算要做的事"或者表示"要求、命令、禁止、注定等"。它所表示的动作是事先安排好的受到人的主观意识的控制。
  【例句】he was about to leave when the telephone rang.
  it is going to rain.
  you are to do your homework in ink.
  4. like与as做介词时的区别
  【例句】i’ve always wanted a garden like yours.
  as a child, he lived in india.
  5. take, spend, cost与pay的区别
  spend 的主语必须是"人",宾语可以是"钱、精力、时间等",其后用on+名词或者in + doing,in可以省略。cost 的主语必须是"物"或"事",表示"费用,耗费",后接life , money, health, time , money等,侧重于"花费"的代价。 take 表示"花费"时,其主语一般是"一件事",通常用it做形式主语。pay 的意思是"支付",宾语可以是"人、钱"等,常和介词for搭配。
  【例句】the money he spent on the books added up to 500 yuan.
  it took me five hours to finish the work.
  the money i paid for the clothes was 800 yuan.
  how much did it cost ?
  1. —why don’t you put the meat in the fridge?
  —it will __________ fresh for several days.
  a. be stayed b. stay c. be staying d. have stayed
  2. it’s time they_____________ to school.
  a. go b. will go c. went d. have gone
  3. i was having ________ time that i didn’t want to leave.
  a. such a nice b. so nice c. such nice a d. such nice
  4. they stood beside the teacher, with their eyes____________ what the teacher was doing.
  a. focus on b. focusing on c. focused on d. to focus on
  5. the students in this college are all taking courses a degree.
  a. devoting to b. turning to c. leading to d. sticking to
  6. she moved back home to ____________ her elderly parents.
  a. take care b. care for c. care about d. with care
  7. he is just _________ because the girl he likes is here.
  a. showing up b. showing off c. showing his face d. showing around
  8. you can’t imagine the trouble the doctor had__________ the wounded child.
  a. saved b. to save c. saving d. save
  9. the traveler _________ a tent for the night.
  a. put down b. put up c. put on d. put off
  10. he plays football____________, if not better than his brother.
  a. as well b. as well as c. so well d. so well as
  1. the trees cast an intricate ________(图案)of shadows on the ground.
  2. during the second day we also had some ________(句型,方式)drills based on the dialogue in our class.
  3. he is a ________(模范,榜)of what a good student should be.
  4. she made a dress according to the dress ________(模型,底样,纸样).
  5. there are many wallpaper ________(样品,样本)in the shop to choose from.
  6. he has a job ________(面试,面谈)for the manager next week.
  7. as a reporter, he often has an ________(记者采访,访谈)with some important people.
  8. we have ________(对某人进行面试或面谈(动词))ten people for the job, but none is fit for it.
  9. next week, i will ________(媒体)采访,访问(动词)zhang yimou about his latest movie.
  1. she looks very pretty on the skirt.
  2. he studied deep into the night before the day in which he would have an exam.
  3. as a child , he couldn’t join a school because of the poorness of his family.
  4. at the age of 20, he set out to make a living like a teacher after graduating from college.
  5. as the whole, your passage is quite good.
  6. he often sleeps with the windows widely open.
  7. he is such a good teacher that we all respect and love.
  8. it is many colder than yesterday.
  9. the plan made up five parts sounded good.
  10. tom along with his parents are going to visit the great wall next week.
  (make use of, too many, in addition, a great / good many, make sense, stand out, many a, take one’s breath away, too much, pull through, take care, as many as, work away , hear from, at ease, as much as)
  1. he likes talking on and on, so i never feel_____________ with him.
  2. it __________ to buy the most up-to-date edition of the dictionary.
  3. my first view of the great wall from the air _____________________.
  4. it is suggested that the ability___________________ the online educational resources is a basic skill a student should possess.
  5. the task is going to be tough but we will ____________ it together.
  6. he ________ not to let anyone know that he failed the driving test.
  7. he _______________ at the job as soon as he had lunch.
  8. yao ming always _______________ in the crowd because of his height.
  9. how often do you_______________ your sister ?
  10. he was made to work 16 hours a day and beaten_____________.
  11.this little fish will grow to huge size, _______________ three feet.
  12. there were ______________ fifty foreign students visiting our school yesterday.
  13. i don’t want _____________ of them. six will be enough.
  14. she is afraid that the trip will be ____________ for her old mother.
  15. i recognized her at the first sight because i’ve known her for _________ years.
  16. _______ good man has been destroyed by drink.
  1. in order to change attitudes___________ study, our school is bringing in some new methods.
  a. about b. of c. towards d. on
  2. i’m sorry it’s ___________ my power to make a final plan.
  a. over b. above c. of d. beyond
  3. the sunlight came in____________ the window and up my room.
  a. through b. across c. on d. in
  4. my plane leaves at 6, so i have to be at the airport___________ half past five at the latest.
  a. until b. after c. around d. by
  5. ___________ the time going on, he becomes better and better at the job.
  a. as b. for c. with d. through
  1. i know it isn’t important but i can’t help__________ about it.
  a. to think b. thinking c. but to think d. but thinking
  2. there is no _________ that we can get there on time.
  a. affair b. doubt c. matter d. problem
  3. the story is_________ worth__________.
