

  新目标八年级上unit 7 how do you make a banana milk shake? period 2教案
  人民教育出版社新目标英语八年级上第七单元"how do you make a banana milk shake?"
  语言目标ingredients;amount; recipe;
  put…in; pour into;turn on /off; cut up ; mix up; peel; fold
  first; then; next; finally
  学会在谈论食物制作过程中使用how much…? how many…?
  六.重点词汇:milk shake, fruit/vegetable salad ,popcorn, turkey/chicken sandwiches ,
  beijing duck,a cup of ,chopsticks,teaspoons of , pancake, slices of bread,
  cut up , peel, pour …into, put… in, mix up , boil , add…to , roll , turn on
  first, next ,then ,finally
  task 1: get ingredients ready for a party
  stepsteachers’ activitiesstudents’ activities whys
  step1do warming-up activity.
  play a video the children in the orphanage.
  let the students say sth. after watching it.sing the song" jingle bells" together.
  watch the video and have a short talk about what you think of it and what we can do for them.enliven the atmosphere.
  lead into the scene.
  reflect the happiness we have and take care of it .
  step2give some advice to the students ,advise them to have a chrismas party for the children.first prepare some food or other gifts.
  give some new words about ingredients.group work.pide the students to 10 groups.
  ask and answer in groups:
  what present shall we prepare?
  what ingredients/tools do we need?
  learn some countable or uncountable nouns.express your own opinion to make the others of the group agree with you. foster students’ ability in using language.
  think it over before you begin to do something .
  learn from the know to the unknown.
  step3walk around and find the problem when the students are discussing the amount.act out their dialogue of discussion. using how many and how much .practice the target language"how many / how much". during the discussing of ingredients and amount , the students will decide the amount of ingredients according to the amount of people.
  task 2 teach the children in the orphanage to make something
  stepsteacher’ s activitiesstudents’ activitieswhys
  step 1present some pictures of the food or the other things what the students prepare.
  ask :can you teach them how to make it?
  give some useful verbs .
  move around and offer
  language help if necessary.
  work in groups:
  discuss how to make the food.
  learn to use different verbs to describle the
  procedures.arouse students’ learning enthusiasm.
  give students a chance of learning by doing.
  step 2ask students to write the procedure down.
  using first,next ,then ,finallypractice writing.
  at first write by yourself.
  then change and check your little composition with the others in the group.
  make sure whose is the best.provide writing practice using the target language.
  learn to help study each other.
  foster students’ ability in cooperation.
  pave the way for further speaking.
  step 3invite some groups to report.
  ask the other groups a few questions about the report.group leaders give reports to the whole class one by one.
  the others listen to the reports and answer the questions.provide speaking and listening practice .
  learn from each other.
  task 3 get the party started
  stepsteacher’ s activitiesstudents’ activitieswhys
  it’s time to get our party started.
  enjoy the song "you ‘d better get the party started " from pink.
  prepare for the party.
  stand up and cheer.
  enliven the atmosphere.
  call students’ enthusiasm of learning english.
  step2please show the children your talents actively.
  encourge all of the students to come before the class.
  don’t be shy or nervous.
  have a competition between boys and girls .
  which team is more active or talented?advocate study through practice , participation ,
  cooperation and communication.
  step3assignment make a kind of food that you learnt today for your parents at home and tell your parents what the westerns like to eat and how to make them.consolidate and know more about western countries.
  emotion education :
  love the people around us.
  这节综合活动课首先创设了一个情境,即为孤儿院送温暖,举办一台自助式圣诞晚会。使菜谱这一简单生硬的教学内容变得生动有趣而有意义。为此,一共设计了三个任务型活动——准备"菜单"的材料;菜单的制作过程; 为孤儿院的小朋友们表演节目。三个活动都充分利用小组活动的优势,由小组成员分头收集资料,表达观点。通过学生们的合作学习,自主学习,实现多边互动,共同发展。体现了教师一贯遵循的教师主导,学生主体的教育理念。
  t: (with a big smile)hello! everybody .are you happy today ?
  s: yes.
  t: miss zhang is happy, too. why? because chrismas day is coming . let ‘s sing a chrismas song together. how about "jingle bells"?
  s:ok.(sing the song with the teacher)
  t: excellent singers! now let me show you a short video. watch it and tell me :
  what do you think of it?
  t: ( after playing a short video of an orphanage)can you say something ?
  s1: they don’t have parents. i think they are lonely.
  s2: their house isn’t as good as mine.
  s3: they don’t have computers to play.
  s4: they are poor. they need help.
  t: you are so kind. they really need some help. what can we do for them on chrismas day?
  ss: (together)give them some gifts.
  t: good idea! let’s have a party with them on that day. ok?
  s: ok.
  t: now let’s get ready for the party. what gift would you like to give them? i think you can bring them some kinds of food. here are some things you can choose.(with some slides shown)
  s1: we ‘d like to make fruit salad for them.
  s2: tukey sandwiches!
  s3: vegetable salad.
  s4: beijing duck and milk shake.
  s5: we want to make popcorn for them.
  t: very good ideas. any other different ideas?
  s5: can we make a chrimas tree for them, miss zhang?
  t: of course you can. that’s fantastic.
  s6: we ‘ll make some nice invitations for them.
  s7: we’ll teach them how to surf the internet.
  t: ok ,you are so smart . i can’t wait to have a look. if you decide what to make ,you can discuss the ingredients in groups now. these words and drills on the screen can help you.
  (show the following words and drills: milk shake, fruit/vegetable salad ,popcorn, turkey sandwiches ,beijing duck
  fruit , bananas ,apples, pears, watermelon ……
  ingredients vegetables, carrots, cabbage, peas,lettuce……
  relish , sause ,salt, suger, honey, yogurt, green onion, butter…….
  tools blender, oven , bowl, teaspoon, a cup of ,chopsticks,teaspoons of , pancake, slices of bread…….
  how many…… do we need?
  how much…… do we need?)
  when the students discuss in groups,the teacher walk around the classroom
  offer help if necessary.
  s: miss zhang , how many children are there in the orphanage?
  t: a good question. there are ten.
  ( after a few minutes , let the students show their ingredients by asking and answering.)
  t: everything is ready . let’s go there with the things .can you teach the children how to make or cook these things ?
  ss: sorry , we don’t know.
  t: so you should learn how to make them at first. these verbs may help you.
  at first you can discuss in groups ,then you should write the procedure down by yourself.
  (show some verbs on the screen to help: cut up , peel, pour …into, put… in/on, mix up , boil , add…to , roll , turn on/off )
  don’t forget to use first, next ,then ,finally
  the teacher moves around and offer timely help.
  t: after writing, change your exercise-books and check it with the others in your group.make sure whose composition is the best among you. every group has a chance to give a report before the whole class. who wants to be the first?
  ss:( actively) me.
  ( let the ones whose compositions are the best in their groups give us a report .)
  t: you did good jobs. i am proud of you. it’s time for the chrismas party now. let’s start it.
  ( turn on the recorder and enjoy the music"you ‘d better get the party started " from pink. let the students stand up and relax, get ready to show the telents to everybody. )
  t: let ‘s have a competition between boys and girls . who are better , boys or girls?
  ss: boys! girls!
  s1: (one boy)let me sing an english song for them.
  s2: (one girl) i can dance.
  class is over with cheering.