  a. good; being listened b. well; listening c. well; to be listened d. well; being listened
  4. if only i ____________ to my teacher’s advice!
  a. listening b. listen c. am listening d. had listened
  5. he is __________ a teacher to us. besides, he is a good friend of ours.
  a. more than b. no more than c. less than d. no less than
  6. what is happening? i feel the ground ___________!
  a. move b. to move c. moving d. moves
  7. the boy is talking about what happened yesterday as if he____________ there just then.
  a. was b. were c. be d. had been
  8. he worked ___________ into the night to prepare for his final exam.
  a. deep b. deeply c. wide d. widely
  9. __________ i saw him, i recognized him as my best friend tom.
  a. the minute b. a minute c. one minute d. minute
  10. i have shown him many times, but he ________can’t do it.
  a. still b. yet c. already d. always
  1. he likes sitting by the river enjoying the beauty of the sunset.
  2. she had been a beauty in her day.
  3. the last goal in the football match was a beauty.
  4. one of the beauties of living in the mountainous area is that it is so peaceful.
  5. don’t play with the sharp knife. it is dangerous.
  6. because of the bad weather, there was a sharp increase in price.
  7. the guard kept a sharp lookout for any strangers.
  8. my teacher was very sharp with me when i was late.
  9. he made a sharp turn to the left when driving on the road.
  10. the cheese has a sharp taste, which doesn’t agree with me.
  1. without a moment’s ________________(犹豫), he jumped into the lake to save the child.
  2. he does not like anyone _______________(挑战)his authority.
  3. when building____________(材料)cost more, the price of the houses increases.
  4. he found out _____________(各种各样的)reasons for his being late.
  5. our school offers all kinds of ______________(娱乐)for young teachers.
  6. he was punished because he was caught w__________ answers to the others during the exam.
  7. when it rains, the road becomes m____________.
  8. the alarm clock a____________ me every morning.
  9. heavy p________ on the roof.
  10. she w________ at the death of her little cat.
  1. there is no doubt whether he is lying.
  2. he didn’t respond my words.
  3. study hard at your lessons, or you fail in the exams.
  4. such a good boy is very worth praising.
  5. on seeing his funny looks, i couldn’t help but to laugh.
  6. please have the stone move away. it is in the way.
  7. today i realize what means to a chinese.
  8. china daily is no more than a newspaper. it can also help improve our english.
  9. you can’t have told him the truth, which made the things even worse.
  10. the only noise was the sound of the stream goes over the rocks.
  (the minute , be familiar with, can’t help but, be eager to, a variety of, wake up, put on)
  1. she is such a good teacher that we ______________ respect her.
  2. i ___________ his voice, so __________ i picked up the phone, i knew it was a call from him.
  3. he ____________ only to find he was lying on the ground.
  4. he has ____________interests, such as basketball and music.
  5. having been away from home for two years, he _____________ see his family.
  1. the poor boy has gone__________ a lot since his parents died.
  a. through b. over c. with d. across
  2. "look out! there is a thief," he said to me _________a whisper.
  a. at b. with c. for d. in
  3. mr. smith likes to sleep ________ the light on.
  a. for b. in c. with d. to
  4. i came here ________ the purpose _________ learning from the workers.
  a. with; of b. with; for c. for; with d. for; in
  5. __________ our great joy, the child returned_________ peace.
  a. to; in b. to; at c. for; with d. for; in
  li ming: i will have to give a report on shakespear tomorrow. but i have no idea about him. (1)______________________________? (我该怎么办?)
  li hua: (2) ___________ (我建议)you should go to the library to find some information about shakespear.
  li ming: but today is sunday. it is not open on sunday.
  li hua: (3) _________________________? (何不上网查一查?)
  li ming: that’s a good idea.
  一、1-5 bcacc 6-10 bbcbb
  二、1. pattern2. pattern
  3. pattern4. pattern.
  5. patterns6. interview
  7. interview 8. interviewed
  9. interview
  三、1. on改为 in2. in改为 on
  3. join改为 attend4. like 改为as
  5. as 改为on 6. widely改为wide
  7. love后加him或 that改为as
  8. many 改为much9. up后加of
  10. are改为is
  四、1. at ease 2. makes sense3. took my breath away 4. to make use of
  5. pull through6. took care7. worked away 8.stands out
  9. hear from 10. in addition11. as much as 12. as many as
  13. too many 14. too much 15. a great / good many 16. many a
  六、bbbda, cdaaa
  七、1. 美,美丽
  2. 美人
  3. 典型的例子,极好的榜样
  4. 好处,优点
  5. (刀等的刃)锋利的,锐利的
  8. (人或语言)尖锐的,严厉的
  9. 急转的
  10. (气味、味道)辛辣的,刺鼻的
  八、1. hesitation 2. challenging 3. materials 4. various 5. entertainment
  6. whispering 7. muddy 8. awakes 9. pounded 10. wept
  九、1. whether that 2. respond后加to
  3.you后加will 4. very well
  5. 去掉to 6. move moved
  7. what后加it 8.去掉no
  9.can’t shouldn’t 10.goes going
  十、1. can’t help but2.was familiar with; the minute
  3. woke up4. a variety of5. is eager to
  十二、(1) what shall i do with this
  (2) i suggest
  (3) what about surfing the internet
